
Jan 26, 2020
Are you playing as a male or as a female?
If you are playing as a female, you need to find Bill, in the Axe you a question store arguing about an Axe. I THINK you can find him in the morning hours (8-11am), if he is not there then wait an hour or two and keep checking back at the store.

If you are playing as a male, you need to find Annette, in the Britmor housing area. She prostitutes herself out at night and her first appearance is 'High Class Prostitute'. You need to pay for her services to start the story to gain access to the farm.

I cannot remember which one you need to do if you are a Futa. Just check both locations and 1 of them should appear for you to start the quest to gain access to the farm.
for reference, futa is treated a lot of the time as though the mc is a guy, but seeing as you also have a vagina the game basically flips a coin and goes 'well did you meet this one first before being a futa, or that one?'

so basically, if you started as a female, got to britmor, and then became a futa but haven't entered the axe shop yet, you can still meet annette. if you became a futa from a male and havent met either yet, you can still meet bill. it all depends on whether you met one or the other before, and if you have done ANYTHING in britmor.
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Jan 26, 2020
I don't know if I'm missing something, but I cannot for the life of me Annette in Britmor. Need to find her to unlock the Steelwind farm. I'm playing the shipwrecked start.
if you're a woman you have to meet bill in the Axe You a Question shop. if you're a male or a futa and haven't met bill in the shop (futa) then you can visit either one. Annette shows up in the housing district between 20:00 and 02:00, bill shows up in the shop mentioned above, and then in the britmor main area between the hours of 08:00 and 11:00. hope this helps.

Solid Snekk

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 5, 2017
A very kind individual has made it apparent to me that when I asked to find clothes for all of the races, that I don't actually have to do that. I was only doing it because Rubedo did it, same goes for weapons.

This is kind of the reasons I post things on here for feedback because otherwise I'd be stuck for days on a single problem.


Jan 26, 2020
Weapon testing is going well, these zombies never stood a chance.
so i noticed some things i feel like i should mention, if only to bring them to your attention.

yes, i am back at it once again, right in front of your salad while fucking your girl.

- the female/futanari elf start to bring back the elven populace ends its current content without the ability to create a whole village worth of elven kids that i can then use to make more kids. this is unacceptable, i demand elven incest babies.

- from the beginning the futa maid start seems to pair the futa maid with the son. can we have an option that makes it so the maid is with the mother and the son is optional, or the maid is with neither and has to work towards the one(s) they want? i say this only because i don't play a futa to be fucked, but to fuck and have nice tits doing it.

- the new boss you get after the archives questline, elizabeth; is that planned to go anywhere? can the office workers finally impregnate a player that lets them cum inside? can we eventually impregnate elizabeth? i ask the real questions, so you don't have to.

- i will once again politely inform you of my desire to knock up death and create skelle-babies once again, preferably with a few 'rattle me bones' memes sprinkled in to really spice up the sex.

- i shall also politely inform you of my desire to knock up/be knocked up by avery, and ghost mum. i wish to knock up ghost mum most of all. spooky sex makes spooky babies.

- instead of defeating or killing Avalon, the player could enslave her, through some magical voodoo nonsense, turning her into a unwilling baby maker for the rest of existence. for my pure amusement, of course. and no other reason. looks away from nun porn. no. other. reason

- i think you mentioned the player would get to be a werewolf as one of the starting races; does this mean the player would get a knotted dick if playing as a futa/male werewolf? will the player be a human that can transform into a werewolf, or will the player be in werewolf form permanently?
- on this, are other fantasy/mythological creatures planned? i know we have elves and goblins, and werewolves to come, but what of others? maybe we get a start as a kitsune that, for some reason, isn't bound to never defend themselves with violence? maybe we could play as a cat-person? will we get to be a zombie? a vampire?
- maybe playing as other races could have stipulations. vampires need to feed once a week at least or they'll gradually lose max health and vigour; werewolves can't sleep anywhere other than 'a' werewolf den; kitsune can do extra damage with magical attacks, but they take extra damage from physical attacks and can only sleep at a shrine; zombies lose twice as much vigour from actions but regenerate health without resting. little things li8ke that. i just thought this because you're making a class system, so why not make it so starting races also have a reason to be played?

