Nikki Klein

May 1, 2021
and from new update Nikki-the MC -sara -some, nikki is interested in a freshwomen (sara) who have awesome figure according to her standard etc..
Absolutely nonsense. It's your personal fantasy based on nothing. It's you who imagined Sara to be that freshman girl Nikki was talking about. And Sara? Seriously? Sara and some threesome stuff... They basically don't fit together, I guess, nah? Are you even into? Besides, are there any arguments in favor of such a scenario happening at all? Why? Of course, I like to fantasize at my leisure, but right now I don't like and want to fantasize in vain here.

I just quoted the person to know from him WHAT EXACTLY we've SEEN in THIS UPDATE to expect some threesome incoming... And here you are with your fantasies. What for? Idk.

Sorry if I'm hurting your sensitive soul. I don't want to be rude, but I love this story too much to try to get those who don't treat it the way I do. And I'm here not for likes. That's for sure.


Message Maven
Jan 19, 2020
The following is incorrect and will throw an error in "Extras" / "Carol". The audio file is an mp3, not an ogg.

label carol_date_2_extra:
    if == None:
        $ name = "MC"
    elif True:
        $ name =
    play music "audio/carol_help.ogg" fadein 3
Another audio file fubar that throws an exception during Cheerleader Peak scene. The actual audio file in an ogg, not a wav (similar issue of the one above). It's amazing that the first and original episode is still riddled with bugs.
    "Turn off the sound" if True:
        stop music fadeout 3
        scene 294a with dissolve
        mct "Come on! Come here you little asshole!"
        scene 294b
        c "Ashley, wait. He's probably already there..."
        scene 294c
        play sound "audio/phone_fall.wav"


Message Maven
Jan 19, 2020
Great work Sancho1969 . The screenshots seems to be amazing. Waiting impatiently for the updated mod :D
Well bud, please be patient then as this is a cumbersome project and the scripting is quite frustrating to work with considering the abundance of unorthodox practices of the dev. I've also work obligations that must be met soon too (have to close out end of year accounting), so this project won't get 100% attention. I'll do my best as always though barring any unknown issues. Regards.


Dec 17, 2016
I found a way to edit brandy's mod so it works with any version, regardless how many galleries, extra's there are. Before each gallery was enabled separately, but with this change we set them all to true:

        def brandy_unlock_memories():
            gallery = {k: True for (k,v) in persistent.items() if 'gallery_' in k}
            persistent = persistent | gallery
        def brandy_unlock_extra():
            extra = {k: True for (k,v) in persistent.items() if 'extra_' in k}
            persistent = persistent | extra
        def brandy_unlock_lewd():
            lewd = {k: True for (k,v) in persistent.items() if 'lewd_' in k}
            persistent = persistent | lewd
        def brandy_unlock_phone_bg():
            bg = {k: True for (k,v) in persistent.items() if 'bg_' in k}
            persistent = persistent | bg
Thanks for sharing this. However I get an error when I try to use these functions in-game.

UnboundLocalError: local variable 'persistent' referenced before assignment.

Did you not get that error? I'm not sure how to work around this.

This did get me thinking about how to add the gallery myself. All I did was count the additional galleries blacked off and added them to the list. Definitely not as elegant as SexyNapalm 's solution. But his/her solution didn't work for me. Additional work is required for each update.

Credit goes to Brandy for creating the mod in the first place.
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Message Maven
Jan 19, 2020
If you don't want your persistent tampered with then this is coming and won't fuck with it (it's a completely isolated gallery). Regards.
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Oct 10, 2021
Absolutely nonsense. It's your personal fantasy based on nothing. It's you who imagined Sara to be that freshman girl Nikki was talking about. And Sara? Seriously? Sara and some threesome stuff... They basically don't fit together, I guess, nah? Are you even into? Besides, are there any arguments in favor of such a scenario happening at all? Why? Of course, I like to fantasize at my leisure, but right now I don't like and want to fantasize in vain here.

I just quoted the person to know from him WHAT EXACTLY we've SEEN in THIS UPDATE to expect some threesome incoming... And here you are with your fantasies. What for? Idk.

