Mar 23, 2022
The text is not needed for anyone to play. It is simply there so anyone can check to see what I've done and correct/yell at me.

If there are any problems with my changes tell me, I'll attempt to correct them.

Unrelated note for the text file. It would appear that turning a game to txt messes with the placement of the code. So if things look different from your txt file of the game that might be why.

Unoffical patch 3 notes:

Possible fix for officework loop.

Possible fix for Avee time travel loop.

Fixed fighting Det leaving a white screen.

Possibly something else I forgot.


Aug 1, 2017
The text is not needed for anyone to play. It is simply there so anyone can check to see what I've done and correct/yell at me.

If there are any problems with my changes tell me, I'll attempt to correct them.

Unrelated note for the text file. It would appear that turning a game to txt messes with the placement of the code. So if things look different from your txt file of the game that might be why.

Unoffical patch 3 notes:

Possible fix for officework loop.

Possible fix for Avee time travel loop.

Fixed fighting Det leaving a white screen.

Possibly something else I forgot.
here savefile bakery frog bug ;w;
also I don't know this bug or not
when I go to Silas tomb after get quest fading light quest didn't trigger there
only cause that I know about it should be "I let Meat kill corrupt minotaur so Silas tomb quest didn't trigger"
Mar 23, 2022
1. here savefile bakery frog bug ;w;

2. also I don't know this bug or not
when I go to Silas tomb after get quest fading light quest didn't trigger there
only cause that I know about it should be "I let Meat kill corrupt minotaur so Silas tomb quest didn't trigger"
1. Ah it was something I overlooked that was causing the error. I fixed it this patch.

2. Have you unleashed the minotaur from under Junktown? Also have you used the semi walkthrough of It should work unless there's is a bug. Also sorry about the whole link. I don't know how to link comments dirrectly.

I also took the liberty of messing around with revenge served hot quest. Now on friday it'll check once if the player has completed it. If they haven't it'll set it so the quest can happen. This should make the quest doable by all and only once.
Mar 23, 2022
The text is not needed for anyone to play. It is simply there so anyone can check to see what I've done and correct/yell at me.

If there are any problems with my changes tell me, I'll attempt to correct them.

Unrelated note for the text file. It would appear that turning a game to txt messes with the placement of the code. So if things look different from your txt file of the game that might be why.

I was uncertain with the code I did for the Officework quest last time, so I adjusted it to better work.

Unoffical patch 4 notes:

Fixed potential office work quest not firing.

Fixed delivering bread to the Frog while under 5 rep.


Aug 1, 2017
The text is not needed for anyone to play. It is simply there so anyone can check to see what I've done and correct/yell at me.

If there are any problems with my changes tell me, I'll attempt to correct them.

Unrelated note for the text file. It would appear that turning a game to txt messes with the placement of the code. So if things look different from your txt file of the game that might be why.

I was uncertain with the code I did for the Officework quest last time, so I adjusted it to better work.

Unoffical patch 4 notes:

Fixed potential office work quest not firing.

Fixed delivering bread to the Frog while under 5 rep.
1.Silas tomb still bug I already kill all three corrupt include Isabella Law it also don't trigger Other World Death once defeat Det I don't know it need she to be alive or not.
2.Bakery broke again this time it show blank screen when work.
Last edited:
Mar 23, 2022
1.Silas tomb still bug I already kill all three corrupt include Isabella Law

2. it also don't trigger Other World Death once defeat Det I don't know it need she to be alive or not.

3. Bakery broke again this time it show blank screen when work.
1. I fixed it but I'm not going to post the patch. It feels weird to post a patch for only one of the two things I'm attempting to fix.

1a. If Snekk doesn't patch it next update I'll fix it then.

2. Other World Death doesn't exist yet apart from beating Det. It's a single scene.

3. I can't seem to find the cause. All the statements are worded correctly and the first half of them work. In other words I'm still looking into it.

For Snekk because I'm too lazy and Feel uncomftable posting a single fix.

The patch that I did for the issue nekolilly was having regarding silas tomb was make it check if corrupted was above 2. The specific line is

if silastombknow=1 and corruptedknow=2

this is what I did to patch it.

if silastombknow=1 and corruptedknow>=2
This way it checks if the player has seen the minotaur AND for when they defeat Isabella before going to the tomb for the first time.

