The only way they're gonna appease a certain segment while including a friend is if they 1) Make the friend a sexless yes-man, which basically defeats the point. 2) Give them an off-screen girlfriend that they want to stay faithful to so they never do anything with any of the female characters (lol) 3) Give them an on-screen girlfriend, and they involve the MC, and as a bro move MC shares one of the more "open" women in the game with the friend, which some people will still be pissed about.
1) can work if their asexual. Would allow them to have a more inherent reason for not being as "sex-crazed" as the MC, while also taking a much less "sex-driven" approach to the situation. They also don't have to be a "yes-man" but instead play a more "devil's advocate" kind of approach(most of our MC's suck, so having somebody who calls them out on their shit would humanize them more).
yea i don't see 3 working, too many ppl refllect themselves onto the MC and get really possesive about the women(can't really blame them, these games, especially Harem games, very much leverage that desire)
anther option is having the friend not physically be there, MC would just talk to them every once in a while to get some outside POV an all the shit that goes down. One more option is them getting "trapped" in an accessory like the soul crystal, would totally remove the threat of another dick, while also allowing them to be very involved in the narrative with some great banter. There's a lot of ways this could work, NLT just has to be creative.