Posted this over on ULMF and thought it might help some people here too.
Some tips for using translator++ without too many errors from the beginning of translation:
1. As soon as the files load into translator++ go to the Scripts file and delete it from the translation, you don't wanna translate it with the machine, it'll cause a whole bunch of issues. (RPG Maker MV Games don't have a Scripts file so go to next step.)
2. Go into the Context Menu and for RPG VX Ace games remove all instances of inlinescript, these are script calls and you usually don't wanna translate those, for MV games you remove notes and Plugin Commands as these contain scriptcalls for MV games.
3. Make sure after the translation finishes you do Ctrl + F and search for "\ " (theres a space after the \) then replace with "\" (remove the Quotation marks) if theres a space after \ then it'll cause issues for ruby code. Also search for "\\" and replace with "\" (without quotations) as having multiple \ also causes issues, do this one a couple times. Sometimes "if" and "en" statements will also bug out, you search for them like this "if (" or "en (" (again no quotations) they should look like this "if(" or "en(", then check if they use "v [" or "s [" variables and they should look like this "v[" or "s[". One last thing that can also cause issues is this " > =" it should look like this ">=", no space before the arrow and no space between arrow and equals. You should be able to just copy and past everything within the quotations and search it like that.
I've found after doing this for all translations its easier to make simple machine translations with most things translated and very few errors if any at all. Sometimes inlinescripts contain names of characters or mobs, like in Knights of Messiah by Doujin Gyu, so those will be untranslated but the game wont break.
Hope this helps and good luck with all your translations.