- more magic spells would be appreciated. right now we only have the two form the back book, three if you started as a chosen one, and maybe a few more obscure ones i don't know about. having the option to play as a pure magic caster would be amazing.

- someone needs to say it, so i will. there's a robot, there's tech armour, will there be guns for the player to use? maybe something only the player can use?

i have ceased fucking your girl in front of your salad, but i shall be back for round two if i have any more ideas.

this is a threat.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
- the female/futanari elf start to bring back the elven populace ends its current content without the ability to create a whole village worth of elven kids that i can then use to make more kids. this is unacceptable, i demand elven incest babies.

Move to Alabama. ;)

I hear they even have tips on how to pick up a date at family reunions. :giggle:
Mar 23, 2022
so i noticed some things i feel like i should mention, if only to bring them to your attention.

yes, i am back at it once again, right in front of your salad while fucking your girl.

- the female/futanari elf start to bring back the elven populace ends its current content without the ability to create a whole village worth of elven kids that i can then use to make more kids. this is unacceptable, i demand elven incest babies.

- from the beginning the futa maid start seems to pair the futa maid with the son. can we have an option that makes it so the maid is with the mother and the son is optional, or the maid is with neither and has to work towards the one(s) they want? i say this only because i don't play a futa to be fucked, but to fuck and have nice tits doing it.

- the new boss you get after the archives questline, elizabeth; is that planned to go anywhere? can the office workers finally impregnate a player that lets them cum inside? can we eventually impregnate elizabeth? i ask the real questions, so you don't have to.

- i will once again politely inform you of my desire to knock up death and create skelle-babies once again, preferably with a few 'rattle me bones' memes sprinkled in to really spice up the sex.

- i shall also politely inform you of my desire to knock up/be knocked up by avery, and ghost mum. i wish to knock up ghost mum most of all. spooky sex makes spooky babies.

- instead of defeating or killing Avalon, the player could enslave her, through some magical voodoo nonsense, turning her into a unwilling baby maker for the rest of existence. for my pure amusement, of course. and no other reason. looks away from nun porn. no. other. reason

- i think you mentioned the player would get to be a werewolf as one of the starting races; does this mean the player would get a knotted dick if playing as a futa/male werewolf? will the player be a human that can transform into a werewolf, or will the player be in werewolf form permanently?
- on this, are other fantasy/mythological creatures planned? i know we have elves and goblins, and werewolves to come, but what of others? maybe we get a start as a kitsune that, for some reason, isn't bound to never defend themselves with violence? maybe we could play as a cat-person? will we get to be a zombie? a vampire?
- maybe playing as other races could have stipulations. vampires need to feed once a week at least or they'll gradually lose max health and vigour; werewolves can't sleep anywhere other than 'a' werewolf den; kitsune can do extra damage with magical attacks, but they take extra damage from physical attacks and can only sleep at a shrine; zombies lose twice as much vigour from actions but regenerate health without resting. little things li8ke that. i just thought this because you're making a class system, so why not make it so starting races also have a reason to be played?

- more magic spells would be appreciated. right now we only have the two form the back book, three if you started as a chosen one, and maybe a few more obscure ones i don't know about. having the option to play as a pure magic caster would be amazing.

- someone needs to say it, so i will. there's a robot, there's tech armour, will there be guns for the player to use? maybe something only the player can use?

i have ceased fucking your girl in front of your salad, but i shall be back for round two if i have any more ideas.

this is a threat.
1. We can't just knock up Death that easy. We don't want no spooky, scary skeletons sending shivers down our spine. With their shrieking skulls that will shock our souls sealing our doom tonight. Jokes aside, Solid Snekk will get around to having fun times with Death. As for babies I'm not sure that will happen anytime soon if at all. Death even mentions that she can't bring life into the world that way in one of the starts.

