i am sorry for all my questions. it's just i have been feeling out of it lately. i have been sick stuck in a house for a very long time and going going nut's so i just don't want nothing to happen to all the girls. who would want anything to happen to sexy as hell girls lol. p.s is the other game part of this one are a new spin off.
Don't you worry for asking things regarding the game, it's legitimate curiosity so there's no problem regarding it, the only issue is that maybe I personally will not be able to answer all of them properly because I don't have a fresh memory of it anymore ( but I think the other like slava and micmtjia will try to help you as well), so just ask and I will try to help as best as I can.
Without spoiling you too much, I can say that the girls we'll be ok, NLT never let the girls be harmed, so rest assured it will be a fun game 'til the end.
TGO is not a spin off is the conclusion ( apparently, I could be wrong) of the saga, with new characters but it's certainly connected to both LE and TON, so there will be lots of quotes from both the games and cameos of different characters.