What would you like me to add to the game in the next update?

  • The connection (police) mechanic. This would be a new "currency" and a new batch of upgrades.

  • More events and the possiblity for the packmakers to add some in their packs.

  • The possbility to train the skills of the girls

  • Progress the story and add story missions (mostly focused on Nicole)

  • Something else (tell me either by PM or in this thread).

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Oct 1, 2017
Well, it's as CaptC described, it's just a short 'You win, good job, you win all the club, now go play again or continue or whatever' screen that pops up when you work all 6 at once.

Putting in story in this specific engine is a lot of work (for me), and designing CJ-level quests and such in this game would require some sort of variance for me to consider it. It's not a bad idea, it's just that I don't have any good ideas to 'flesh it out' at the moment or a good approach.

Right now, my eye is looking at a different place, and the UI redesign of the booth game is some necessary groundwork I need to do to accomplish that. The gains, however, in terms of potential design space for expanding existing gameplay elements, is also a part of this.

For example, with the redesign of the new girlstats area, I can now implement dynamic elements that can based on girls' situations. I can have, for example, a girl who has a trait that buffs a stat actually show that stat differently. Or, in the case of the Snob, I can change the trait so that instead of booting based on the clients' wants, you get a button that let's you just punt, at will.
Oh okay. I've never gotten that screen though I could have sworn I've worked them all at once.

As for the rest yes, UI should take precedent. The idea of having traits with activateable booth abilities would be a big boost to gameplay in terms of player choice and boosting variety and capabilities of traits and investor benefits. This sounds like a great addition. Potentially game-changing in a big way.

In terms of QoL UI additions I have a few suggestions (that are probably already on your list) like a way to sort in the staff screen, a more robust end of day screen (showing bonuses given by life coach/hot teacher and bonus moneys from managers etc.), and maybe a way to replace the boxes in the various girl menus with their square pics, so we have a better idea who we're clicking.

None of those are essential obviously, just things I've noticed that would be nice.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 2, 2021
In terms of QoL UI additions I have a few suggestions (that are probably already on your list) like a way to sort in the staff screen
Definately on my list.

a more robust end of day screen (showing bonuses given by life coach/hot teacher and bonus moneys from managers etc.)
There is room for redesign here, but it's lower priority.

and maybe a way to replace the boxes in the various girl menus with their square pics, so we have a better idea who we're clicking.
There's room for a complete redesign of that type of menu across the four implementations that are in the game. Right now, it's set up with four different (but identical looking) menus each processed in a unique way. Any time I go into that I have to basically rebuild a new one almost from scratch. Not really, but it's not as simple as you'd think, and it's copying the assets, copying the code, rebinding the assets to the code, and... yeah, it's a lot of actual work. What can I say, I was new.

However, what I'm doing with the girl information panel in the booth is setting that up as a portable object which can then be put in to other pieces of content and just matters of context changed. I've been doing that with small things in other places, but this is the first time I've done it with a major UI element. What I can then do is just insert that object into other places and it becomes a consistant method of presentation which works the same time every time. This, in turn, reduces testing load.

This same work can be put into the girl-select menus. It's something I want to do, and that will make it more userfriendly. This can also be made to have better sort options, which I agree is something missing from those menus. The 16-grid served a needed purpose, but it has room for improvement, and that improvement is probably going to be a process of rebuilding and standardization.

None of those are essential obviously, just things I've noticed that would be nice.
I agree. And while I do want to rebuild a lot of the UI... (I don't think I'll ever be done rebuilding the UI) right now my priority is to update the parts of the UI that are getting in the way of producing my next planned gameplay addition.


Oct 1, 2017
I agree. And while I do want to rebuild a lot of the UI... (I don't think I'll ever be done rebuilding the UI) right now my priority is to update the parts of the UI that are getting in the way of producing my next planned gameplay addition.
That makes the most sense for sure. Sounds like you have a good plan for the UI and a lot of work ahead. I'm glad the game is in your hands--you're doing some stellar stuff.

This also reminds me I have a terabyte of porn I need to start turning into girlpacks. Once I finish the fifteen other things I need to do I'll head back into the spunk mines and start building again.


