
Devoted Member
Apr 12, 2018
so, is it good for the corruption part? by the mean of focusing on the corruption content
I wouldn't call the focus in this game corruption... you eas the girls into relationships that previously only saw you as a child... but all of them are more than willing to become your lovers... no need for elaborate tricks or black mail... if anything in some cases the Player becomes a victim to those
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Engaged Member
Jun 12, 2017
wow played this game since the alpha and it has finally got an ending. However I am hoping the final two updates will add some more things that were missing within the game. Such as ending with each of the girls besides just the mother. Every one of the mayor 6 girls as well as the Goddesses he bound himself too should get an Ending In my opinion.


Sep 13, 2017
i really do hope its more than two.. there's so many "will be available in a future update" littered around the game that's been there since the beginning.. not to mention there's two handfuls of characters who ether don't have a scene or have like 1 teasing scene and there's some characters who don't have much to do after you complete their story.... and this is a personal opinion but i was kinda upset a certain lust character wasn't apart of the final mission with the passion character, it would make sense because of how they're basically your first lust choice and have a strong connection to your first passion choice.. its a amazing game but there's so much missing :( hell i thought we would have more threesome scenes at this point
Blame that on all the artists who keep flaking. Think there's been like 6 or so working on this over the years, might be more even. If there'd been consistency then we'd have all the fun scenes.
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Dec 14, 2018
v1.9 this is the final version that mean this game is complete or not? because there at mary house at 2nd floor there a chest and clothes didnt opened


Nov 7, 2019
Anyone know how to go to
Haunted Woods
Spider’s Den?? I just go to haunted woods and it was just can't be opened


Aug 20, 2018
Anyone know how to go to
Haunted Woods
Spider’s Den?? I just go to haunted woods and it was just can't be opened
All of the doors (red, blue, green, whatever) and the areas behind them are only accessible during specific times. Haunted forest is Night and Late Night. When you try and access an area outside of the time that it is available a message pops up telling you that you can't go there at this time and then tells you when to try again.


Sep 13, 2017

Town of Passion - Beta 2.0 First Look!
"Was 1.9 the last update for Town of Passion?"
== Beta 2.0 ==
This update is part 1 of (at the moment, 2) more updates to wrap up most everything I want to do with Town of Passion's post game!
There are a few loose ends in ToP and I plan to wrap up most of those starting with this update. As you can see, the player's Special Someone is dressed for a special occasion!
There will also be a concluding event for one of the main villains. It was a WIP scene that was teased quite a while back and now it's fully complete & animated! I hope you all enjoy it!
(Yes, I know Beta 2.0 isn't proper naming etiquette. Learned my lesson with Beta 1.0 but we've committed down this road with ToP haha. The final update will drop 'Beta' and just be 1.0.0)

== Artist 'Drought' ==
So something I've mentioned quite a few times during ToP's last year or so has been the shortage of availability form the artists. However, there was something with the current lead artist that we knew in advance would be a problem now.
During summer months, their equipment is prone to overheating so they are unavailable during this time.
Fortunately, this is something we were able to plan/prepare for in the first half of 2020. This upcoming update has all of the main NSFW content finished so it's mostly up to me to just create the update! I will also be looking at adding some other things like sprite scenes since this is partially a 'mash-up' update.
There are still a few more new scenes I want to add before ToP is finalized and starting this early fall, the artist seems confident that they can resume working again on those at that time.
The build still has much more that needs to be finished but I wanted to share this update now as I'm receiving a lot of questions asking if ToP is complete. Not quite, but it should be finished entirely later this year!
Thank you all so much for your support and I will see you all with more teasers & updates!


May 7, 2020
[QUOTE = "Doomskull, posting: 3808848, anggota: 203228"]

Town of Passion - Beta 2.0 Tampilan Pertama!
"Apakah 1.9 pembaruan terakhir untuk Kota Sengsara?"
== Beta 2.0 ==
Pembaruan ini adalah bagian 1 dari (saat ini, 2) lebih banyak pembaruan untuk menyelesaikan semua yang ingin saya lakukan dengan permainan posting Town of Passion!
Ada beberapa ujung yang longgar di ToP dan saya berencana untuk mengakhiri sebagian besar yang dimulai dengan pembaruan ini. Seperti yang Anda lihat, Seseorang Khusus pemain berpakaian untuk acara khusus!
Juga akan ada acara penutup untuk salah satu penjahat utama. Itu adalah adegan WIP yang diejek beberapa waktu lalu dan sekarang sepenuhnya lengkap & animasi! Saya harap Anda semua menikmatinya!
(Ya, saya tahu Beta 2.0 bukan etiket penamaan yang tepat. Mempelajari pelajaran saya dengan Beta 1.0 tapi kami sudah berkomitmen di jalan ini dengan ToP haha. Pembaruan terakhir akan turun 'Beta' dan hanya menjadi 1.0.0)

== Artis 'Kekeringan' ==
Jadi sesuatu yang saya sebutkan beberapa kali selama ToP's tahun lalu adalah kurangnya ketersediaan artis. Namun, ada sesuatu dengan artis utama saat ini yang kami tahu sebelumnya akan menjadi masalah sekarang.
Selama bulan-bulan musim panas, peralatan mereka cenderung terlalu panas sehingga mereka tidak tersedia selama waktu ini.
Untungnya, ini adalah sesuatu yang kami dapat rencanakan / siapkan pada paruh pertama tahun 2020. Pembaruan mendatang ini memiliki semua konten NSFW utama selesai sehingga sebagian besar terserah saya untuk hanya membuat pembaruan! Saya juga akan melihat menambahkan beberapa hal lain seperti adegan sprite karena ini sebagian merupakan pembaruan 'mash-up'.
Masih ada beberapa adegan baru yang ingin saya tambahkan sebelum ToP diselesaikan dan mulai awal musim gugur ini, artis tampaknya yakin bahwa mereka dapat kembali bekerja pada mereka pada waktu itu.
Build masih memiliki lebih banyak yang harus diselesaikan tetapi saya ingin membagikan pembaruan ini sekarang karena saya menerima banyak pertanyaan yang menanyakan apakah ToP sudah lengkap. Tidak cukup, tetapi harus selesai seluruhnya akhir tahun ini!
Terima kasih banyak atas dukungan Anda dan saya akan melihat Anda semua dengan lebih banyak teaser & pembaruan!



Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2017
Where is the third chicken in Chicken Chase I? Hope I haven't hit a bug first thing, just when I thought of finally trying a proper playthrough of this game.
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