- Jul 4, 2017
- 987
- 687
I just saw "Incest" and went for it.Why play hard transformation/genderbent game if you dont want the transformation?
And models are nice as well.
I just saw "Incest" and went for it.Why play hard transformation/genderbent game if you dont want the transformation?
NahHe actually ruined such an awesome game, so sad. We have to wait another year to see an actual update.
He will be fine, methinks. People still support him just for the sake of seeing where this goes, even though he barely emited a peep these past what... almost 4 months? Just after the release the patreon count jumped from 435 to 457 just because... well, he released something... But we'll see what will transpire soon enough...I hardly can see how he can move forward with the mess he made now...
I feel somewhat like you. I found the 2D sister character really attractive, but not that attractive in 3D. As I have not seen a proper erotic scene with the MC and his sister, I'm still not sure if the eroticism in this game is dead for me. I will wait until Greono releases a finished sexy scene with them, and then I'll decide if I keep following this game or not.He had a reasonable good looking 2D game, with a good looking characters, and intresting story.
He turned it into shitty 3d buggy mess, with terrible optimisation, and clunky gameplay ...
But most importantly it is NOT HOT ANYMORE.
Like seriously - in 2D version characters looked beautiful. I could totaly jerk of to his sister picture.
Now in 3d she looks kind of terrible ... as does everything arround there.
Oh and besides the clunkiness, bugs, idiotic Save system, Loading breaking the game , and hundreads other issues - it is the most audatiously make ENGRISH translation I seen in a while!
Not only text looks like it has been translated by google, there are also pieces of untranslated text, and total giberish !
Like seriously - cant he give it to 1 english speaking friend or fan for testing ?
And UI looks like shiet.
And btw a Question @Everyone - do you even can move the camera durring the H-scenes ? or it is still locked in one place illussion of 3d ?
I will give him a little bit more of time to clean up that, but I seriously wished he simply returned to how his game was...
I am not sure if I will be able to enjoy that game at all now - even if the bugginess is gone.
after a year and few months the game is in the "unplayable" ... not sure if it has potential anymore...Revision looks good but still is not playable. Definitely have potential.
Pretty much.Nah
I dont want to be right - but this will blow up in his face. And with people leaving, him beeing frustrated to work on the game with this 3d models etc, he will shut the whole thing down eventualy ...
All he needed to do was continue to make the game in 2d like he used to - preferably in renpy.
I hardly can see how he can move forward with the mess he made now...
I see, thanks.Because the 0.8 version isn't the same as 0.1 one. One is called TwoSides and other one is TwoSides3D.
Not even close.
To be honest, I really enjoy the way he was doing his game. It was fun, yet frustrating at the same time regardless if he was running out of ideas. I just dislike the idea on restarting a game that has a lot of content to explorewhen the creator out of ideas decides to remake ,seen it too many times...... dont get your hopes up