Coping with ctrl f should find it.
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Mar 23, 2022
I think the "closedfrog" has an extra end and that is what is causing it. Can't seem to cause it again after removing it.
Oh my god, how'd I miss that? I feel so dumb. Yup, that was it. After you pointed it out I just knew that was it. I think I spent like a day looking for that and just didn't notice it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2017
Sounds like a smaller needle among small needles in a haystack to find.

Been busy. Messing with ideas again. Couple random questions.

1. The Jolly Lumberjack: I get that it caters to a certain 'type', but wouldn't waitress outfits fit better, thematically? Or both? Maid outfits seem a bit pseudo rich posturing, wheres Lumberjack's give more of an every person villager vibe. Mostly just asking before setting up a piece or two, art wise.

1a. Might fit better in a brothel, but the Jolly Lumberjack is more accessible: There could be one of those hole in a wall type setups (not to be confused with a glory hole) where it's the rear and genitals of a character exposed for use along with a drawing / depiction of their face set above it, and a tip jar to the side. Possible option to see who is 'working', maybe out of random pool.

2. Regarding the idea of a Kobold joining the farm and giving portal fu: Would this be Lo (and thus I'll just emulate the art used for her), or a unique Lewbold? If unique, is it male, female, both? Also if unique: basic scale color? (Red, blue, purple, green, yellow, whatever. I kind of think the PC's kobold spawn would be red or purplish, given that's the pallet that ends up often being used for offspring.)

2a. Simple scenario idea for Kobold get: Since you have to take a ship to the island to find them, and return for kobold orgy, why not have them (the kobold) stow away on the ship and follow you to the farm?

The player detects movement in a barrel of apples, investigates, only to pull the kobold up by the tail. Options?

Send them back,
Sell them into slavery,
Lewd them,
Put them to work with the other gobs to earn their keep, THEN lewd them get the idea.

3. Farm related, security wise, kind of on brand with the above. This is a lewd farm where pretty much everything bangs, right? Take a nod from Charmane, add a pillory for 'discipline' to be used on would be thieves.

Occasionally find Farm NPC's 'stuck' in it enjoying themselves. (Percy, farm gobs, etc.)

3a. Silly story or quest opportunity: A would be thief or aggressor keeps showing up at the farm, either sneaking or being aggressive, almost losing intentionally to be lewded / placed in the pillory or stocks. Turns out they have a shit job, or shitty abuser / authority figure, and while they *are* being boinked, fondled or fingerbanged, it turns out that your farm folk are all terribly nice and friendly about it (and quite skilled, due to practice), making this the highlight of the characters day / week / month.

Toss in some potential gender bending perhaps, but ultimately they ask to join your farm. (Or you 'convince' them.)

4. Since there is the option to explore the prison depths with Satty, and there is no end of mimics, two options, assuming they traveled there with Satty and they are in lover / lewd status:

If the player is 'defeated', half of their torso is in the Mimic, half (the rear half, of course) is not. Satty confirms if the PC is okay. Then offers to help the player out, but will need some raw mana to cast a appropriate spell. (She plays with your body first, then frees you.)

4a. Similar, but different. Random chance to find Satty halfway stuck in a similar situation with a mimic chest. Free her, or lewd her first. (Lewding her means she'll absolutely lewd you back if given the opportunity.)

4b. If apothecary is unlocked, chance to find Percy in the same scenario. You can't tell at this point if it's on accident or not.

5. Possibly a better fit for the Sultanate, but may work with the underground: A sphinx. Challenges you to riddles and sex for shinies or knowledge (combat xp) once a day at most. Potential combat too. (She can always move to a different location later, via magic or whatever.)

Solid Snekk

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 5, 2017
Sounds like a smaller needle among small needles in a haystack to find.

Been busy. Messing with ideas again. Couple random questions.

1. The Jolly Lumberjack: I get that it caters to a certain 'type', but wouldn't waitress outfits fit better, thematically? Or both? Maid outfits seem a bit pseudo rich posturing, wheres Lumberjack's give more of an every person villager vibe. Mostly just asking before setting up a piece or two, art wise.

