
New Member
Oct 22, 2021
Oh nice, are those the only ones that got the translated treatment?
there's also afterdays episodes 5 and 6 which are on the VenusBlood FRONTIER International page.
afterdays 5 and 6 are fan discs for FRONTIER where as this and 4 are fan discs VB Hollow.

there's also dark chronicles episode 1 witch needs to be uploaded
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Aug 29, 2019
which venus blood game is this an after story to? and i only see after day's 3 and 4 is there no 1 and 2 ?


⸸ БѢСЪ ⸸
Oct 16, 2020
which venus blood game is this an after story to? and i only see after day's 3 and 4 is there no 1 and 2 ?
The second ep is here. If it'll be the first ep., I'll do a collection.
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Nov 22, 2017
Ok, someone who can recap the Venus bloond games order please? Like i rember playing frontier and getting all ending then leaving the game. I know that others Venus bloond come out but i haven't played them, are those connected to Frontier? As i understand those episode are connected to Frontier so, is the any semblance of story and need to play them all to undestand it? or i can just play them?


New Member
Oct 22, 2021
which venus blood game is this an after story to? and i only see after day's 3 and 4 is there no 1 and 2 ?
after days 1 and 2 aren't translated yet after days 1 is the fan disc for VB Gaia and after days 2 is the fan disc for VB Empire
The second ep is here. If it'll be the first ep., I'll do a collection.
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the Venus-blood and are 2 different fan disc series baste on different endings of the game.
the collection for Venus Blood HYPNO should include episodes 3 and 4 from the after days series and episode 1 from the dark chronicles series.


Jul 26, 2017
Ok, someone who can recap the Venus bloond games order please? Like i rember playing frontier and getting all ending then leaving the game. I know that others Venus bloond come out but i haven't played them, are those connected to Frontier? As i understand those episode are connected to Frontier so, is the any semblance of story and need to play them all to undestand it? or i can just play them?
Exepte frontier and ragnarok all game are independant of each other ( rgnarok is the sequel of frontier and have his kick start in may)
the game are divided in 2 category corruption and other ( by other it mainly breeding game where you use girl to breed more soldier )
one game is fan translate the rest is officila translate ( with kick start the next one start in may 2024 ) in they official transtion they add content and is prety good


Jul 15, 2017
Ok, someone who can recap the Venus bloond games order please? Like i rember playing frontier and getting all ending then leaving the game. I know that others Venus bloond come out but i haven't played them, are those connected to Frontier? As i understand those episode are connected to Frontier so, is the any semblance of story and need to play them all to undestand it? or i can just play them?
except for frontier and ragnarok and the fan discs all other main games are stand alone you can play them in any order you want.

the other officerly translated games are Hollow and GAIA.
Hollow has similar game play to Frontier's but with more refined mechanics.
GAIA is more of a Dungan defenses type of game.

apart from the main game you also have the and fan discs witch are for specific games.
for frontier they are after days ep 5 and 6 and dark chronicles ep 1 witch are on VB frontier home page.
for Hollow you have after days ep 3 and 4 and dark chronicles ep 2.
for GAIA you have after days ep 1 and 7 and dark chronicles ep 3, 4 and 8 which have not been translated yet.
I would recommend playing these after there respective games.
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Jul 15, 2017
Are the venus games good and easy to get into?
it really depends on the specific venus blood game as the game mechanics a can change considerably from game to game especially the older titles.

the easiest game to start with would probably be VB Hollow as it has the most refined game mechanics out of the curranty officerly translated games and would be a good jumping off point to get in to VB Frontier and Ragnarok when it comes out in english.

VB GAIA is something of a black sheep when compered to Hollow and Frontier as it has very different gameplay mechanics being more of a dungeon builder/defense game where as Hollow and Frontier are more world conquest type games.

if you just want to read the story you can play on easy mode and skip the battles.

if you want to get into the Venus blood series recommend ether Hollow or Frontier as the gameplay loop between them is quit similar with Hollow having more refined game mechanics.
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Jul 26, 2017
kirito12 you know in may a new game will start have a kickstart ?
( your photo is rosmyne from bookworm or i am wrong ? ) if not who she is ? the disine look good


Jul 15, 2017
kirito12 you know in may a new game will start have a kickstart ?
( your photo is rosmyne from bookworm or i am wrong ? ) if not who she is ? the disine look good
if your talking about the kickstarter for the next Venus blood game it should start in may.
(yes my profile picture is indeed Rosemyne from ascendance of a bookworm)


Dec 31, 2020
finally episode 3 and 4 is release i was hoping we get the rest of it there 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
dark chronicle have 5 episode in total
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