1. Makes me wonder what the idol for hemomany would be. Is it going to be the holy/unholy IV bag of sageness? This is a joke, I don't actually want to know. I'll rather find out.
2. How do classes effect how people see you? For example If I'm a Witch will Percy see me and act differently then if I was a Warrior? I mean for the sake of not needing to code as much or a head ache from the spagetti of code (lots of coding with lots of variables) that would be required. I can see having them all act the same. Well with the exception of Karma being a thing apparently.
2a. The reason I ask is because if you were to do a lich class (not saying you have to) I could see Death being extremely
pissed at you to put it lightly. What with you either taking souls and trapping them forever or you taking souls and destroying them for power. When her whole existence is to help souls move on making you an opposite to Death. Which could be very interesting with the chosen start. Although to make it less of a hassle you could just make it so the events of obtaining said class invokes the ire of Death but outside of that she's not any different.
3. Woot woot. Lewd monk.
I think your allies should be autonomous or at least mostly. Maybe a stop and go but that's about it. They are individuals after all. Yes, even your dog. Maybe if some sort of mind control was added sure. Having full control over them but taking away their individuality. But that's a whole different boat, mind control I mean. Regardless that's neither here nor there and would be up to the discretion of Solid Snekk and is just my thoughts.
2. With the classes, so far, it has been minor things in conversations that you notice. As a healer, you see a bundle of flowers in the Chosen One intro and know that their meaning is of mourning while others just see normal flowers. As a wizard, you see magic being cast and know what it is, even if you're not currently powerful enough to counterspell it.
2a. Death removes her protections of you if you become a Necromancer, allowing dullahan and other things that harvest souls to try and take you.
3. It is working alright, but needs work.
That is wild! I'm assuming the first mission is designed to fail, or is this simply an example of why level one heroes should be sticking to fighting giant rats in the innkeepers basement (and get graped by them)?
The days of doing a marathon of thirty some encounters on zero stamina are no more, seems like.
Definitely sounds like we should train that stat up.
1. I wonder if there shouldn't be a skill, mutation, or ability learned to lower the penalty if combating while pregnant or with exaggerated attributes?
*Audible snicker* If its amazonian in background, you could call is size queen.
2. Actually, given the cat theme, it may be a bit redundant in theme with giant wolves, but monster cats in the wild could be a fun addition, legend of Opala style.
3. What would you even call a hero/heroine that tends to focus on rescuing the adventurers that couldn't rescue themselves? It's not exactly Bounty Hunting, per se.
4. We are certainly full of fabulous ideas, so if you get stuck, feel free to pick our brains where we can woefully overcomplicate things even further, haha!
5. Makes sense. What's the overlap with Omnibus and Lewd Monk, I wonder.
Actually, given how much trouble it is to gain that class, the item for it is bound to be a pain in the rear (probably literally.)
6. Or Lewd Monk and Cat Caster. ...Can you use the cat caster without actually being a catgirl?
...And I feel like this question is coming in a full circle, but does combining a Lewd Monk and a Dragon Rider mean you fuck dragons?
1. There is a fertility statue the lizardfolk worship which is goblin in nature, which is why the lizardfolk in the arena grovels if you're a goblin.
2. There's now bears, mountain lions, giant rats, sharks and alligators. The wildlife has been expanded somewhat.
3. Rescuing them alive is still a bounty.
4. I have a general idea how I want all the classes, I just need special abilities for each. Some are more powerful than others, but some have a theme I like. The Healer having animal companionship is just something I like having.
The Lewd Monk is that meme where you time stop, jerk everyone off and then slit their throats because you had no time to do so during the time stop.
The Omnibus combines the Succubus and Incubus powers but does not stack off of your nightmare powers like those two do, thus making it weaker then them individually. The Succubus allows you the Charm and Seduce abilities while the Incubus is the mutation and capture part of the demon lore.
6. Yes, you can use the Cat Mage powers to turn into a cat. When you stop being a cat, returning to full size you will be a female catgirl. Cat magic is odd like that.
1. So does that mean there's now a repercussion to having no energy? So I can't work 5 years straight as waiter with only something to yeet off a cliff at the end and practically infinite money. You're now telling me I also need to sleep like a normal living creature, ugh. How do I turn undead so I don't need to do that. In all seriousness though good. It was a little weird having sleep be in the game but used to fast travel 90% of the time.
2. Pregnancy sounds more interesting now. Both positively and negatively (that's not a bad thing). Being pregnant having combat reductions is nice. Depending on how severe it's penalties are could be very interesting, forcing you to think before you fight. Giving birth anywere is also nice. Could be interesting too. I'd assume the birthing process is very physically draining and if you give birth in the wrong place could be very disastrous both for you and/or the spawn if you wanted to keep it. Also depending on who you're with and what you're popping out.
