It is easy to say the ending is genius but so far I haven't saw anyone who tried to explain it or is trying to drive an active discussion about it.
There isn't any active discussion because the people who like it don't say why the ending is good, how's it foreshadowed at all other than the aforementioned single line during the intro, why storyanon waited until he couldn't lose any money on the project to fully send it, why such an important character didn't exist until the last second and why she added in the update that would have been a single event without her, how the "smart subversion ending that totes makes you think" is actually a subversion when the majority of the main cast end up in the exact same position or are objectively better off even if Fernando fucks his """""sister"""""", or how (like you say here) the endings are just very slight changes (usually on a characters face and pose because that's the easiest thing to edit), no matter if you play fully pure and cut your dick off at the start to ensure no vile sex, just try to be vile sex haver with one girl, or lie manipulate and cheat with every girl you get a few sentences differences....
but really that just shows the futility of pleasure and how we are all just baser creatures pressing the pleasure buttons in our minds no matter how much we hurt others (feel free to hit up my patreon and check out my other game~)