2. What is it with you and knocking up undead? First Zombie, then Death, now ghosts. What are you some kind of necrophile? Jokes aside (yes it was a joke I meant no offence) there isn't anything wrong with that as long as it's not in real life. As for knocking up a ghost I'd have no idea how that would even be possible. In order for living creatures to reproduce they need a physical thing. Ghost are all spiritual, they have no physical body.

3. I'm pretty sure Solid Snekk mention the player being able to turn into a vampire in a future update a while ago. Or at least something to do with the player and being a vampire. So the player becoming a vampire is a possiblility. Though I don't think it'll be a starting race if it was. Though maybe it will, only Snekk has the answer to that.

4. In litrally the post above yours Snekk posted testing both fire ball and a rifle. So I don't think new weapons and spell will be added.

Weapon testing is going well, these zombies never stood a chance.

1. When starting again chosing race will come first right? Because unlucky is a goblin. Or are the Starts getting redone also?

2. What are your thoughts on a non-offensive weapon? Something that offers little to no pratical use in combat but offers unique passives/buff. Like a book that gives a boost to magic as long as it's equipped as you weapon. Or a lute that boost bardic skills for example.

3. Please don't tell me that ping from reloading was from a mosin nagant. Because the mosin nagant only holds 5 bullets, you shot 8. Unless the ping is just a indicator to reload, in which case I'll shut up.
3a. Stop tempting me away from my unlimited power with your new shiny toys. *cute angry face*


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2017
From what I read earlier, the race is picked, which then reveals a list of possible origins that work with that race. So if you pick a goblin, (futa) Unlucky Goblin, (female) Team Boys, or (futa) Maid start should be available next. Maybe also the generic shipwreck start as well, though I'm not sure how that would play out.

Given how race exclusive Avedon mostly is, I am curious how some of these races with be introduced. Maybe Steelwind/ Chosen One is no longer human only, given Britmoor's mayor being a bit more fast and loose with the rules thanks to the towns savior and current ruler. Some can mostly pass as human or be tolerated due to sex appeal (catgirls, kitsune). The dad *did* fuck around (and found out).

But the wolf morph was going to require high tier Percy alchemical fuckery to change up your werewolf lover, so I dunno.

...Or maybe Bill is your "dad", awakening and shifting you from a animal form much like Bess was with a rigorous rodgering. That could maybe work with some of the animal morphs.

Unless it's gonna be you (the PC) are an amnesiac escapee from the wizard collecting all the races, or something.

While I do love the options, I am equal parts curious and hesitant of the various storylines being thinned even further with how additional origins would strain available time and energy.

But hey, what the hell do I know. Stuff changes. Reading back the last pages it looks like half the stuff I was drawing up won't actually be needed. To be fair, that's on me for volunteering for something that clearly didn't need doing.

But with that line of thinking I can only imagine how many ideas end up on the chopping block for the story on a regular basis. Especially with such a rigorous changeup to the game format and combat.

Solid Snekk

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 5, 2017
A quick note on my progress:

I've restarted the entire game almost from scratch. I need to add skill checks to almost every aspect along with after combat encounters, so if your skillcheck is high enough you can Ambush the enemy and their HP is halved for that encounter.

After you defeat enemies you have the option to:
Loot them for items, weapons and armor
Skin wolves for leather
Kidnap them or arrest them for bounties

Some places, like inside cities, have time limits but out in the wild you can do all or none of these.

As such, rather than going through every single line of code and changing them, I can just...do everything over again and fix it right this time.

I'm gonna say that like 60% of the content can be ported over with no issues. The prison and arena are more or less untouched.

However that 2.0 is going to have less content than 1.97, but has much more mechanics and a more solid foundation, which is a problem I've struggled with since day 1.

so i noticed some things i feel like i should mention, if only to bring them to your attention.

yes, i am back at it once again, right in front of your salad while fucking your girl.

