Unity Abandoned Two Sides [v0.02] [GreonoGames]

2.60 star(s) 18 Votes


Nov 17, 2017
Time to put in my two cents for this update. I expected it to be buggy and short, so I guess he delivered. After all, its a full rework. As the for the quantity of the update, I dont really care. If feel its much more important that what content thats coming is meeting a standard. New content is irrelevant, if the quality of the content is not good enough. And while the 3d have some upsides, there are some issues here. Many of the expressions looks cartoony or uncanny, which put you out of the game and breaks immersion. And the how the pictures transition also looks off. Something needs to be improved here, or it will be hard for many to invest or care about the characters at all, not matter how well written it is.

Which brings me to the next point, the writing. There are grammar issues and weird translations all over the place. What takes me most out of it is the way slang is used, it often dont fit or break a translation who up to the point where much more propper. Im not sure if that is cause of translation, but the writing takes you out of the immersion as it dosnt feel like a character is talking, when the theme of how they express them self change.

The interface is sluggish. It takes way to long between each scene to start clicking though the text. And you cant click on the text which in my mind is the most logical place to click. Thats annoying.

And speaking of the interface. The way stats is placed now looks terrible. Im sorry, but both the earlier versions where it showed your friendship/love/dominance looked so much better. Now I can hardly see it or notice when they change. I can not for the life of me understand why the old ones werent used here as they did the job well. This one looks like a temporary asset, lets hope it is.

The dialog options. Maybe this is just me, or just cause of the things I talked about here takes me out of the game and its hard to see the stats change with the new interface, but I feel like the dialogue options are way less relevant than they used to be. In the original train sequence, what you said mattered a lot. For each choice, you got different stats (and some modifiers) that radically impacted where you could take the game. You had to choose what stats/routes you went for, as you could not do it all. It made it feel like every choice mattered and insted of being able to do everything at once there were several ways to play the game. Right now it feel like its just a couple of choices that give points, and mostly its about choosing the options that give points with one or two others that dosnt give anything. And you go though more or less the same dialog without to much branching. I find this sad as this was one of the major things that made it interesting. But I guess the people who didnt like you had to choose right to get enough points with Lindsey in end (which included skipping the jerk off scene at the station to get the right amount of points) won out. It feel so much more linear right now, hopefully it will not be like that.

When it comes to bugs, obviously the fact that the game freezes when you try and get of at the station is there, but I am wondering, have anyone gotten the dream sex sequence with the sister and her friend, cause I dont get the alternative to do so when I bring their picture to the bathroom. I also have not experiences the bald pervert trying to take the picture of Anny, as we have seen could happen from the video he posted a while back. If anyone have gotten this things, please tell me how.

EDIT: Also, for the love of god, let us turn down the volume on the menu music. Its so loud compare to everything else.


The Crawling Chaos, Bringer of Strange Joy
Oct 23, 2016
I liked this game from the start. It looked good and some of the stuff I found genuinely hot.
Plus the scope of the (soon to be )available choices was appealing to me. Gender-swapping, choices between beign interested in men, women or both, fetishes to turn on and off... Great plans indeed.

A problem from the start was slow development and the very buggy releases.

Then there's no new version for so long, I thought it was abandoned, now the 3d version arrives. Looks and plays like shit, is buggy as hell and none of the good stuff seems to have survived for now....

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Stupidity Exterminator
Jun 5, 2017
Well, honestly, this game wasn't very good even in the past (it was somehow playable), but this new remake is absolute disaster. Only good news is that rock bottom is reached, and from there it can only improve, cause to be worse than this - that's not possible.


Feb 22, 2018
nothing seems to work. I tried changing resolution but I still get stuck after I agree to help her with Bret. to bad...I really looked forward to an update of this game.

Deleted member 900601

Active Member
Sep 21, 2018
Oh well, there goes another game. The issue with Unity is unless you make low-medium level rendering, or that you actually spend time optimizing your code (which is much less of an issue in RENPY, and a non-issue in RPGMV), the games run like shit. You got maybe 2 good 3D unity games, and that's it? Rest is kinda trash because they run so poorly even on good hardware.

Maid Lain

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Apr 4, 2018
Oh well, there goes another game. The issue with Unity is unless you make low-medium level rendering, or that you actually spend time optimizing your code (which is much less of an issue in RENPY, and a non-issue in RPGMV), the games run like shit.
The game runs perfectly fine for me on ultra 1080p and my pc is just average. I mean, this game only has like 2x anti-aliasing on ultra, it's not very demanding because everything is so low quality. I don't think I'll play this game anymore though unless the dev really increases the quality of the models and textures.

Also there is no such thing as optimizing code in RenPy unless you are just programming wrong in the first place, and you can barely optimize in RPG Maker because the engine is completely unoptimized in the first place.
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Royal Jelly
Oct 26, 2017
The most logical option, in my opinion, was to port this game to ren'py and concentrate on writing and fixing dialog. I might be wrong, but it feels like the dev is out of ideas for the story and tries to drag the project forward with non relevant stuff.

This happens so much in one way or another with other games. Start with an idea, make some introductory story and characters and after that it's redesign maps, add minigame, some mundane sidequest... fix this and that, etc, etc. (A New Dawn is a good example of this too)


Jun 1, 2017
Upon downloading, Webroot Antivirus warned of a worm in the .exe file. Perhaps a false reading, but deleted to be on safe side.