1a. Might fit better in a brothel, but the Jolly Lumberjack is more accessible: There could be one of those hole in a wall type setups (not to be confused with a glory hole) where it's the rear and genitals of a character exposed for use along with a drawing / depiction of their face set above it, and a tip jar to the side. Possible option to see who is 'working', maybe out of random pool.

2. Regarding the idea of a Kobold joining the farm and giving portal fu: Would this be Lo (and thus I'll just emulate the art used for her), or a unique Lewbold? If unique, is it male, female, both? Also if unique: basic scale color? (Red, blue, purple, green, yellow, whatever. I kind of think the PC's kobold spawn would be red or purplish, given that's the pallet that ends up often being used for offspring.)

2a. Simple scenario idea for Kobold get: Since you have to take a ship to the island to find them, and return for kobold orgy, why not have them (the kobold) stow away on the ship and follow you to the farm?

The player detects movement in a barrel of apples, investigates, only to pull the kobold up by the tail. Options?

Send them back,
Sell them into slavery,
Lewd them,
Put them to work with the other gobs to earn their keep, THEN lewd them get the idea.

3. Farm related, security wise, kind of on brand with the above. This is a lewd farm where pretty much everything bangs, right? Take a nod from Charmane, add a pillory for 'discipline' to be used on would be thieves.

Occasionally find Farm NPC's 'stuck' in it enjoying themselves. (Percy, farm gobs, etc.)

3a. Silly story or quest opportunity: A would be thief or aggressor keeps showing up at the farm, either sneaking or being aggressive, almost losing intentionally to be lewded / placed in the pillory or stocks. Turns out they have a shit job, or shitty abuser / authority figure, and while they *are* being boinked, fondled or fingerbanged, it turns out that your farm folk are all terribly nice and friendly about it (and quite skilled, due to practice), making this the highlight of the characters day / week / month.

Toss in some potential gender bending perhaps, but ultimately they ask to join your farm. (Or you 'convince' them.)

4. Since there is the option to explore the prison depths with Satty, and there is no end of mimics, two options, assuming they traveled there with Satty and they are in lover / lewd status:

If the player is 'defeated', half of their torso is in the Mimic, half (the rear half, of course) is not. Satty confirms if the PC is okay. Then offers to help the player out, but will need some raw mana to cast a appropriate spell. (She plays with your body first, then frees you.)

4a. Similar, but different. Random chance to find Satty halfway stuck in a similar situation with a mimic chest. Free her, or lewd her first. (Lewding her means she'll absolutely lewd you back if given the opportunity.)

4b. If apothecary is unlocked, chance to find Percy in the same scenario. You can't tell at this point if it's on accident or not.

5. Possibly a better fit for the Sultanate, but may work with the underground: A sphinx. Challenges you to riddles and sex for shinies or knowledge (combat xp) once a day at most. Potential combat too. (She can always move to a different location later, via magic or whatever.)
1. It's just you. No one else has to wear that.

1a. I will get around to adding one of those when I fix/change the hole in the wall of Avedon quest as the PC basically builds one of those.

2&2a. I don't know. Kobold art is odd. They're described in every media as small and goblin size, but art for Kobolds is mostly just the catchall for regular lizardfolk art. I'm still planning what I want to do for a kobold companion.

3. I don't think there's an open spot in the farm travel menu. I'll have to move some stuff around but it's possible.

3a. I'm going to add some events to the farm for when the brothel opens. Technically it is supposed to get more dangerous but with having a minotaur and werewolves at your farm that wouldn't really be something a thief would try to rob from. Maybe the thief rival but she would probably also not try to rob a place that has werewolves as pets.

4&4a&4b: I just did a run through of Satty's quest to test making her or the demon the Goat Queen of Amazonia and I managed to do it without encountering a single monster. I obviously need to add more monsters to that dungeon and I'll probably do it next update.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2017
1. It's just you. No one else has to wear that.

1a. I will get around to adding one of those when I fix/change the hole in the wall of Avedon quest as the PC basically builds one of those.

2&2a. I don't know. Kobold art is odd. They're described in every media as small and goblin size, but art for Kobolds is mostly just the catchall for regular lizardfolk art. I'm still planning what I want to do for a kobold companion.

