My Dudes, believe me, I COMPLETELY get that not every girl has a hymen or bleeds there first time.
In really life there are a bunch of different reasons for a girl to not have a hymen.
But, these are fantasy games, i mean, we literally have a love potion and magical combining chest that was activated with a "Virgin detecting" phallas. So a girl having her hymen absolutely more believable comparatively.
Now I don't mean to fight or cause shit. Its just a fetish for me (Defloraiton w/blood), taking a virgin's first time, having them bleed around your cock, showing that wonderful proof that you took their first time is just so fucking hot. Its the reason I look for the Virgin tag in games as why have the Virgin tag if you arnt going to show the blood of the first time? So i'm sure you can imagine my disappointment when not only do we see both virgins fucking
objects instead of the MC's cock for their (presumably) first time, but no blood either.
Luckily nearly all of the H games with the Virgin tag show blood, but I've noticed a decent amount of western VN's don't show the blood, even if it would make sense for the character to have a hymen, like with Alia who was super sheltered.

It just makes me thankful for the ones that do like Killer7's My New Family.
I was disappointed so figured I'd ask here if there where any girls with intact hymens in the story or if i should just look elsewhere?