I'm following what helper is telling me so I don't screw up,but after you make cement,and have scene with emily/alia in your hous,says show Pirate book to Madalyn,well there's my problem,searche the whole map,since she wasn't at the church,talked with everyone 2x and still no show.What am I missing? I think it might be a bug so if anyone has a save just right after talking with her,I appreciate it.I remember in the last version I went with Diana to that door and game version ended because that tiger was there and couldn't proceed.Diana said she'll go to cave but before that I need talk Madalyn,a save there would be gratefull,even a little further but not too much because wanted to see the new stuff or tell me what i'm missing.Thx.Ahh forgot the good news,was at Patreon and they say new update in 10 hours(that was like 3=4hours ago