Jul 30, 2018
Really happy to see this getting revived. I've also been following TUSC since these games are just a great way to watch porn, and are oddly addicting. It's been a great benefit to be able to use the same girlpacks so I hope to see them stay compatible.
Wall of text follows, feel free to ignore :)

Other than that, some random gameplay feedback after a couple of games:
- Crown jewels shuffle is da bomb. Am a mistaken or did this also ignore the skill levels in the JSON files? I was always annoyed at girlpacks that give you pre-made 100 girls as it just bypasses the whole game so back in the day I wrote a script to set them all to 0 since the game for me is the grind/unlocking the girls haha.
- I may be the odd one out but I think the grind could be intensified. I think it was pretty good early on now (maybe a tad slow with the dancing since it's dance, closer, topless and many girlpacks have poor scene selections in all of dance, let alone the specific categories). Now, though, once you reach the Foreplay stage and beyond, you still snowball kind of hard and once you're up to Oral/Sex with 4 booths you can almost start recruiting/unlocking as fast as you want to basically, and hired girls may get unlocked to sex before you ever need to perform with them at all. Bypassing the whole unlocking/corrupting thing entirely as everyone gets tonnes of XP without even even performing or training.
- At the same time, Sex/Group is where most of us want to be in terms of the video content we watch for most of the gameplay time, I think. But there's not that much "game" left once you get to this point currently.
- Not sure how to best "extend" the game. Exponential cost increase for booths after 3 maybe? Have also suggested some kind of prestige level mechanic/NG+ in the past where all that happens basically is higher numbers, just to keep the game going. It's weird how it works, but I immediately lose interest and want to start over once I don't have anything left to unlock or buy/upgrade/unlock.

Random bugs and suggestions:

- in the assign for work screen, if you sort by fex openness, then assign a girl to work, the order sometime reshuffles (if that makes sense). So if I had the next girl I wanted to assign already in view I sometimes need to scroll a bit to find her again.
- Any way to specify girlpack location like TUSC can? I have so many I prefer to keep them off the SSD where I install the games (though I guess this technically could run VC just fine off the storage drive).
- For the modular booths, and for variety's sake, I would like to be able to set "Random above threshold". For example >=Oral (Oral + Sex + Group) or >=Sex (Sex + Group). I realize you can just mix or match Sex and Group booths, but it makes for a bit more micro management. I've found that locking a booth to Group especially isn't that great since many girlpacks have a poor selection of this category if the girl hasn't done many (or any) group scenes, for example.
- automatic dispenser upgrades broken? I bought it then unsubscribed from the crime syndicate service, and was back to having to click cigarettes/drinks etc.
- any way to close the "Girl doesn't want to do this" dialog with kbd?
- Tab selecting a girl during work night shows her stats and what she will/won't do at the bottom, which is useful to know where you can send her and avoid the dreaded aforementioned popup :) But when you assign a girl to a booth with QWEASD it doesn't update to the next girl in line so you need to manually tab to the next one to update.
- when a new booth opens, would it be possible to just auto highlight eligible girls for the last booth to open (the way they highlight when you manually click that booth now)?


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 2, 2021
- Crown jewels shuffle is da bomb. Am a mistaken or did this also ignore the skill levels in the JSON files? I was always annoyed at girlpacks that give you pre-made 100 girls as it just bypasses the whole game so back in the day I wrote a script to set them all to 0 since the game for me is the grind/unlocking the girls haha.
The JSON file informs how the stats are built in Shuffle mode, but not dictate. Girls with similar traits and specialization and hired around the same time should have similar stats with minor variance.