1. - the female/futanari elf start to bring back the elven populace ends its current content without the ability to create a whole village worth of elven kids that i can then use to make more kids. this is unacceptable, i demand elven incest babies.

2. - from the beginning the futa maid start seems to pair the futa maid with the son. can we have an option that makes it so the maid is with the mother and the son is optional, or the maid is with neither and has to work towards the one(s) they want? i say this only because i don't play a futa to be fucked, but to fuck and have nice tits doing it.

3. - the new boss you get after the archives questline, elizabeth; is that planned to go anywhere? can the office workers finally impregnate a player that lets them cum inside? can we eventually impregnate elizabeth? i ask the real questions, so you don't have to.

4. - i will once again politely inform you of my desire to knock up death and create skelle-babies once again, preferably with a few 'rattle me bones' memes sprinkled in to really spice up the sex.

5. - i shall also politely inform you of my desire to knock up/be knocked up by avery, and ghost mum. i wish to knock up ghost mum most of all. spooky sex makes spooky babies.

6. - instead of defeating or killing Avalon, the player could enslave her, through some magical voodoo nonsense, turning her into a unwilling baby maker for the rest of existence. for my pure amusement, of course. and no other reason. looks away from nun porn. no. other. reason

7. - i think you mentioned the player would get to be a werewolf as one of the starting races; does this mean the player would get a knotted dick if playing as a futa/male werewolf? will the player be a human that can transform into a werewolf, or will the player be in werewolf form permanently?

8. - on this, are other fantasy/mythological creatures planned? i know we have elves and goblins, and werewolves to come, but what of others? maybe we get a start as a kitsune that, for some reason, isn't bound to never defend themselves with violence? maybe we could play as a cat-person? will we get to be a zombie? a vampire?

9. - maybe playing as other races could have stipulations. vampires need to feed once a week at least or they'll gradually lose max health and vigour; werewolves can't sleep anywhere other than 'a' werewolf den; kitsune can do extra damage with magical attacks, but they take extra damage from physical attacks and can only sleep at a shrine; zombies lose twice as much vigour from actions but regenerate health without resting. little things li8ke that. i just thought this because you're making a class system, so why not make it so starting races also have a reason to be played?

10. - more magic spells would be appreciated. right now we only have the two form the back book, three if you started as a chosen one, and maybe a few more obscure ones i don't know about. having the option to play as a pure magic caster would be amazing.

11. - someone needs to say it, so i will. there's a robot, there's tech armour, will there be guns for the player to use? maybe something only the player can use?

i have ceased fucking your girl in front of your salad, but i shall be back for round two if i have any more ideas.

this is a threat.
1. Working on that, as in I plan to have it working by 2.0

2. The Maid Cock storyline has you realize on the ship here that the only reason you were hired was to be an onahole for Sam. If you want to bang Elle later, she becomes available to other starts after you fix the forest brothel.

3. I'm going to revisit the archives questline because it is so convoluted, and so it makes more sense with how I have the world set up now.

4. The black book does have power over Death and you can now bang Death. I do have a plan for offspring but they are not human or friendly.

5. With the backstory stuff I haven't revealed about Avery, I'm 100% for the problems that this suggestion will cause and I will see if I can work on it.

6. I'm working on the ways to defeat Avalon and taking her in alive is an option due to the things that may happen if she were to die.

7. Wolf-morph so you're just an anthropomorphic dog. Werewolf is a race now as most curses have devolved into being common. Sam Adelaide can't cum on his own, and in Elle Adelaide's library there are mentions of Seraph Lip(where you can only eat semen) and Lipples.

As for the knotted cock, there's mentions in consensual scenes where your lover says not to knot them so you don't. You can knot enemies in the post-fight scene though.

Being a cow-morph gives you a flared cock and your dick is too big for most human lovers to handle.

8. The six player races are:

There are options to also turn into a:

These potions are made by Percy or Circe, and you need to do the appropriate quest before hand.