3. I don't think there's an open spot in the farm travel menu. I'll have to move some stuff around but it's possible.

3a. I'm going to add some events to the farm for when the brothel opens. Technically it is supposed to get more dangerous but with having a minotaur and werewolves at your farm that wouldn't really be something a thief would try to rob from. Maybe the thief rival but she would probably also not try to rob a place that has werewolves as pets.

4&4a&4b: I just did a run through of Satty's quest to test making her or the demon the Goat Queen of Amazonia and I managed to do it without encountering a single monster. I obviously need to add more monsters to that dungeon and I'll probably do it next update.
1. Hm. So maid style outfits for pc activities there. Gotcha. Where would peasant style outfit art go? Probably the Sleepy Fox, I guess? Or maybe the Port one... which I tend to ignore. Not sure why, other than superior sometimes drunk foxwaifu god. Haha.

2. To shamelessly toss my hat in the ring, I think I prefer them (Kobolds) being roughly gob sized, if for no other reason to mix up the shortie dynamic (in theory right now things that height would be Gobs / Ratkin / Shapechanged fairy maybe?). Plus you have Firestarter as a dragon adjacent / lizard type, and whatever the heck the egg dragon fire elemental thing is for middle /larger builds.

3. Kind of related to farm stuff, but I have a few silly rando events I'm penciling to hurl at you at some point, ranging from slice of life or lewd. (Such as First looking to being carried, npc's getting handsy or flirty on the farm) Not all of them thematically make sense to apply at the barn, though. Is that a problem?

3a. Yeah, not unless they were looking for a thrill or you had something super worth stealing. Then again, bandits are gonna bandit, so maybe they'd give it a go anyway. There were dumb enough to attack the Fort, after all.

3b. While not a direct danger, since Avedon is super duper racist and awful at times, why not have some rich asshat human supremacist hiring out bandits to enslave your gob kids? Probably a noble or something, convinced he or she is untouchable. (Because who is going to care if a bunch of gobbos go missing? Answer: you.)

Could have a timer to track them down, made easier by the availability of various npc's (dog, wolfpups, Blitz, Loksi, other scout or sensory types I'm forgetting.)

Actually, it may be an interesting opportunity for either Gobwife or First to investigate, but that runs the risk of angering people Percy style.

4. Yay for more monsters!

You already have an arena, but that location could be an interesting alternative to train in, or populate with chimera /experimental style npcs. I don't know if skill checks are a thing, but avoiding (or not) the occasional trap could mix it up too. ...Though I'm not sure how you would go about situations where the PC is taken out by said trap (usually there is a monster or foe involved.)

4 something or other. A tried and true trope in a dungeon is the glorified floor boss schtick, if nothing else.

6. Oh. For npc fodder, if you are looking for character art with a lot of options, Loona from Helluva Boss would probably work as a potioned up wolf pup, or Isabella as doggo girl.

7. Random art scenario to excuse boinking in the Onsen (Avedon): with enough Arena rep, grateful and eager fans approach for lewding.

7a. Similar scenario, but this is more along the lines of the guy making trouble at onsen concept. These are making life difficult (or even graping) half elves, elves, other non human minorities. Possibly more than one at once, to change it up a bit.
7b. Another random art scenario excuse for boinking: After the big ritual with all the Kitsune godwaifus calling out their titles and the PC being namedropped as the champion or goddess of rebirth or whatnot, random Kitsune looking to share their affection could be floating around in the Park (Monduval) or other locations.

...Actually, knowing Kitsune, it seems entirely likely to just find them getting bent over here and there anyway, haha.

8. Design question. I've found a bunch of pics that kind of grabbed me in terms of style and interest to emulate, mostly involving the whole concealing part of the face behind a big fan / snapping it closed sort of vibe. Do you think that would suit either Avee or Mitsu? Or somebody else entirely?

...Then again, if I'm doing fans with martial arts I don't see why I wouldn't just channel Mai Shiranui for exhibitionist style. *Shrugs*.
Mar 23, 2022
2. To shamelessly toss my hat in the ring, I think I prefer them (Kobolds) being roughly gob sized, if for no other reason to mix up the shortie dynamic (in theory right now things that height would be Gobs / Ratkin / Shapechanged fairy maybe?). Plus you have Firestarter as a dragon adjacent / lizard type, and whatever the heck the egg dragon fire elemental thing is for middle /larger builds.

