The unlocks basically work for any version of the game released after that unlock file but before the next unlock is released. For the most part, it all hinges on release dates, which is also why all the game and debug files are named by date and not version.
Okay I fixed it, now it works.
How to get Trap Quest's debug mode working on Android Fabularium version 1.5.0:
1. Download Trap Quest's game .gblorb file and debug .gblorb file.
2. Add both game and debug .gblorb to Fabularium. If the games don't show up, press the "refresh" icon on the "Play" tab, they should appear.
3. Run debug .gblorb
4. Run Trap Quest and save a game. Remember the savefile filename.
5. Navigate to your Fabularium "GameData" folder and find the debug's
save folder. Look for a file called
6. Copy
donators.glkdata to your Trap Quest
save folder. This folder should contain the same .glksave savefile you made earlier.
7. Run Trap Quest, choose quick start and type debug. It should tell you "Debug mode on".
Note: Fabulatium 1.5.0 is bad with multiple versions of the same game.
In the "Play" tab, long press the Trap Quest icon and press "About" to see if it's loading the correct version.
If not, in the "Play" tab, remove the game.
Then in the "Explore" tab and Fabularium's "Games" folder, either:
- remove the unwanted versions
- OR rename the unwanted version's file extention to an invalid file type like .gbloorb
Then in the "Explore" tab, "Games" folder,
re-add the correct version to Fabularium.
In the "Play" tab, hit "refresh" icon and the game icon should show up. Long press the game icon and press "About" to see if it's loading the correct version.