9. I've made Vampire a class, with the requirements to kill Det and rip out his teeth. There's a few bugs with turning your children in vampires so I may not have that in the game at 2.0 launch.

10. I have fire, radiant and lightning in the game so far. All can be found in the demon library, but they can also be found around the world in random dungeons. Fire is good against most everything(aside from demons which are immune), Radiant is kinda weak but does good damage against undead, and Lightning is good against water creatures.

11. There's an M1 Garand in the game somewhere, and the mechanical armor has a rocket launcher.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
3. Please don't tell me that ping from reloading was from a mosin nagant. Because the mosin nagant only holds 5 bullets, you shot 8. Unless the ping is just a indicator to reload, in which case I'll shut up.
My first guess is that they were thinking of the M1 Garand. It has an 8 shot capacity and when you fire the last round, the clip is ejected from the rifle with a distinctive metallic *Ping*.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2017
I think I should expand more on what I am working on so you guys get a full scope of what I've done and am doing.

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1. If we choose not to indulge in slavery and other darks aspects, are we effectively nerfing our characters?

2. Not entirely sure I follow the distance measurements, apologies. Does the 2.0 build include the Forest and the goblin caves?

3. Unlucky dies twice? Well, at least the name suits.

4. What is the origin for the new player race starts? Is it combined with another or is it a different mess altogether?

5. A suggestion regarding health and player attributes:
Perhaps something like big tiddies or dongs assist in 'soaking' damage, at the cost of speed, mobility or defence. That type of player is particuarly more robust and healthy, but the extra assets slow them down or distract them. Bulletproof nudity at its finest.

6. Regarding powers, some sort of short range magic blast/nuke could be fun, ala "holy" smite. Or ki blast, or the ability gained from the mermaid waifu chain. Uses your melee skill and weapon (or lack thereof) to hit, magic to splode. A reason to use the mana pool of energy for a non caster, essentially.

6a. This may require Percy for the recipie, but what about some sort of small collection of healing potions (Like, there is a maximum that can be carried into battle), that require the PC or their lovers breast milk as a catalyst for creation?

If there is a camp feature, or just able to be done wherever there is a bed or a ledger, this could give the ability/scene of being milked some function, and allow the lovers to get 'hands on' to boot. Either them milking the PC, or vice versa if they are lactating or pregnant. (Such as a gobwife, for example.)

7. Classes, I already threw my hat in the ring, I think. Sounds like you already have Monks/Martial artists for big brawling gains. Certainly wouldn't mind seeing a lewd combination of bard/dancer/succubus that doesn't involve reaping souls, but I imagine most of that can be worked between classes or abilities.

7a. This is more of a martial style, I think, but the concept of being oiled up and wrestling or grappling foes ala greek myths/Hercules/etc. is a fun one. Not entirely sure it vibes with the game style, though.

7b. If you really want to go wild later when you have time to breathe, maybe some version of chaos magic, where spells don't always activate the way they should, and have a array of different positive and negative results when they wild surge. Could even be a companion thing.

8. With the removal of outfits and such for art, it brings a question to mind. A week or two ago there was a request for the gobfam to do a bit of a fashion trek at the cities, and possibly getting a matching outfit or style matching some of the PC's options. Do you still want those completed? They are about a third of the way done, give or take.

Since the Gobwife is a traveling companion I imagine she should have some manner of adventuring gear.


Sep 21, 2018
Okay, maybe I'm just blind or missing a step in a certain quest, but after starting out as a male elf in the shipwreck start I cannot seem to find the Steelwind Farm anywhere in Britmor. Is there a certain quest, NPC, or something else I need to do or talk to in order for that location to appear?

Solid Snekk

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 5, 2017
1. If we choose not to indulge in slavery and other darks aspects, are we effectively nerfing our characters?

2. Not entirely sure I follow the distance measurements, apologies. Does the 2.0 build include the Forest and the goblin caves?