3a. Yeah, not unless they were looking for a thrill or you had something super worth stealing. Then again, bandits are gonna bandit, so maybe they'd give it a go anyway. There were dumb enough to attack the Fort, after all.

4. Yay for more monsters!

You already have an arena, but that location could be an interesting alternative to train in, or populate with chimera /experimental style npcs. I don't know if skill checks are a thing, but avoiding (or not) the occasional trap could mix it up too. ...Though I'm not sure how you would go about situations where the PC is taken out by said trap (usually there is a monster or foe involved.)
2. I'm pretty sure kobolds are like 2-3 feet while goblins are 3-4 feet. I can't vouch for Ratkin/Ratfolk. They aren't too common in most media. Fairies size is yes, as far as I can tell. Meaning they come in every size. From the small ones often confused with pixies to human in size.

3a. First there's a difference between not knowing the enemies strength vs knowing and not caring. To the unknowing eye Fort Reach is manned by only humans. They don't know their leader is Charemane. If the bandits knew what Charemane is they'd probably not attack it. I know if I knew I wouldn't. As for stealing from the farm while a minotaur and werewolf is there it's the same thing. Any logical individual would know that a minotaur and werewolf would easily catch anyone. I know the only way I'd even attempt it is if I had an instant out button.

4. I know this is only part of the quote but shhh. Currently there are skill checks in game... sort of. Ambushes are skill checks sort of. It's rng plus knowledge. If your knowledge is above 38, you'll always get an ambush. At least with all the subsewer encounters it's 38. So skill checks wouldn't be difficult to implement anywhere.

Solid Snekk

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 5, 2017
1.99.37 is up on .

Main updates are setting things up so that Amazonia can be explored and adding a tournament to the arena.

I plan on adding other types of combat to the arena as it should be the quicker way to level up, with drugs from Monduval being the fastest.

The main quest in Amazonia, Queen's Gambit, involves finding one of ever race to fill slots for their Queens and that obviously involves referencing many characters. I fixed some of Annabelle's content so you should also be able to meet and lewd Bess' sister if you own the clinic.
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Solid Snekk

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 5, 2017
QSP is weird.

Testing out the compiled version that I made with the bugfix version and the slums image was deleted. Not sure how that happened.

Solid Snekk

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 5, 2017
1. Hm. So maid style outfits for pc activities there. Gotcha. Where would peasant style outfit art go? Probably the Sleepy Fox, I guess? Or maybe the Port one... which I tend to ignore. Not sure why, other than superior sometimes drunk foxwaifu god. Haha.

2. To shamelessly toss my hat in the ring, I think I prefer them (Kobolds) being roughly gob sized, if for no other reason to mix up the shortie dynamic (in theory right now things that height would be Gobs / Ratkin / Shapechanged fairy maybe?). Plus you have Firestarter as a dragon adjacent / lizard type, and whatever the heck the egg dragon fire elemental thing is for middle /larger builds.

3. Kind of related to farm stuff, but I have a few silly rando events I'm penciling to hurl at you at some point, ranging from slice of life or lewd. (Such as First looking to being carried, npc's getting handsy or flirty on the farm) Not all of them thematically make sense to apply at the barn, though. Is that a problem?

3a. Yeah, not unless they were looking for a thrill or you had something super worth stealing. Then again, bandits are gonna bandit, so maybe they'd give it a go anyway. There were dumb enough to attack the Fort, after all.

3b. While not a direct danger, since Avedon is super duper racist and awful at times, why not have some rich asshat human supremacist hiring out bandits to enslave your gob kids? Probably a noble or something, convinced he or she is untouchable. (Because who is going to care if a bunch of gobbos go missing? Answer: you.)

Could have a timer to track them down, made easier by the availability of various npc's (dog, wolfpups, Blitz, Loksi, other scout or sensory types I'm forgetting.)

Actually, it may be an interesting opportunity for either Gobwife or First to investigate, but that runs the risk of angering people Percy style.

