
Sep 21, 2017
I like these paths:
1. Evan + his friends;
2. Evan + Drew.

Some forcing and blackmail are very good too. )))
I don't think a romantic path is very popular fetish.

TangoTF, thanks for the good game! (y)
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Apr 22, 2018
I like these paths:
1. Evan + his friends;
2. Evan + Drew.

Some forcing and blackmail are very good too. )))
I don't think a romantic path is very popular fetish.

TangoTF, thanks for the good game! (y)
from a female perspective a romantic path or happy ending is not unpopular at all.
I dont see a reson why it shouldnt be possible for a player to gr through hard stuff but nevertheless have a shot at a good ending.
If we prefer the bad one, we may make the according decisions, if today I feel like having a good one -why not have just that at hand? its not like this game really forces any outcome on us, we have a tonload of choices most of the time to make sure we get what we want. whoever likes it may have it and who doesnt wont be bothered.

What are the stories we love like? a main character starting out pretty normal, facing troubles, struggling, failing and then in the end overcoming it all. I dont see why this basic concept wouldnt be available in a game that has presented us with huge amounts of storylines and outcomes.

I d like to go even further and have a not so identifyable branch, where you try to make decisions to trigger sth but it doesnt play out like that at all. You know -just like it sometimes happens in real life too, due to interaction and different interests ;P


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Aug 25, 2018
Thanks for the comments, everyone!

Many /most of those possibilities will be explored one day.

I wouldn't say that the "good" or "bad" tone preference is divided by the sex of a reader. It is definitely more a personality thing. There are lots of females that like the Mitch path and lots of guys that like more of the lovey dovey content. It's the rare ones that like it all :p

Since I have most of the endings already written, I can say with near certainty that the most satisfying endings are varied between themes and outcomes. I bet that when the project is finished and we argue over which ending is best that the romantic endings will score very highly. They are so good that I am okay with hyping them up because I'm confident I can deliver.

Like everyone is inferring, there will be some good, bad, and ugly paths. If I don't make you laugh, cry, and cum at least once I'm doing something wrong!


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Aug 25, 2018
It's great that you know very well what your duties are :p Tango keep up and never stop ! (y)
Well the story has so many paths it might just go on forever :p

I worked on one of the romantic "good" ends + a variation this morning. Whaaat? A choice of multiple good ends on some paths based on your actions? You betcha!
Last edited:


May 31, 2017
I personally prefer to get "bad" endings only because you (the player) chose it. I detest "forced" bad ending choices. (See: why I detest most NTR games, their choices are usually "a. get cucked b. get cucked a different way c. don't get cucked, jk you still get cucked"). So I'm fine with Taylor getting a bad ending because I deliberately placed her in a bad situation, like a bunker with a rape-y doomsday survivalist, but I'm not fine with "surprise, you didn't look both ways before crossing the street, you got run over by a car" ala old school Sierra games bad endings.
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Aug 25, 2018
I personally prefer to get "bad" endings only because you (the player) chose it. I detest "forced" bad ending choices. (See: why I detest most NTR games, their choices are usually "a. get cucked b. get cucked a different way c. don't get cucked, jk you still get cucked"). So I'm fine with Taylor getting a bad ending because I deliberately placed her in a bad situation, like a bunker with a rape-y doomsday survivalist, but I'm not fine with "surprise, you didn't look both ways before crossing the street, you got run over by a car" ala old school Sierra games bad endings.
What about a good end that you get to choose vs a bad end that you get to choose? Navigating to the true ends and reveals while avoiding red herrings is both luck (has to be in an area with a reveal) and choice based. I am trying to make both avenues as satisfying as possible.

Thanks for the comment, Kaorok!


Apr 22, 2018
What about a good end that you get to choose vs a bad end that you get to choose? Navigating to the true ends and reveals while avoiding red herrings is both luck (has to be in an area with a reveal) and choice based. I am trying to make both avenues as satisfying as possible.

Thanks for the comment, Kaorok!
your dedication is as amazing as it is inspiring :love:
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May 31, 2017
What about a good end that you get to choose vs a bad end that you get to choose? Navigating to the true ends and reveals while avoiding red herrings is both luck (has to be in an area with a reveal) and choice based. I am trying to make both avenues as satisfying as possible.