Connie W

Jan 25, 2018
I'm worried that creators like this think that the more I have to click my mouse the more I'll like the game.
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Nov 17, 2017
I see a lot of people here think the dev ran out of ideas. Im pretty sure thats not the case. Greono have always seemed to be more interested in doing the tech part for the game so the rework comes rather from to much ideas on the tech part rather than no idea on what to do in the story. Probably also why he works in unity, since he want an engine that allows him to do some tech, and not just made for pictures only. But this guy need someone to help him with QA as well as translation.


Apr 5, 2018
There are grammer issues and weird translations all over the place.
I really like this, and I've seen it in so many places: A person who complains about grammar, spells the word "grammar" incorrectly :D

But you are right. The game is riddled with way too many issues it'd be better to just scrap this and continue with 0.8. Because there was so much more content and much better quality of... Well, everything. And to be honest, I am curious how long will it take to address the issues that community points out.

The most logical option, in my opinion, was to port this game to ren'py and concentrate on writing and fixing dialog.
I was actually asking about this exact thing while I was his patreon. He said he wouldn't use Ren'Py because he wanted to add some controls to sex scenes. Like how fast can you do stuff.
Not like there's already you jerking off to something in this— OHWAIT! So much about control...

What you say may be more and more plausible...

I'm worried that creators like this think that the more I have to click my mouse the more I'll like the game.
Maybe he imagines it's a Cookie Clicker clone?


Apr 5, 2018
I see a lot of people here think the dev ran out of ideas. Im pretty sure thats not the case. Greono have always seemed to be more interested in doing the tech part for the game so the rework comes rather from to much ideas on the tech part rather than no idea on what to do in the story. Probably also why he works in unity, since he want an engine that allows him to do some tech, and not just made for pictures only. But this guy need someone to help him with QA as well as translation.
Yeah, but... He has the Patreon tiers EXACTLY for that:

Asides of that, his to him, goes completely ignored.


Nov 17, 2017
I really like this, and I've seen it in so many places: A person who complains about grammar, spells the word "grammar" incorrectly :D
Hahaha. My bad. English is not my first language so Im leaning on the spellchecker to write decently. It works (most of the time at least) to get understood but you probably need a bit more to translate a game well.
I was actually asking about this exact thing while I was his patreon. He said he wouldn't use Ren'Py because he wanted to add some controls to sex scenes. Like how fast can you do stuff.
Not like there's already you jerking off to something in this— OHWAIT! So much about control...
The lack of Ren'Py is more cause of what he wants to do. Not cause you could not do this easier in Ren'Py, but I think he wants to do it the way he feel like. Thats ok. He should just comunicate more that this is a project for him to have fun working out the tech he wants taking his time as opposed to the more expected new renders every month in a more linear fashion. Its just my guess based upon how he as being producing for the last year.
Yeah, but... He has the Patreon tiers EXACTLY for that:

Asides of that, his to him, goes completely ignored.
Well, thats more who gets the first build, or does he release it to all the patreons at first now (if not, this build should be for the testers)? But he should have some "internal" testers as well or at least some more communication with the people who support him to see what they think about the quallity. Sadly thats his weakest point. But I also get the point with people being ether fanboys or haters, but thats no excuse for not trying to find valid and constructive criticism.

Not that I disagreed with your points, I just used your post as an excuse to ramble about my thoughts:p


Aug 11, 2018
Not sure if i like the new version better than V.8. new style still pretty buggy..saves etc all wonked..but they are working on it and moving forward... looking forward to more content and some polish.. fix the bugs please..

Deleted member 900601

Active Member
Sep 21, 2018
The game runs perfectly fine for me on ultra 1080p and my pc is just average. I mean, this game only has like 2x anti-aliasing on ultra, it's not very demanding because everything is so low quality. I don't think I'll play this game anymore though unless the dev really increases the quality of the models and textures.

Also there is no such thing as optimizing code in RenPy unless you are just programming wrong in the first place, and you can barely optimize in RPG Maker because the engine is completely unoptimized in the first place.
For the unity part, that was kind of part of my point, for the game to run smoothly, you need to nuke rendering. Like The Twist, game runs pretty well, but the rendering is borderline, same goes for every other Unity game.

For your RenPy comment, come on man, there is no such thing as perfect code, it requires iterations after iterations and an increase in scope means a complete optimization pass, to get to said perfect code, and very few RenPy games that get large are optimized. You've got quite a few RenPy games that just eat CPU power, especially the larger games that end up with a ton of variables for every little thing. Max's Life is my most notorious one right now, that game is just a mess when it comes to the code. Use a Processor usage tracker (more than task manager so it can keep data for a few hours), and run various RenPy games and see what happens. Some aren't demanding (most of them are linear games).


Apr 5, 2018
Well, thats more who gets the first build, or does he release it to all the patreons at first now (if not, this build should be for the testers
Yeah, ideally it should be that. Although, I'm not entirely sure if he completely agrees with that. As I was... "discussing" with him the issues in the game, he did say that the two tiers are exactly as it sounds. They are there for you to test things.

And an extra bonus, as I'm reading his patreon, I saw this:

Before his Patreon dipped, he soared waaay over this goal. But as expected, the promise was never kept, there's no-one else besides him doing what he does.
So... yeah.

2.60 star(s) 18 Votes