4. Yay for more monsters!

You already have an arena, but that location could be an interesting alternative to train in, or populate with chimera /experimental style npcs. I don't know if skill checks are a thing, but avoiding (or not) the occasional trap could mix it up too. ...Though I'm not sure how you would go about situations where the PC is taken out by said trap (usually there is a monster or foe involved.)

4 something or other. A tried and true trope in a dungeon is the glorified floor boss schtick, if nothing else.

6. Oh. For npc fodder, if you are looking for character art with a lot of options, Loona from Helluva Boss would probably work as a potioned up wolf pup, or Isabella as doggo girl.

7. Random art scenario to excuse boinking in the Onsen (Avedon): with enough Arena rep, grateful and eager fans approach for lewding.

7a. Similar scenario, but this is more along the lines of the guy making trouble at onsen concept. These are making life difficult (or even graping) half elves, elves, other non human minorities. Possibly more than one at once, to change it up a bit.
7b. Another random art scenario excuse for boinking: After the big ritual with all the Kitsune godwaifus calling out their titles and the PC being namedropped as the champion or goddess of rebirth or whatnot, random Kitsune looking to share their affection could be floating around in the Park (Monduval) or other locations.

...Actually, knowing Kitsune, it seems entirely likely to just find them getting bent over here and there anyway, haha.

8. Design question. I've found a bunch of pics that kind of grabbed me in terms of style and interest to emulate, mostly involving the whole concealing part of the face behind a big fan / snapping it closed sort of vibe. Do you think that would suit either Avee or Mitsu? Or somebody else entirely?

...Then again, if I'm doing fans with martial arts I don't see why I wouldn't just channel Mai Shiranui for exhibitionist style. *Shrugs*.
1. I think I removed outfit restrictions on those jobs and, if I haven't, I will. The Jolly Lumberjack itself says that they don't really need servers.

3. Your farm is remote but not isolated. Public sex is still illegal and your farm could, in theory, be raided by paladins for having no-marital sex. The house belongs to you and no one would dare sneak inside to fuck on your bed (without you) so the next closest area is the barn. There is the option of building a bunkhouse and I'll do stuff with it eventually.

4. There's traps in the forest that simply catch you until something wanders near you. Low chance, but if you fall in a pit trap you can be found by bandits and the like.

6. The art for most of the anime-style animals is taken care of, I have a general idea of what I want to do the problem is adding in additional instances of every animal. There's probably a simple way to do it and I'm overthinking it. I'll mess with it after Amazonia/Touch the Cow quest.

7. I do have an Adoring Fan NPC that comes to you if you have high enough reputation, but not much is done with them yet. There's so many unfinished NPC's that I doubt I'll get to them anytime soon.

7a. A guy being a nuisance and getting violent is a lot more common than a rapist actively raping people. It might have to be a quest where you stop or encourage them.

7b. That is planned, along with every other location aside from the school/community center. Yvee will not allow such harlotry unless you specifically allow it.

8. Avee already has you grope her to show off where the gates are in the kitsune faith, it would be in line for her to tease using a fan.

Mitsu is eventually going to show off combat sex, so it would be in line for her as well.
Mar 23, 2022
QSP is weird.

Testing out the compiled version that I made with the bugfix version and the slums image was deleted. Not sure how that happened.
As in the actual image was deleted from the files or just the code to access it?

I do have an Adoring Fan NPC that comes to you if you have high enough reputation, but not much is done with them yet. There's so many unfinished NPC's that I doubt I'll get to them anytime soon.
1. Yeah about that..... I'm going to be that guy and say I have a quest that is like half written and it'll introduce a new NPC. Currently I don't have much in the way of fun times with them yet. But it will technically introduce an NPC. So uh.... Sorry? You don't have to add it offically of course I'll leave it in the experiment file.

1a. Honestly the quest is kinda short and I've just been putting it off, that's why it's taking so long.

2. Talking about this NPC. I plan to use them to test a few things. Of course if the quest line is added it'd be what you've allowed. So if you're not fine with that but want the story/quest then that'll be fine. I guess when I post the experimental build eventually we'll see.

3. I also reuse a lot of art that exists. Like for a workshop I used the image/farm/anvil. Or should I find new art? Don't worry, the new character will have new art though.


