4.40 star(s) 12 Votes


Active Member
Jun 13, 2018
It's sad that a developer has to justify itself and say something is obvious to 99% of those here, about porn logic being used in a porn game, it's as if an adult film producer had to justify itself by saying things like: "We don't support incest, they're just actors, this guy isn't actually having sex with his own sister" "They are just doing roleplay, we don't support the plumber or the pizza delivery guy fucking your mother."

Let's write a more realistic and progressive game here now.

"John sees a beautiful woman walking down the train aisle and thinks about looking at her butt, but then he remembers that if he gets caught it's considered harassment, so he opts to look at his cell phone."

"John meets Lindsey's ex, who despite being handsome, is still an asshole, John thinks about looking at Bret's massive dick marked in his pants, but chooses not to do so to avoid reinforcing stereotypes about gays"

"John for some unknown reason wakes up and sees that his own body has completely changed to that of a woman, he despairs, but soon remembers that even though he is a woman now, he can still wear clothes made for men, John remembers also that even though I'm a woman now, that doesn't mean he can only have relationships with men."


Dec 11, 2020
exactly, they are fetishes, go with yours and without having to give explanations about what each one likes, and best of all without prejudice about that, even if your ideology is contrary to what moral conduct requires, who here doesn't have the desire of giving or eating someone who could be considered a fucking scumbag or even a straight fetish, it's your pleasure regardless of what it is. I think we have to stop mimimi, or trying to raise false morals that even those who are pointing the finger at.

and if you are going to put it in porn mode, sometimes the moralist must have a huge boner for the neighbor's husband who must be a fucking scumbag, who knows that he beats his wife, cheats on her, but must imagine himself between four walls with him. Each one with it's each one.

And in the game there's this thing about being more feminine or masculine, but there's a dom and a sub, that is, you can put on that scrotum of Bret, suck his toe and treat him like a little dog.


Active Member
Jun 13, 2018
Personally, I consider myself bisexual (although I have more preference for women or trans women), but I love it when a game on this site offers more relationship and sex options beyond the "waifu stereotype" or "aunt, mother, cousin, sister) , and that doesn't mean I keep going to threads and saying things like "this game lacks diversity", "it's not realistic enough", "why can't I have sex with the male characters in the game? Is the author homophobic?"
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Jan 9, 2018
So speaking as a queer man,

If the symbols or the themes end up being issues, it'll be more obvious later and you can ajust from there, maybe even a full inversion to represent attraction towards rather than personnal gender, or detaching them from each other, a third sort of non binary aspect, Whatever it is deal with it later. I do think that there is an imbalance in the connection between Fem and Submission, and the Masc and Dom. There is some Fem/Dom stuff with Brett but only if you have certain skills, and there are actually no masc and sub options yet butI think you have set that up really well with the aunt fugure.

But we are on a 0.02, it's more important at this stage to push through and get this gender flip done because from there you will understand how it's piecing together better. I actually finacially supported the OG games years ago, but I cannot commit to that here until I see progress, Your patreon is obviously not doing horrendiously, but you have to get the work down before people like myself will be back onboard.

I actually also want to say that for a 0.02 it's really solid, it's impressive, I think that Fat Giant might be so affected here because there is so much potential, I actually have a lot of respect for you coming back and owning up to your previous mistakes with games and trying again, in spite if snarky rude comments in this thread.

I also think people could afford some grace for language usage, I remember the origional translation issues, you are much better than you were, again i think you should just push through to the gender flip and get the games full premise before changing things, that stuff should be column B.

I understand your want to do this 0.021 as a sort of update, and now that your made it complete it. but I think some of those issues could have been delt with later. maybe a hotfix for deafing people but outside that you should just push through and put some meat on the bones later.

The Company is one of the most popular games on the site, and maybe ever within the genre of porn games, but even it has backfill content, heck it's due to complete this year but even then they are doing a full art overhaul. the bones of the project needs to be done first and then flesh will be properly supported, otherwise you end up with a mess.


Active Member
Jun 13, 2018
So speaking as a queer man,

If the symbols or the themes end up being issues, it'll be more obvious later and you can ajust from there, maybe even a full inversion to represent attraction towards rather than personnal gender, or detaching them from each other, a third sort of non binary aspect, Whatever it is deal with it later. I do think that there is an imbalance in the connection between Fem and Submission, and the Masc and Dom. There is some Fem/Dom stuff with Brett but only if you have certain skills, and there are actually no masc and sub options yet butI think you have set that up really well with the aunt fugure.

But we are on a 0.02, it's more important at this stage to push through and get this gender flip done because from there you will understand how it's piecing together better. I actually finacially supported the OG games years ago, but I cannot commit to that here until I see progress, Your patreon is obviously not doing horrendiously, but you have to get the work down before people like myself will be back onboard.

I actually also want to say that for a 0.02 it's really solid, it's impressive, I think that Fat Giant might be so affected here because there is so much potential, I actually have a lot of respect for you coming back and owning up to your previous mistakes with games and trying again, in spite if snarky rude comments in this thread.

I also think people could afford some grace for language usage, I remember the origional translation issues, you are much better than you were, again i think you should just push through to the gender flip and get the games full premise before changing things, that stuff should be column B.

I understand your want to do this 0.021 as a sort of update, and now that your made it complete it. but I think some of those issues could have been delt with later. maybe a hotfix for deafing people but outside that you should just push through and put some meat on the bones later.