Sorry if I'm hurting your sensitive soul. I don't want to be rude, but I love this story too much to try to get those who don't treat it the way I do. And I'm here not for likes. That's for sure.
come on it's not my weird fantasy .. you miss some point since you are not reading other game character comments under different PVU pics , Dev gives lot hits in PVU chat comments . form new update nikki was talking about a freshwomen, but not give any details , but everything is clear if you read nikki's comment under sara's post (sara have only 2 post were she post her picture ) also it is funny that reading others comment and reply especially how roxy kick others guys butt , abby keeps on invite roxy to join her etc ..
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Oct 10, 2021
It's you who imagined Sara to be that freshman girl Nikki was talking about. And Sara? Seriously? Sara and some threesome stuff... They basically don't fit together, I guess, nah? Are you even into? Besides, are there any arguments in favor of such a scenario happening at all? Why? Of course, I like to fantasize at my leisure, but right now I don't like and want to fantasize in vain here.
i just give a 3some option , i am not expecting it anyway since sara character is not that way, she is more solid one unless Dev want to do some corruption on her. also i apologize sara's fans.
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Nikki Klein

May 1, 2021
come on it's not my weird fantasy .. you miss some point since you are not reading other game character comments under different PUC posts , Dev gives lot hits in PUC chat comments . form new update nikki was talking about a freshwomen, but not give any details , but everything is clear if you read nikki's comment under sara's post (sara have only 2 post were she post her picture ) also it is funny that reading others comment and reply especially how roxy kick others guys butt , abby keeps on invite roxy to join her etc ..
My bad and my official sorry to you. You're right, it would definitely be Sara Nikki was talking to the MC about. I do missed it somehowo_O I've been reading the comments under the RVU pics, but for some reason I didn't focus on Nikki's in particular.

But possible threesome with Sara? Again, it's your personal fantasy. For sure, Sara's here in this story not for shit like this. You're imagining it from nothing. Nikki + Roxy yes, but Nikki + Sara... NO.


'i just give a 3some option , i am not expecting it anyway since sara character is not that way, she is more solid one unless Dev want to do some corruption on her. also i apologize sara's fans.'

Take it (y)
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Game Developer
Jun 3, 2017
<deleted content>
I try to stay away from all this, but for that matter...

After a bunch of narcissistic messages about how good you are at coding (indirectly, of course) and about my scripts being a piece of shit, you apparently didn't get the desired answer (or what else you wanted) and just tried to accuse me of stealing some code? Seriously, huh?

I have always positively spoken about all modders, translators, porters (whether they are official or not), and other guys. I'm pleased that someone cares about my game and wants to make it better or adapt it to a non-English player. And you really think I'm just "ripped" code from those guys?
(Although I won't hide that when creating my game, I based it on scripts from many other games. But that's not the point right now. And I also won't hide that it sometimes annoys when players write to me asking to solve their problems with some mods or try to distribute it on the discord server.)

Just to be clear with the situation with Shaddy. Official cheats were in the plans since the first months of 2021. But I didn't have time for them, and in the presence of various mods and unlockers, I didn't see this as an urgent need. But a while ago, some guy dm me in discord with his ideas about in-game cheats. He sent me some ready scripts and said I could add them to the game if I want. They were quite suitable for my project and I just reworked them the way I like, make some UI for that and added these new files to the game.
And that's how interesting it turns out. Now you accusing me of stealing the code. What a lucky coincidence, isn't it?

In any case, if some part of the code from my game really copies the works of Shaddy, then I apologize for the inconvenience caused. From now on, I'll be more careful to such "help" from some unknown guys who sent me scripts or anything else. Please, write me a dm here or in discord if you want to discuss this situation, ShaddyModda. I hope we can find some solution to this unpleasant incident.


Sep 17, 2019
The Dev has just sent out some news on the next update, which seems to concentrate on very different areas to recent updates.

