No mention of a new Booty Call only a new Kamasutra page which implies a new position for an existing Booty Call girl by the look of things.
It is far too soon in the story for pulchritudinous Janet to respond to a Booty Call and so, based on the second picture in the Weekly Report, it looks like a horizontal sexual position is in the offing as per Kayley's Kamasutra options. (Missionary position maybe.

) Personally Kayley does nothing for me.

Her character is very sweet and pretty but far too angular and childlike to hold any appeal for me personally. To be honest I much prefer Kayley's beautiful, older and curvaceous mother to her slim inexperienced daughter but Kayley fans will be pleased by the next update if I turn out to be correct.

Meanwhile I will bide my time and look forward to milfy updates featuring Janet, Naomi and Madalyn

in the future (much more my jam) and content myself with ogling the impossibly gorgeous Janet, in her new shell-pink bikini, when the next update to ToN arrives next Friday!
Treasure of Nadia has something for everyone!