The Company is one of the most popular games on the site, and maybe ever within the genre of porn games, but even it has backfill content, heck it's due to complete this year but even then they are doing a full art overhaul. the bones of the project needs to be done first and then flesh will be properly supported, otherwise you end up with a mess.
I think that when it comes to questioning why heterosexuality is represented with the male symbol and homosexuality with the female symbol, it is a valid point to feel uncomfortable or strange, I do not deny this and have not denied it at any time.

So much so that I even think it's valid that if more people feel this way, I really support giving ideas/suggestions that help improve this aspect of the game, as I mentioned before, maybe changing the symbols or maybe simply disappearing with them.

The protagonist could just be a blank sheet of paper with no defined sexuality whose choices and interactions with the characters are defined solely by the protagonist's attributes, the affinity points and the personal fetishes of whoever is playing the game, for example:

In all versions of the game, when the protagonist gets off the train and agrees to pretend to be Lindsey's boyfriend, you always need to have "X" number of love and lust points with her to be able to unlock the more "spicy" actions" at the station. I think that simply depending on the points in love, friendship and lust would be a solution that would calm the spirits of those who feel more bothered by how the game is currently.

However, I do not evaluate Fat Giant's conduct as "very affected by seeing the potential of the game", I think that this user's comments were deliberately aimed at hating the author and the game, as he simply gave up trying to explain his point is to actually try to give constructive criticism to simply say "this game is shit and this author is a homophobe".
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Jan 9, 2018
However, I do not evaluate Fat Giant's conduct as "very affected by seeing the potential of the game", I think that this user's comments were deliberately aimed at hating the author and the game, as he simply gave up trying to explain his point is to actually try to give constructive criticism to simply say "this game is shit and this author is a homophobe".
I'm making an active choice to be nice today


Active Member
Nov 5, 2022
I see we have another whiner harassing a game dev. How many times has it happened that it caused a dev to quit their game entirely because of a-holes on this site?
That's actually a good question. How many devs did ragequit over negative comments? Zero? Or something in the one-digit range, from across ten thousands of games on the site?

You're basically asking for: self-censorship out of fear. Oh no, don't criticise, or we're not getting our porn game.

Well that ain't going to happen, negative comments and criticism are allowed in this forum.

Besides that, if a dev is so sensitive, if not to say - entitled - to ragequit over negative comments, he shouldn't be developing games in public anyways. See, if i create something and people think it's shit, they are allowed to say it's shit. And it is my own decision wether i answer or not. Or perhaps even acknowledge that not everything i'm doing is 100% perfect for everyone.

And from what i have seen, the actual problem are the white knights and fanboys.

Whenever anyone criticizes anything, even if 100% objective and justified, these people are immediately at the critic's throat. Denying any flaws of the matter at hand, attacking the critic with personal insults, and there's a massive flamewar in no time.
Which is never in the interest of the person they believe to be defending.


Active Member
Jun 13, 2018
I agree, no matter how promising or good in a person's eyes a person, a product, a business or anything like that are, there will always be someone who will bring a different perspective on it, either because they don't like it or because they perhaps evaluate it in a different way. in a more critical way, and this is important, it creates discussion, it creates diversity of opinion/view and in some cases, improvement of what is being commented on.

I also think that developers should be criticized, if I didn't agree with that, I would be being hypocritical, since today I was in another thread criticizing the 1 year delay in developing a game, after all, whatever Regardless of the work, there will be criticism, and the person doing the job cannot give up because of negative criticism, especially when they believe in what they are doing.

In support of everything I said and continue to say, I still say, criticism is only really constructive criticism when it aims to point out errors in what is being done and/or when at the same time it provides solutions for it.

However, when you just insult the project without providing solutions for its development or when you deliberately accuse someone of something like "homophobic", "transphobic", "prejudiced" without proof, from my point of view it's just free hating.
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Active Member
Sep 25, 2017
Whenever anyone criticizes anything, even if 100% objective and justified, these people are immediately at the critic's throat. Denying any flaws of the matter at hand, attacking the critic with personal insults, and there's a massive flamewar in no time.
Which is never in the interest of the person they believe to be defending.
So, do you think calling a dev homophobic because they're using a dom/sub mechanic counts as constructive criticism?

You're making a strawman of what I said. My comment was in reference to non-constructive criticism. Criticism that isn't about improving a game, but about harassing the dev because the person doesn't like the game.


Engaged Member
Aug 19, 2018
would be nice to get a skip text option. sucks having to spam clicks to stuff you've already seen.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2022
what does brown heart mean in dialogues with your sister and why does she have -20 love?
I guess you mean corruption.

The "love" score means the romantic disposition, so there is none for the real full sister.

Should all be explained in the "gameplay" guide, main menu ingame.
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Engaged Member
Jun 3, 2017
massive walls of word diarrhea to criticize what is essentially an obscure 20 min demo slice of a porn VN that was released and released in different versions through the last 5 years... chill the fuck out people. This is a porn Vn not a novel.


New Member
Jul 11, 2021
I discovered this game two days ago, and took the time to look at the previous versions. For a bit of positivity, this version is substantially better, at least on a technical level. It's nice to see years of effort to show improvement there. I can understand people's frustration though considering the promising premise while seeing variations of the same content.
I am looking forward to updates.


Jan 2, 2021
Can there be a cheat included that let's your character not look more feminine the more gay things he does? I think that's what the title screen picture insinuates. Because I'm definitely going after Bret and hopefully there's another cute guy option, I'm kinda liking the pervert chief guard as well visually.
4.40 star(s) 12 Votes