Thanks for the comment, Kaorok!
This is a good question! I'm fine with choices leading to WTF why am I having sex with a goldfish/mothman??? moments (Like the secret ending for Coming Out On Top, one of my favorite Western Visual Novels) but don't go overboard with them, as I feel that too much WTF tend to dilute the impact of each one. (The first WTF is great, the 2nd is good, the 3rd becomes meh, in my experience). I'm fine with SOME trial and error such as Path A leads to an eventual good end, Path B leads to eventual bad end, Patch C leads to immediate game over. I absolutely detest too many trial and error choices, especially if they're all in quick succession, since they just encourage save scumming, and piss me off when I realize that I didn't keep a save back at the LAST place where I can make a good choice. Also as long as there is an internal and consistent logic at work that should indicate HOW you are supposed to make good choices, I'm fine with that. Again, if you want to see an example of what not to do, oldschool King's Quest/Space Quest games which can make the game unwinnable because of a choice you made 5 minutes into the game are what I always bring up.
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Aug 25, 2018
This is a good question! I'm fine with choices leading to WTF why am I having sex with a goldfish/mothman??? moments (Like the secret ending for Coming Out On Top, one of my favorite Western Visual Novels) but don't go overboard with them, as I feel that too much WTF tend to dilute the impact of each one. (The first WTF is great, the 2nd is good, the 3rd becomes meh, in my experience). I'm fine with SOME trial and error such as Path A leads to an eventual good end, Path B leads to eventual bad end, Patch C leads to immediate game over. I absolutely detest too many trial and error choices, especially if they're all in quick succession, since they just encourage save scumming, and piss me off when I realize that I didn't keep a save back at the LAST place where I can make a good choice. Also as long as there is an internal and consistent logic at work that should indicate HOW you are supposed to make good choices, I'm fine with that. Again, if you want to see an example of what not to do, oldschool King's Quest/Space Quest games which can make the game unwinnable because of a choice you made 5 minutes into the game are what I always bring up.
Thanks for the detailed feedback, Kaorok! There will hopefully be "WTF" and "Whoa..." in equal measure balanced by so many different variations that I doubt any one trope will get exhausted. Right now I think the current endings heavily skew to the "rapey" side (because they are generally easiest and first in sequence) but that should quickly balance out.

If anyone wants to help support the project please like Transfigure on tfgs ( ) or leave me honest comments and reviews on this thread. I've got so many stories on the go that lobbying for your favorite route does increase the chance it gets worked on.

A big thanks to all my patrons and readers that contribute to the project! Every buck and typo fix is another brick in a very big wall.
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May 31, 2017
LOL yeah I understand why you gotta put the rape-y bad ends in first. Gotta start finishing the water slide. :p


Sep 16, 2018
So no progress on the lost on woods path uh??? Was expecting something from that thingy. Started cool in the tent...but then just lost the momentum...
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Aug 25, 2018
So no progress on the lost on woods path uh??? Was expecting something from that thingy. Started cool in the tent...but then just lost the momentum...
The votes have accumulated to the point I think that story is in 1st place for next month. I did work on one of the variations of the story yesterday but it is a whole other branch with similar but different themes.

I am close to another update but I am going to keep adding stuff up until the 22nd (Transfigure's 2 year anniversary).


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Aug 25, 2018
I like it already ! 2 years ... damn, you must really love writting this story ! Never thought of letting it go ?
Counting all the pre production it is probably closer to 3 years but the 2 years is from the public release. I have fun writing Transfigure, which is more than I can say for some of my other more daunting writing projects that feel more like work. All the routes and characters keep things pretty fresh and interesting from a dev standpoint.

I never seriously considered giving up but the first year was definitely a lot of work for little pay (and I started TF because I went broke, so it was a lean year). I would have made a lot more money working at Mcdonalds than on donation based writing but anyone that has started their own business or worked on a major creative endeavor knows that the pay off is generally worth it in the long run (if you can tough it out and make something worthwhile).

I started with a group of 5 patreon accounts (trying to help each other out) and I am the only one left. 3 quit year one and 1 quit last year. It's hard to create something good in the first place, but then to run at a protracted loss and continue to make content and build a following is an effort I think many would be creators underestimate because they see the opposite side where random guy puts out some bad cg and a demo and then gets 2k usd a month instantly.

I won't let Transfigure go until it's finished but it does have to compete for resources with my other jobs and projects. Right now Tango Fiction is sustainable but it definitely isn't a money maker yet (although I think the ad revenue pirate sites make off me is getting to a significant sum). I think I am close to making minimum wage for all the hours I put in. Whether it takes 1 year or 5 to finish is up to the community at this point as much as the hummingbird spirit. I am not a money grubbing dev but I need to eat, so I have been focusing a lot of time on my new job/company I started and it is already more profitable than Tango Fiction in its 2nd month. The crowd of dollar bills (the market) is yelling "quit Tango Fiction and follow the money! You are much more valued there!" but I'm too stubborn to quit when I feel I am on the verge of success. Writing compliments my other work pretty well but I am worried one company will become more successful than the other and suck all my time away. If I was where I was financially 5 years ago, I'd focus on TF but since I am still in poverty tier I feel like I should focus on income and using the valuable professional skills I possess to earn enough to keep writing on the side until I hit critical mass. I want it all so balance is the name of the game I guess.


Mar 31, 2017
TangoTF Thank you for this honest, and quite developped, answer :).