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Salgos Gremory

New Member
Aug 5, 2018
Rubedo was a masterpiece and this game is a great successor to it!
I really enjoyed the game and hopefully will be able to make something in this genre in the future.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2017
As in the actual image was deleted from the files or just the code to access it?

1. Yeah about that..... I'm going to be that guy and say I have a quest that is like half written and it'll introduce a new NPC. Currently I don't have much in the way of fun times with them yet. But it will technically introduce an NPC. So uh.... Sorry? You don't have to add it offically of course I'll leave it in the experiment file.

1a. Honestly the quest is kinda short and I've just been putting it off, that's why it's taking so long.

2. Talking about this NPC. I plan to use them to test a few things. Of course if the quest line is added it'd be what you've allowed. So if you're not fine with that but want the story/quest then that'll be fine. I guess when I post the experimental build eventually we'll see.

3. I also reuse a lot of art that exists. Like for a workshop I used the image/farm/anvil. Or should I find new art? Don't worry, the new character will have new art though.
Haha. And so it begins. The sequel.

I tease. Mostly. Snekk is a fully grown Snekk anyway, and can judge if something fits or not, and they did say commissions for scenes are welcome if they suit.

Though a PM may be the better way to go about it, especially if you are changing exploratory content within the actual game. The bugfixes are wonderful, but the game can be confusing enough for random players stumbling through it with the occasional coked out bug trying to devour a users kneecaps alone. And, uh, the internet being the internet, putting it out on the forum, even with a big ass disclaimer of 'this may bork your game' could backfire as a the gamer, playing the text based game, refuses to read.

Maybe stick it in the dev /wip section in the ledger, if anything? That would probably do the trick.

Oh, and more importantly, good luck with the creative mojo!

1. I think I removed outfit restrictions on those jobs and, if I haven't, I will. The Jolly Lumberjack itself says that they don't really need servers.

3. Your farm is remote but not isolated. Public sex is still illegal and your farm could, in theory, be raided by paladins for having no-marital sex. The house belongs to you and no one would dare sneak inside to fuck on your bed (without you) so the next closest area is the barn. There is the option of building a bunkhouse and I'll do stuff with it eventually.

4. There's traps in the forest that simply catch you until something wanders near you. Low chance, but if you fall in a pit trap you can be found by bandits and the like.

6. The art for most of the anime-style animals is taken care of, I have a general idea of what I want to do the problem is adding in additional instances of every animal. There's probably a simple way to do it and I'm overthinking it. I'll mess with it after Amazonia/Touch the Cow quest.

7. I do have an Adoring Fan NPC that comes to you if you have high enough reputation, but not much is done with them yet. There's so many unfinished NPC's that I doubt I'll get to them anytime soon.

7a. A guy being a nuisance and getting violent is a lot more common than a rapist actively raping people. It might have to be a quest where you stop or encourage them.

7b. That is planned, along with every other location aside from the school/community center. Yvee will not allow such harlotry unless you specifically allow it.

8. Avee already has you grope her to show off where the gates are in the kitsune faith, it would be in line for her to tease using a fan.

Mitsu is eventually going to show off combat sex, so it would be in line for her as well.
1. Not a prob. That's mostly what I'm looking for anyway. Got a few pictures I'd like to emulate (mostly to see how difficult they are to do) that mostly involves sex or fondling in a bar, the PC dressed as a barmaid or such.

Mariko's bar has a bit of a happy go lucky, cheering you on as publicly do the deed (loving bred and being bread for example, has the crowd cheering you both on), but the lumberjack is also pretty chill, along with the other trap servers. Maybe I'll just split up anything fancy between 'em, depending on the content. Any excuse to finish an image is a good one anyway.

3. Kind of related, but what keeps Annette out of trouble with her slooting it up over in Britmor? Avedon seems pretty brazen with patrolling that area, and it's fairly public. Maybe a deal under the table with the mayor, bribing the soldiers in regard to that spot or something? With Annette's skills it probably brings in a fair amount of commerce to the town, and Melina Britmor is no fool.

3a. Kind of also related, and a tricky one. I think it would require a toggle or option at the start, similar to engaging with 'Goblin Magic' studies with the Gobwife back at the Avedon gates, to open the floodgates for a specific style content (in that case, it's whoring and sex with the gobwife, with her taking an active role), but I've got this writing itch regarding Melina that could combine a lot of the various ideas I've had for her in one glorious lewd package.