- I may be the odd one out but I think the grind could be intensified. I think it was pretty good early on now (maybe a tad slow with the dancing since it's dance, closer, topless and many girlpacks have poor scene selections in all of dance, let alone the specific categories). Now, though, once you reach the Foreplay stage and beyond, you still snowball kind of hard and once you're up to Oral/Sex with 4 booths you can almost start recruiting/unlocking as fast as you want to basically, and hired girls may get unlocked to sex before you ever need to perform with them at all. Bypassing the whole unlocking/corrupting thing entirely as everyone gets tonnes of XP without even even performing or training.
I think the current issue is that connection needs to lift its weight in the endgame stretch. Gameplay wise, grinding girls out so they can reach useability may not be compatible as a gameplay goal with having the natural challenge of balancing 6 different random work types, as desirable difficulty. But if buying things gets too easy the progression falls apart and endgame becomes trivial.

I agree there is opportunity here to flesh things out.

- At the same time, Sex/Group is where most of us want to be in terms of the video content we watch for most of the gameplay time, I think. But there's not that much "game" left once you get to this point currently.
- Not sure how to best "extend" the game. Exponential cost increase for booths after 3 maybe? Have also suggested some kind of prestige level mechanic/NG+ in the past where all that happens basically is higher numbers, just to keep the game going. It's weird how it works, but I immediately lose interest and want to start over once I don't have anything left to unlock or buy/upgrade/unlock.
I don't think NG+ is the answer. Restarting the game over and over again once you get to a certain point is something I've been working on making rewarding, because as you are aware, many of these problems have always been there. So I wanted to make sure the replayability was there.

That said... I have an idea. And I just want to see if it can be implemented.

Random bugs and suggestions:

- in the assign for work screen, if you sort by fex openness, then assign a girl to work, the order sometime reshuffles (if that makes sense). So if I had the next girl I wanted to assign already in view I sometimes need to scroll a bit to find her again.
Not a bug. This is a quirk with how the Sort method works in the unity C++ libraries. When you move the girl out, it's resorting the list, and when it resorts, it can sort things into a slightly different, but sorted order.

There's not an easy fix to it given that it's a problem in the C++ libraries themselves, but it annoys me too, and I assure you, once I have a fix in mind, it's getting in there asap.

- Any way to specify girlpack location like TUSC can? I have so many I prefer to keep them off the SSD where I install the games (though I guess this technically could run VC just fine off the storage drive).
The ability to support this is one of my side goals. But, the fact that girlpacks are in an entrenched position in the code is very hard to weed out. The game is built from the ground up around that entrenched position, and when I try to change it, unexpected things break that shouldn't.

There is an internal variable which locks that position into place, but when I change that variable, some things work, and others suddenly do not, even though they should. As someone who has to shuffle girlpacks between builds often, I assure you this is a feature I need, and even that is not enough to ensure it becomes reality.

So I want this, I want to make it happen, but I cannot promise it, and for that I apologize at this time. In fact, this was a reason I took this project on in the first place, and being unable to deliver it is vexing.

- For the modular booths, and for variety's sake, I would like to be able to set "Random above threshold". For example >=Oral (Oral + Sex + Group) or >=Sex (Sex + Group). I realize you can just mix or match Sex and Group booths, but it makes for a bit more micro management. I've found that locking a booth to Group especially isn't that great since many girlpacks have a poor selection of this category if the girl hasn't done many (or any) group scenes, for example.
For now, I've included some options within the gameplay that help you filter if you so want. The Snob is specifically designed as a reject button for clients wanting things you don't want to support. On top of this, if the reason you want to filter is related to the extend button, you can take the Investment that adds finishers to dance and pose, which also coincidentally forces a bonus to those works as well.

I want the option to maybe be able to filter your club in this regard available, however I also don't want it to be an 'always on, every club, every build' feature. Modular Booths are already powerful, in that they can enable you to completely tailor the clients that come in and remove the challenging element that occurs where you're dealing with a club with girls at varying levels of experience. My solution to that--make the Random booth more rewarding--has been my answer to that, while giving options (if you want) to manage that variance through careful use of Snobs, Booth Bunnies, and through the mitigation of the punishment of lategame Dance and Pose through the Look/Don't Touch investment.

Fact is, booth game is about that micro and I don't want to throw that baby out with the bathwater. Filtering clients, however, is a gameplay element I want available, and I've been questioning how to go about that in other ways. Investments and Traits have been a win in terms of gameplay, and I can see value in using these to accomplish 'sometimes' game options such as this.

