Heiliger Bimbam! You are German! I thought you are Russian!!
the saves are the same in all digital boxes.Has anyone saved 48% of the game on Android?
Nid ganz. aber fasch...Heiliger Bimbam! You are German! I thought you are Russian!!![]()
You don't live that far away from me (Kölner Raum).Nid ganz. aber fasch...
Congratulations! you observed well !
Good point, cause we have difficulties rising for the main character so in conclusion it's either choice Omnikuken said, death, or trapped soul.Either her or the preg orgy. Tough choice![]()
do you miss this?I'm on 64% with just Naomi's 3rd Kamasutra page missing. Have collected (as far as I know) all chest keys including the broken ones. I have been to where all walkthrough's etc say chest with Naomi's 3rd page should be i.e. gone right when got to island, but the only chest I can see is the half buried one near where the jaguar used to lie down, which doesn't give you the option to open it. Been all round the map and can't find any other chests.
Android - The save files are in android/data but are only accessible in rooted phones.Where do I put saves on my rooted android
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overwrite the previous versionhow to install update only?