3. Unlucky dies twice? Well, at least the name suits.

4. What is the origin for the new player race starts? Is it combined with another or is it a different mess altogether?

5. A suggestion regarding health and player attributes:
Perhaps something like big tiddies or dongs assist in 'soaking' damage, at the cost of speed, mobility or defence. That type of player is particuarly more robust and healthy, but the extra assets slow them down or distract them. Bulletproof nudity at its finest.

6. Regarding powers, some sort of short range magic blast/nuke could be fun, ala "holy" smite. Or ki blast, or the ability gained from the mermaid waifu chain. Uses your melee skill and weapon (or lack thereof) to hit, magic to splode. A reason to use the mana pool of energy for a non caster, essentially.

6a. This may require Percy for the recipie, but what about some sort of small collection of healing potions (Like, there is a maximum that can be carried into battle), that require the PC or their lovers breast milk as a catalyst for creation?

6b. If there is a camp feature, or just able to be done wherever there is a bed or a ledger, this could give the ability/scene of being milked some function, and allow the lovers to get 'hands on' to boot. Either them milking the PC, or vice versa if they are lactating or pregnant. (Such as a gobwife, for example.)

7. Classes, I already threw my hat in the ring, I think. Sounds like you already have Monks/Martial artists for big brawling gains. Certainly wouldn't mind seeing a lewd combination of bard/dancer/succubus that doesn't involve reaping souls, but I imagine most of that can be worked between classes or abilities.

7a. This is more of a martial style, I think, but the concept of being oiled up and wrestling or grappling foes ala greek myths/Hercules/etc. is a fun one. Not entirely sure it vibes with the game style, though.

7b. If you really want to go wild later when you have time to breathe, maybe some version of chaos magic, where spells don't always activate the way they should, and have a array of different positive and negative results when they wild surge. Could even be a companion thing.

8. With the removal of outfits and such for art, it brings a question to mind. A week or two ago there was a request for the gobfam to do a bit of a fashion trek at the cities, and possibly getting a matching outfit or style matching some of the PC's options. Do you still want those completed? They are about a third of the way done, give or take.

Since the Gobwife is a traveling companion I imagine she should have some manner of adventuring gear.

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Solid Snekk

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 5, 2017
Okay, maybe I'm just blind or missing a step in a certain quest, but after starting out as a male elf in the shipwreck start I cannot seem to find the Steelwind Farm anywhere in Britmor. Is there a certain quest, NPC, or something else I need to do or talk to in order for that location to appear?
Visit the neighborhood area at night to meet Annette.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2017
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2. Hindsight is always twenty twenty, but I think your approach was just fine. Your story has evolved from what it once was, and you initally had to set up the playground to mess around in the first place.

4. Oh noes. More temptations and ways to explore the game.

5. Haha. I was hoping for there to be a positive bonus for the assets too. Actually, couldn't that be a power of some kind? Call it primal attraction or something, that keys off of how grand their attributes are? Though I suppose not every npc is going to be into the same things.

7. Funky. So is one of those three the big check mark for "all of the above" in terms of target audience?

7a. Neat.

7b. Well, if you take inspiration from Wild Magic, typically it's like a slight chance of things going awry, similar to a critical hit. When the wild magic activates, it could do things ranging from changing gender, attributes, inflicting blindness to friends and foe alike, summoning strange allies, detonating a fireball directly on the caster (a fun source of party wipe), etc. Basically a big 'ol list of potential effects ranging from useful, harmful, or completely harmless.

Kin of a gambling stance for magic. It could even have a bigger range of damage up and down, perhaps.

7c. If you are doing a summon thing, maybe they could be a avatar or essence of the various deities you have ingame? Or even channeling them?

8. Righto. I'll try and get those done by the weekend.

9. I think the fact you are adding followers reactions to quests/events/encounters is really neat. Didn't have anything to add to it, but I thought it was worth mentioning.

