If you're the real
Nergal's Nest then i really don't understand why simply didn't use your
Naughty Underworld dev account since that one already got the dev tag and you also changed the account name when you decided to rebrand yourself as this for the release of Kingdom of Subversion, The Solarion Project and Welcome to Nicest.
I really don't understand why change your name since that basically it's the essence of your brand to be known on the internet as the maker or concept involvement of these games as well your previous projects as Urban Demons and
A Zombie's Life which for some reason the game is no longer available on this forum for who knows who
Whatever was the reason i hope wasn't because feeling ashamed of your name Nergal or Nergalnest, Instead be proud of it because again
that's how you get to be known as from a first instance, Anyways i hope just as many giving proper feedback that the Remake sticks loyal to the original version even if comes to the height from peter that should remain the same and not different.
I like the artist artstyle and while i cherish the original art design. The new one it's certainly a welcomed one and the animations are looking so far wonderful
and wish the best to the artist on keeping the motivation to get references from the original game and adapt it at his or her artstyle <3
Lastly i always ALWAYS ALWAYS wanted to ask you: Was the swimming pool interactions with the girls was planned to have sex animations in both the swimming pool and the shower changing female room areas?
That been always been killing me to know after i 90% the game because there's a few content that seems missing, softlocked or just not able to progress because script missing text in order to progress: Ms.Amos for example is one of the many but anyways you get the idea because of the engine used and a new one being implemented on this remake to cover all of those flaws.
Good luck and be proud to be called Nergal even if there's a reason to be called now Naughty Underworld or just because wanted to make a team of working bros and sis to be identified as that and it wasn't actually being ashamed to be called Nergal.