So final mystery must be behind locked subterranean door below Sofia mansion, lead to Cave of Jaega suppose. But what hidden there? Or hides there? And if Henry become Sofia apprentice accompany her in future adventure why appear with Diana in Genesis Order trailer? Henry Diana pursue Duncan Helfer perhaps? Or Madalyn maybe? Seek revenge for Idaho murder? Sent by Sofia? Go on own decision? Maybe Duncan Helfer harm Sofia or Alia before story end? And what happen as conclusion to Sofia Madalyn Daemalius triangle? (Several doors and rusty gate still locked in church and what happen to Sister Judy?) Still many questions to answer and hope for more story driven chapter like last and personal interest perk up a little. Hope Henry Jessica date in evening sweet and tender for pinch of romance can go long way IMO and kind of like Jessica too. (Although seem too ditsy and dumb to qualify as medical doctor.) Such a crying shame that Henry Johnson MC is such an enormous twat.