3. As Laughingfox mentioned if you are to give a skill, mutation or ability to reduce the penalty I'd suggest making a pregnancy reduction one separate from an enlarged body parts one. You could make them obtainable at the same time or not that's up to you. Actually if it's separate that'd probably force it into a mutation huh? I just feel like learning to cope with large assest is different then a large belly which will be reduced after birth. Your call though, I'm fine either way.
4. I have a question regarding swapping classes. If you swap classes will you need to redo the requirement to get it or will it be situational? For example swapping to warrior is just get to x in the arena and can be done at anytime. But let's say to become an incubus or succubus it requires a sacrifice of a newborn. Will you need to sacrifice a newborn again if you were to swap off of a succubus/incubus then back? This is an example using classes I know are in game and by no mean do I expect those classes to function like that. Well the warrior sure but not the succubus/incubus.
1. Yes, as a few quest triggers are done by sleeping and I need a reason for the player to do so. You don't /have/ to sleep, just like the player does not have to eat, but not doing so does limit your resources.
2. If the player is attacked by an enemy and flees onto the main road, and the enemy gives chase, a pregnant woman will attract an unbelievable show of force from local guards, paladins and their nuns, or bee-girls if they exist. The only thing more noble than virginity, which you can reattain, is motherhood.
3. The penalties stack. The cow race is immune to tit based entrapment, the lizard race cannot be cumflated to the point of entrapment due to laying eggs, and the goblin race is blessed by Thesaur to not be bogged down by large pregnancies.
4. Depends on the class. For the Omnibus, you simply need to defeat her once and then you can swap to it any time you talk to her. For the Warrior, you need more wins than losses. For the Healer, your good Karma must be higher than your bad. For the Succubus, Annette fights you. For the Incubus, Bill gives it to you freely.
1. Can't help but wonder what would such manifestations of the artificer and demolitions expert could be. While they would likely be close to or related to Dana, it would be interesting to showcase their intertwined relationship of creation and destruction like that saying by that funny Russian guy: "The passion for destruction is a creative passion, too!", Maybe these embodied items are either close to each other or have a symbiotic relationship to one another.
If you indulge me, these could represent the cosmic forces that are needed in the creation and destruction of complex systems. What do such complex systems entail? Well, anything from a specific ecosystem in nature, to a town, a nation or even a play! There is an entire academic field on "complex systems" that details more on them but lets focus on these environments with living beings that affect themselves, each other and their environment as well. These forces of creation and destruction would embody each gradual shift as well as great upheavals that need to destroy something already existing to create something new. From the course of evolution through the ages; to the fall of an empire which gives rise to grassroots lead communities or warring factions; to a mere manuscript's drafts. Maybe that is what those items could embody.
1a. This implies two things that I want to take note of. One is the existence of a karma system, and the fact that you have separate meters for such karma. I can understand the design appeal of a system like karma, it's much easier to have actions add +/- 1 to either meter and have characters and factions treat you on that than to have thousands of meters for each character to be checked or added to based on what you do; however a karma/moral system reveals the values of the developers involved in weird ways. While it is easily agreeable to have rape give bad karma and consensual sex good karma, it gets weird with looting for instance when if you do it like Bethesda forced Obsidian to add karma to New Vegas, it's fine to take the belonging of raiders but you get bad karma from looting Legion camps. Is it moral to kill sentient beings or not? Which ones? For what reasons?
But I am glad that you made the good and bad karmas have separate meters (if I understood what having more or less good karma compared to bad karma) because then, you have a wider range of acknowledging a player as anything from an ascetic that is neither "good" or "bad" to a chaotic whirlwind that is beyond "generally good" or "mainly evil".
2. So you could either have bombs close enough to the player without the special demolitions expert class feature hurt them or not. but then since there is no other friendly fire, maybe, if this isn't too OP, you could make the player impervious to bombs in general or more broadly any splash effect of the non-magical variety or some similar range of effects, like elemental damage.
1. Dana and Eve give different versions of the same class, Artificer. Dana is more explosive, so like the Artillerist Artificer while Eve is more armor based, so Armorer Artificer.
As for reconstructing and deconstructing ecosystems, that is more of Percy making unethical potions that rival Circe and cause a new brand of Witch/Healer class called the Alchemist. You can make gender potions that actually do their listed function and can put them in water supplies like Yvee suggests. Especially useful as futanari is a rare trait, but it doesn't have to be.
1a. I like having two meters for Good and Bad instead of one meter because of the rumor mill nature of it. Someone could hear of your deeds in the arena and think you're super cool but simply not believe that you toss kids off cliffs. Changelings exist as well, so most bad deeds are assumed to be them anyways.
Taking an enemies weapon from them is a valid case if they just tried to kill you. Leaving them naked, raped and tied to a tree is generally an evil action. One which I'm currently writing.
2. I can simply add flavor text where you duck to the ground as the grenade shrapnel nails everyone standing or you cast it into the air and melt everyone around you, lightly singing you. Combat is wonky as well so I don't want to put too much weight on the load bearing spaghetti it is coded from.