- automatic dispenser upgrades broken? I bought it then unsubscribed from the crime syndicate service, and was back to having to click cigarettes/drinks etc.
Nope. Not broken. Changed. So, with the crime autofills being a part of the game, and being so cheap to maintain, I crunched some numbers.

At 15000, it takes 300 days after you buy the Automated tier before you break even. You should not be playing 300 days at final club level, that's excessive. So I decided the game was clearly not designed to handle both the crime addon AND that tier of advancements. The tier of advancements was a noob trap. No reason to buy it if the crime addons exist.

So I had to decide, was it better to purge the crime addon or the improvement?

Well, the crime addon does an okay job of setting players up for the more impactful better extend/finisher decisions later, but I didn't want players to have to do both at the same time. So I decided the crime addon was worth keeping and the automated tier not.

Instead, the automated tier increases your cap for happiness, which in turn increases your money gain per tick as your gain can get higher.

You may not always want to buy them, however. It depends on what the game has dealt you in terms of investments.

- any way to close the "Girl doesn't want to do this" dialog with kbd?
Eventually, yes, this will be implemented.

- Tab selecting a girl during work night shows her stats and what she will/won't do at the bottom, which is useful to know where you can send her and avoid the dreaded aforementioned popup :) But when you assign a girl to a booth with QWEASD it doesn't update to the next girl in line so you need to manually tab to the next one to update.
It actually does automaticly point to the next girl in line in my current dev build (the pink arrow determines who is next to send), but it doesn't update the information at the bottom, so this might explain this confusion.

This doesn't tell you if the girl pointed to is baseline capable of being sent however.

- when a new booth opens, would it be possible to just auto highlight eligible girls for the last booth to open (the way they highlight when you manually click that booth now)?
Never thought of this. This is not a bad idea.

EDIT: Done.
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Feb 26, 2018
Okay so since the Dev is disgruntler now, are you planning to add some more story elements to the game ? Like some sort of advancement in Nicole's story or something entirely new , like a new story girl or something to do with that criminal organization girl who wears mask on her face?


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 2, 2021
Okay so since the Dev is disgruntler now, are you planning to add some more story elements to the game ? Like some sort of advancement in Nicole's story or something entirely new , like a new story girl or something to do with that criminal organization girl who wears mask on her face?
Some additional transparency on this.

The way dialogs are handled and triggered in this game's engine is a little complicated for my dinosaur brain. Granted, I've torn apart complicated stuff in the code before, but for me, this isn't a place where I've had to put in a lot of work, because I don't think there's a lot of work needed to be done on what's there.

On top of this, I feel the story with Nicole has reached its logical conclusion.

Does that mean there isn't opportunity to advance story with Nicolette Shea? Or Simon Gespote? Sure... but this adds in three additional challenges.

1) If I'm doing story for the Mafia, I'd want to pair that with additional purchases from the Gespote.

2) I'd need to start going into the business of making girlpacks, if only to do the work on Nicolette Shea.

3) Doing such a thing justice would baloon the filesize for VCHH. (Most of it is Nicole vids.)


Dec 9, 2020
Hmm, since we are down to just tweaking numbers basically in VCHH, I will be rubbing my hands together in anticipation of SOMEBODY'S game in development, hehe....Bring on the clowns!


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 2, 2021
Hmm, since we are down to just tweaking numbers basically in VCHH, I will be rubbing my hands together in anticipation of SOMEBODY'S game in development, hehe....Bring on the clowns!
Right now, that's got some technical difficulties I need to over come and...

Well, let's just say I have some tricks up my sleeve left for VCHH.
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May 2, 2021
How to gain connections?


I might have solved the issue of the resorting of girls changing their order in the work menu. I can't guarantee that it'll work all the time for extremely large stables of girls (over 1000, there may be a couple edge cases) but it should work.

One core system I'm going to change is going to be to the client generation. Currently, a timer runs down, and then it brings in a client. The change I'm going to introduce is going to make reputation more important. Now, it will run down the timer, and check a random amount based on your reputation as well as how many days in you are, and then if you succeed, that client will enter your establishment. At parity, this check will be a 50/50 check, so by doubling the rate of checks, you should expect the same number of customers should you achieve parity with this internal number.