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4. Ah, okay. Speaking of traps, how unlikely is it that other would be adventurers are exploring underneath the lake? The PC doesn't nosebleed (so it's not a toxic environment), and Satty seems to find her way through there easily enough. Though the goat girl is pretty special.

...Actually, while it doesn't have to be the lake thing, it could be kind of amusing to see the occasional disheveled adventurer, bowlegged and leaking a spunky snail trail, stumbling their way out from the entrance of a dungeon.

6. That does sound tricky. Maybe just have one or two in particular, and the rest 'exist' unless being called up or referenced directly? Good luck!

7. If you get bored or want a hand to flesh an idea or person out, feel free to shake me down.

7a. True enough. So short interactions can be mostly without consequence, then.

7b. So Kitsune are happy go lucky, bimbo sloots spreading joy (and their thighs) for the most part. Question. What happens if Avedon tries to crack down on their behavior or attire (or lack thereof).

7c. Monduval seems to celebrate being in the buff as stunning and brave. Who *is* in charge over there anyway?

8. Cool. I'll dabble with a concept piece and if it turns out decent enough, lob it your way.

8a. Since I'm all about the punch punch, I'm clearly invested in the Monastery and whatnot.

When writing up potential interactions or smut, what personality or tone should I write for Mitsu?

Silly eastern style fortune nooky cookie with a splash of the Sphinx from Mystery Men? I.E. "If you do not master your cock, your cock will become your master."

It may be easier to just phone it in with Mai art, but I'm going to try taking a stab at her design later for grins and giggles.

X. Absolutely unrelated, but it feels odd to defeat a bandit or baddie, only for the game to say 'you don't want to take their monies, it'd be stealing'. Like, if you are a baddie, your wealth *and* your ass should be on the line if you get caught. Just saying.
Mar 23, 2022
Haha. And so it begins. The sequel.

I tease. Mostly. Snekk is a fully grown Snekk anyway, and can judge if something fits or not, and they did say commissions for scenes are welcome if they suit.

Though a PM may be the better way to go about it, especially if you are changing exploratory content within the actual game. The bugfixes are wonderful, but the game can be confusing enough for random players stumbling through it with the occasional coked out bug trying to devour a users kneecaps alone. And, uh, the internet being the internet, putting it out on the forum, even with a big ass disclaimer of 'this may bork your game' could backfire as a the gamer, playing the text based game, refuses to read.

Maybe stick it in the dev /wip section in the ledger, if anything? That would probably do the trick.

Oh, and more importantly, good luck with the creative mojo!
Oh, I see how it is. You want me to be a patch monkey. You just want all the ideas to be yours. Can't have imps writing for this game huh? Well, you'll see. I'll make my own quests. With blackjack and hookers.

Joking aside, the reason why I posted that publicly was for a few reasons. I know Snekk views the forum so there's that. Second it was to inform anyone that I might be putting something in if Snekk allowed it. Second to inform them what it might contain in the off chance Snekk lets it through. Third it's also to inform them how I'd plan to show case it. Although you do bring up a good point on that one even if it shouldn't matter. Finally I was going to ask opinions on potential characters that's I'd use for their art and which people prefered. I decided against this one because that might imply it's close to finishing when it's not.

Next point, game borking. With how I wrote it it's in sections. A door/passage, meaning at any time Snekk, I, QSP or anyone can just break the "door" locking it all away (even deleting everything I've done would be fine). Beyond the "door" would be a lore part. This would be the story of the quest, it's own thing. After the player had completed the main story of this quest (which would be self contained). Would unlock the testing area. This part wouldn't break anyones game unless Snekk decided to use it's code somewhere else.

As for why I'd do it like that it's because if I dumped it into the dev wip area then it might not be touched by anyone. Where if it was a quest/location people might stumble across it and say EW why you do this. Plus with how I'd code it 99% of it would be only for that area (only the entry would be in a current in game area). Meaning even if it was to be deleted the worse that'd happen is some random variables would be attached to a players save.

tldr; I wrote it public for a reason. It'll be fine, I wouldn't break anything. I have things to stop that happening. You might be right on some things though. So I'll consider those in the future.
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