Solid Snekk

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 5, 2017
5. Haha. I was hoping for there to be a positive bonus for the assets too. Actually, couldn't that be a power of some kind? Call it primal attraction or something, that keys off of how grand their attributes are? Though I suppose not every npc is going to be into the same things.

7. Funky. So is one of those three the big check mark for "all of the above" in terms of target audience?

7b. Well, if you take inspiration from Wild Magic, typically it's like a slight chance of things going awry, similar to a critical hit. When the wild magic activates, it could do things ranging from changing gender, attributes, inflicting blindness to friends and foe alike, summoning strange allies, detonating a fireball directly on the caster (a fun source of party wipe), etc. Basically a big 'ol list of potential effects ranging from useful, harmful, or completely harmless.

Kin of a gambling stance for magic. It could even have a bigger range of damage up and down, perhaps.

7c. If you are doing a summon thing, maybe they could be a avatar or essence of the various deities you have ingame? Or even channeling them?

8. Righto. I'll try and get those done by the weekend.

9. I think the fact you are adding followers reactions to quests/events/encounters is really neat. Didn't have anything to add to it, but I thought it was worth mentioning.
7. Incubus to seduce women, Succubus to seduce men, and Omnibus to seduce both. To unlock the Omnibus you need to go to hell and fight the old one.

7b. I thought it would be super funny if the PC could accidentally detonate themselves using one of Dana's grenades or Fireball, but I figured that would be mean.

7c. They would be similar to the Kitsune spirit, and I won't have to write text for them so its great.

8. Take your time, I'm in no rush.

9. Now I just need to write scenes where they join you in whoring.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2017
7. Incubus to seduce women, Succubus to seduce men, and Omnibus to seduce both. To unlock the Omnibus you need to go to hell and fight the old one.

7b. I thought it would be super funny if the PC could accidentally detonate themselves using one of Dana's grenades or Fireball, but I figured that would be mean.

7c. They would be similar to the Kitsune spirit, and I won't have to write text for them so its great.

8. Take your time, I'm in no rush.

9. Now I just need to write scenes where they join you in whoring.
7. Can we get there from the Avedon suburbs lake, the church water portal, or does it require (literal) death?

7b. That could be a balancing bit for using Dana's tech. It's powerful but unstable.

8. Do you have a character in mind for the tailor, by the by? Could be a way to slide in one of your 'new' races.

9. This is a bit of a weird idea, but similar to Anabelle with Steelwind, any shot at Gobwife pushing Unlucky to embrace being both a husbando and wife, or just plain slooty? Technically, just like First, she *is* training her daughter, in a way.
Mar 23, 2022
7b. I thought it would be super funny if the PC could accidentally detonate themselves using one of Dana's grenades or Fireball, but I figured that would be mean.
1. You're not the only one who'd find it funny. As a avid user of wild magic when D&Ding I love it how when I cast spells I don't know if it'll blow up in my face or turn into a fire unicorn, stab and kill me (yes that did happen once) or turn into a homing spear. Although I can see how people who aren't as chaotic as me might not like that. So maybe if you were to add something like that make it either optional or give a distinct warning that it could happen.

2. A chaos mage of some kind sound awesome to me. Not knowing fully what my abilities can do is great. Knowing how a chaotic mind thinks the effects that a choas class could cause gets me excited.

3. Seeing how we can throw out random class ideas how about a drunkard? The more inebriated you are the better you are at combat but less useful during normal stuff. Like being a maid or stealing. Plus you can have it so if you got too overboard during a fight it causes you to instant lose due to passing out because of excessive consumption of alcohol. Some of the ability ideas "fire breath" you spew out some of the alcohol burning it losing some intoxication level and dealing fire damage must have a intoxication level to work. "drunken stumble" either increased dodge chance or increased armour based on intoxication level. Assuming portable alcohol isn't a thing "take a sip/drink" drink from your flask increasing intoxication by x amount.
3a. This is a dumb idea I had after looking at my tequila.
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