What this will do is it will make losing reputation a little more impactful. It will reward those who get reputation faster and make girls who have reputation gaining traits more valuable in the longer game. This is going to also change the variance, so you can no longer rely on customers always appearing 'on time every time.'

The system that governs this is also going to lay the groundwork for 10.0 and the plans I have.

There will also be a change to how client quality is generated, and I will very likely be doing something with the improvements to reflect this. I'm not happy with the advertising improvement, so I am likely going to change it to fit within these new generation mechanics.
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Feb 2, 2017
I started downloading the 100GB torrent not realizing it hasn't been supported for a while. Stuck at 99.1%. I don't suppose any kind soul could seed the rest? It says there 37 peers - I don't know enough about torrents but I think there's at least a few other people in my position.

Downloading them all individually via Mega is time consuming and I get capped out every couple of girls and have to wait a few hours to begin again.


Mar 2, 2018
My playstyle is to build and improve work teams. It takes ~2 nights for employees to recover enough energy to work another shift. So I have three shift teams that I like to rotate through. Now that the cost of having excess employees is lower (and there is incentive from brokers and investors to have "spare" employees) it would be nice to have some in-game way of putting employees into teams so I can add the entire team to the night's shift in one go.

Theme nights make it desirable to have a set team of employees all with the same trait, so some way of keeping them together and avoiding accidentally sending them off to do something else would be helpful there too.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2016
What is the difference between classic mode and scramble?

and if you add the crown jewels?

it is not clear to me


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 2, 2021
My playstyle is to build and improve work teams. It takes ~2 nights for employees to recover enough energy to work another shift. So I have three shift teams that I like to rotate through. Now that the cost of having excess employees is lower (and there is incentive from brokers and investors to have "spare" employees) it would be nice to have some in-game way of putting employees into teams so I can add the entire team to the night's shift in one go.

Theme nights make it desirable to have a set team of employees all with the same trait, so some way of keeping them together and avoiding accidentally sending them off to do something else would be helpful there too.
Good idea, not sure I can implement it into the save file safely. It'll have to wait until after I get around to a UI revamp of the work assignment screen though.

What is the difference between classic mode and scramble?

and if you add the crown jewels?

it is not clear to me
Scramble Mode: Costs and stats are randomized for hires across the board, and you only have a small number of girls available to be hired at any given time. The lottery will pick from the entire pool of girls.

Crown Jewels Mode: Five girls are selected at random, set aside and are unavailable to be bought. They are given max stats and a special, overpowered trait. A special button is added to acquire these girls, which require massive resource expenditures to acquire.


Mar 29, 2021
It seems i entcoutered a bug with openness gaining in scramble cj:

one of my girls stoped gaining openess while she is performing. in another Case, the game showed like openness 49 but when i sort the list according to openess she was last there (behind a 13,.. girl)

Both things seems to appear with lottery girls and after loading the game. I try to reproduce that bug to be more precise about when it appears.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 2, 2021
It seems i entcoutered a bug with openness gaining in scramble cj:

one of my girls stoped gaining openess while she is performing.
If the amount of openness is 33.2, 49.8, 66.4, or 83.0, this may be normal behavior, as girls with those openness cannot train openness using dance, pose, foreplay or oral respectively.

in another Case, the game showed like openness 49 but when i sort the list according to openess she was last there (behind a 13,.. girl)
Sorting algorithm's getting a slight change in today's update, so test it with that.

Both things seems to appear with lottery girls and after loading the game. I try to reproduce that bug to be more precise about when it appears.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 2, 2021
V9.5 is live on MEGA on the front page. Mirrors coming when they come.

Changelog is on the front page.
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Sep 18, 2018
So this is happening pretty randomly, girls are stuck behind the icon when dragged into it and hotkeys do nothing dFAfjX7.jpg
also on some days the first client doesn't show up until 30 seconds in.
4.40 star(s) 49 Votes