That's the stablest version I can provide since it was provided directly by the author
What type of game you are translating? Rpgmaker, renpy, etc
I confirm that sometimes the injection on rpgmaker games is faulty ( never tried other games ), like in my tries 1 out of 10/15 it will bug out the game entirely, like events not firing correctly etc. This with all versions I tried so far. Also when you start the project, it will ask you if you wanna also translate the plugins, ALWAYS choose cancel, if you already started a project, scroll down to the plugins, select them and clean their translations.
About the addons, personally don't have any problem with them, I use deepL constantly, maybe you refer to other plugin that I probably don't use.
However general talking, to everyone, if you are translating games "professionally", meaning to possibly release them to others, DO NOT USE THIS PROGRAM, is faulty af, it would give you more problems than benefit. If you are translating this game just because you wanna have a quick play and know how the game is like (and mostly what they are saying), then go ahead.