[News] Dev's blog #41
Don't forget about polls:
I hope you all had a great time over the past holidays and already played in v0.8.0. I'm glad that I managed to make the general release before the New Year. But let's move from the past to the current situation. After a short break, I started developing v0.8.5 and that's what will happen there.
First of all, I want to please Sasha's fans and femdom fans in general. The third payment will take place in the next update, and it will be a fairly large event. Moreover, you will found out some secrets from her life, take a quick peek at her mansion and even get pleasure and some benefits from everything that will happen. Also, I decided not to finish Sasha's story because there are no characters in the game that could replace her in terms of her fetishes. And there are a lot of players who like such stuff. So Sasha's story won't end on the third payment. But if you put up with her just for her help, then soon you'll be able to forget about her at all.
Also in the next update, you'll be able to dig a little deeper into Roxy's past. More precisely, that event with her will be just a small teaser to it. And it looks like pretty soon you're going to have to help one more girl and contribute to her fate. Do you think you can handle it and help her? Anyway, I hope to see your thoughts and guesses about this in the comments.
Next, let's move on to the events with Natalie and Mallory. Alas, if you are absolutely not interested in threesome training sessions, then these upcoming events will pass you by. But if you agreed (or will agree) to this adventure from Natalie, then in v0.8.5 you'll move on to a new stage of interaction with these two coaches. What risk are you willing to take for this? Or maybe you still decide to back away from Natalie's and Mallory's next offer?
In addition, in v0.8.5, I would like to make a small event with Ashley (+ more content if she wins the poll), an event with Carol (not sure about it yet) and maybe something else.
1) The following events are written:
  • big event with Sasha + the new character (the 3rd payment for Sasha's help if you're following her story)
  • event with Roxy
  • 1 small event (all routes with Nat) and 1 regular event with Natalie (only on Nat + Mal route)
  • event with Natalie + Mallory
2) Renders and animations:
About 250 renders and 2 animations are ready
v0.8.5 will be released on January 29-30 in early access.
Best wishes,
Dream Now


Engaged Member
Jun 30, 2018
Hi can someone help me with Nikki path, i tried using walkthrough and im playing this game since begining but looks like im not in her path because even being nice with Roxy and doing everyting necesary i didnt get classroom scene with her, im not in Sarah and Ashyley path, could it be reason? I didn't leave kim in bathroom and go help for her. I wanna know the problem so im gonna do things again from that save part.


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2020
Hi can someone help me with Nikki path, i tried using walkthrough and im playing this game since begining but looks like im not in her path because even being nice with Roxy and doing everyting necesary i didnt get classroom scene with her, im not in Sarah and Ashyley path, could it be reason? I didn't leave kim in bathroom and go help for her. I wanna know the problem so im gonna do things again from that save part.
What have your interactions with Nikki been so far? Have you been interacting with her on social media? Have you been texting/messaging with her? Did she ask you help her move things at her studio? Did she ask you to model for her?

Nikki Klein

May 1, 2021
What have your interactions with Nikki been so far? Have you been interacting with her on social media? Have you been texting/messaging with her? Did she ask you help her move things at her studio? Did she ask you to model for her?
You know what got me wondering the most? This:
i tried using walkthrough
If you carefully read all the dialogues and all texts playing on screen, correctly make choices you're offered to make, interact with a character in all available ways, have a step-by-step guide at hand, after all... Then how do you manage to miss a character you have your eye on? You can do this only in one case, if you ignored any or all of the above conditions at once.


Engaged Member
Jun 30, 2018
What have your interactions with Nikki been so far? Have you been interacting with her on social media? Have you been texting/messaging with her? Did she ask you help her move things at her studio? Did she ask you to model for her?
I found reason... I was though why i dont have her contact and why she dont care about me and its tunrout i didn't talk with her in party... But even in my save file which is same place she stand she is not there :D I was playing since first versions and i gues she wasnt there in my old save... I'm literaly need to start from begining for this LMAO -_-

You know what got me wondering the most? This:

If you carefully read all the dialogues and all texts playing on screen, correctly make choices you're offered to make, interact with a character in all available ways, have a step-by-step guide at hand, after all... Then how do you manage to miss a character you have your eye on? You can do this only in one case, if you ignored any or all of the above conditions at once.
Thats why im thinking it could be bug or someting like staying with kim in bathroom or someting like that effected, because i play all games with walkthrough and do everyting they told for getting things i want (paths/scenes etc)

And i found why... God dammit... What a amazing reason...
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Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2021
DreamNow and / or any Modders

Isn't it possible to embedded the extra scenes of the extended version directly into the game flow?
I honestly don't understand why you have to interrupt the normal course of the game to see them, because in the end there are always "extended" scenes (as the version suggests) to scenes already contained in the game flow.

So why separately?

I confess that I have no idea about coding, but it can't really be that difficult.
In the end it can only be something "renpy compliant" like
"If extended version = true -> then play extended content"

Or am I so wrong?
4.30 star(s) 199 Votes