I was just curious as to whether there was an in-game reward for doing so.
The reward is the joy in the beauty of the different, difficult to very difficult puzzles.
Also though this may just be a side effect of my equipment when I tried the solution shown in your video the snakes moved way too fast for me to herd them the way you did.
That means you haven't solved many of the puzzles. ToN has built in two or three stages in some of the puzzles, which are reset with every update. The snakes are fast after every update. If you play with the puzzles for a long time, the snakes become slower, and later slower again. So that you can enjoy many of the puzzles three times, as each speed level offers different possible solutions.
See here : In the retro puzzle on the left are the solutions for fast snakes , on the right those when the snakes became slower after many games.
Retro Puzzle 24
All the game pieces are deliberately placed. You only recognize the meaning of the red stones after a lot of play, when the snakes have slowed down.
Playable immediately after the update:
Playable after a lot of gaming:
After playing for more a lot of long time, this can also be played.
Puzzle 24-9.pdf