just too bad that they dont have voice acting for some characters.
imagine Janet talking with an deep sexy voice
they could hire the woman who did the voice acting in snow daze the music of winter
hot as hell
if i make a game, i hire she at the end, else you need hire here every update for a couple text, if you do , you do best at complete end , as "cherry on the cake" so if you have the complete game, everthing is full voiced, else there play the last update only, and stop game in a half hour, if full voiced, there want play game from begin, to hear al what is saying, never hire before there is full text, there not so cheap , unless she is your girlfriend, and you do mc, there enougn youtubers that love do voices, if you sponsor them , there even mare reclame for you game, if she have 10,000,000 viewers its cheaper than on radio, where there hear it only one time, on yt there hear it every time , and most want play in a game , even erotic game, so long its so good game as "nadia" , there maby even who want do it for free, so there can show the world how succesfull there are, that there can do a game, if you can put game op steam, there even see it as a 'official game that is real selling , even if its not 1 of the top games,
than you even find easy for new games, you can even choose for free,
so long there can brag over it on there channel , there do there "first game as voice actress, and can show there name on end credit,