Human mind is a weird thing, you can make ton of money with no story but good looking pictures and design your game grindy as hell to create this "fake content feel". Like one scene with X variations between thousands of clicks. Or you can do what you do, not spending much on visuals but focus on a deep and complex story. But this side of workload is below the surface.

How many scriptwriter can anybody name ? On the contrary, if you ask about good looking actors ...

My point is, to make money with what you do, visuals cannot be overlooked. But this is only this superficial thing that's missing, you've got all the rest.

That being said, I really like the main female actor you choose, she's the perfect fit to your stories !
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Aug 25, 2018
TangoTF Thank you for this honest, and quite developped, answer :).

Human mind is a weird thing, you can make ton of money with no story but good looking pictures and design your game grindy as hell to create this "fake content feel". Like one scene with X variations between thousands of clicks. Or you can do what you do, not spending much on visuals but focus on a deep and complex story. But this side of workload is below the surface.

How many scriptwriter can anybody name ? On the contrary, if you ask about good looking actors ...

My point is, to make money with what you do, visuals cannot be overlooked. But this is only this superficial thing that's missing, you've got all the rest.

That being said, I really like the main female actor you choose, she's the perfect fit to your stories !
Thanks for the thoughts, KC!

Caprice is a mega babe. Maybe one day I will make enough that we could bribe her to do a few scenes for Transfigure. I'd gladly pay her a royalty if she joined us!

Heh. One can dream :p

I think one day Tango Fiction will remake Transfigure with the final story but new graphics, most likely in a 3d CG or an anime CG style... or maybe both o_O' Wouldn't that be crazy if you had a choice of your favorite game in 3 different graphics styles!? It is something that could be done in parallel down the line. Maybe I do one and hire another style out. Then I could easily relaunch the same epic story with slightly different audiences for more exposure. I am either drunk on nectar or on to something here! I always wanted to do a redo but 2 redos... mwahahahahah! (Galamoth sighted).

If you had a choice of Transfigure fully loaded with real porn, unique hentai style anime/game CG, or high quality 3D graphics which would you choose? I think it is pretty feasible because I don't want to just scrap all the graphics I have now for a new arbitrary art direction. It would be nice to get all three. Is this a genius idea or really dumb? Let me know what you think!

P.S. I am in discussion with several well known artists regarding some commissions and joint ventures. A couple have offered to assist me in restarting my own graphics experiments. I am not sure what will come of it all but I am optimistic.
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Mar 31, 2017
Well, I for one could be "lost" with a changing visual / multiple artists during a story, especially with these long monthly upadted games. You start to play, come to like the protagonists, background, etc. And then boom, the orginal artist can't do enough or quit or wathever and you have to change for another one. Unless the new artist is a very good copycat, the visual art will be different. And often, one artist has his signature. It's maybe just me but I find awkward.

I'm thinking about Seed of chaos, Rondscape Adorevia, ... On the other hand, when the main artists is also the one that own the project, the visual signature is kept, unless he becomes better, like Good Girl Gone Bad and so many others.

Nevertheless, and I thought about giving it a go but ... life and lazyness didn't let me put this into motion, you have created something that could work well with multiples artists.

Taylor is a boy until he isn't. And rigth here, you could break the game with different visual signatures.
  • You have a regular story like Drew, Evan, ... ? Stick with real porn
  • You have weird bad dark twisted shit ? Why not a comics
  • You have a funny colorful path ? Go with anime
  • You go for a futurist modern scenario ? Perfect with 3D
Since your paths don't really cross each others, I think it could be visually enjoyable. But it's just a thought, your way of doing things will always be the good one ;).


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Aug 25, 2018
To be clear what I am proposing is three different versions. Identical text. Version A is real porn that I am doing now. Once I am 100% done or close, I'd maybe do a 2nd 3d CG version myself (or maybe with a different but consistent artist, ie they do the whole game for a cut.) Then I just thought if I do that why not keep going and commission another 2d artist to remake in ren py as a classic Japanese style VN. I have an old patron poll about art style, and the consensus was that people that don't really care about art style as long as it is consistent and quality. But they were split - some people love real porn or hcg or whatever. Once the story is done and I have graphics I could remake the entire game very rapidly, probably within a couple months assuming the graphics were done. Then 4 years from now there is just three options - play your game with mark 1 real porn graphics, gifs and videos (Twine), mark 2 with 3D graphics (probably twine, maybe Ren Py), or mark 3 with 2d anime hcg (Ren Py). Each will have a slightly different "feel" due to the art direction and you just pick the one that allows the greatest level of immersion and enjoyment. Swapping art mid story won't happen, I try as it is to keep everything consistent but there are still a huge number of sources for the media and it seems to work, so maybe it could be done with a crowd sourcing kind of operation. I'm just brainstorming ways to get more mileage out of such a large story.
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4.20 star(s) 37 Votes