
Apr 20, 2018
Sorry question but I'm at the southern forest portal, i was supposed to power up the staff but i don't get an option to do it.

It just says that it's not meant for me? I need some guidance here...
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Jan 26, 2020
so i gave the most recent version a go and have a few ideas that i think could be great.

Class System: you've got it where the MC can start as a certain class, and then stumble onto even more classes, and this is fantastic. I think, though, the main problem is that we have zero information on whatever those classes even are. we know stuff like 'woodland witch makes it so you can brew potions' and 'hunters can make traps at a forge' but that's basically nothing. also, while thinking about this, i got a few ideas of some classes you could add and how much detail you could add.

- Paladin: Sworn protectors of a holy nun. Rigorous training has enforced an iron will and stoic demeanour. You do extra damage to unholy/undead enemies. You take half damage from unholy/undead enemies. (Male Only)

- Fallen Paladin: Sworn protectors of a holy nun that failed in their duties, one way or another. Your nun is dead or gone, and hate is all that is left. You do extra damage to unholy/undead enemies. (Male Only)

- Holy Nun: You are a nun, blessed by the holy Avalon. Chaste, virtuous, and humble, you and your paladin cleanse the world of evil and darkness. As long as you remain a virgin, your spells do extra damage. (Female Only)

- Corrupted Nun: You have fallen from grace, defiled or corrupted by the world's evils. Your chastity is gone, and the world seems darker for it. You do more damage to whatever race took your virginity. (Female Only)

- Nec-romancer/Necrophiliac: Whether it's a curse or stray thoughts taken too far, you feel wildly attracted to the undead. During sex with anything considered undead, you can cast Control Undead to turn them into a permanent ally (Max 20).

- Death's Beloved: Somehow, someway, you've gained the affection of Death Herself. Any children created with Death can be turned into permanent allies, and all Necromantic spells are stronger.

- Kensei: The Chosen Hero of Mariko, you have been taught the ways of an ancient warrior caste. All damage with swords and daggers is increased. (Male/Futa Only)

- Shrine Maiden: Chosen by Mariko to attend her renewed shrines, you are a holy example of Mariko's divine will. Travelling via shrines now restores a small amount of health and vigor. (Female/Futa Only)

- Hell-touched: You have delved into the secrets of your temple in the realm of hell, and come out changed for it. You can summon an imp to battle that remains permanent until dismissed.

just a few ideas of some classes that could be added for lore, if nothing else, but i genuinely think it would be pretty cool to get access to a class or a perk or a mutation for completing a certain questline.
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