
Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2017
The Lewd Monk is that meme where you time stop, jerk everyone off and then slit their throats because you had no time to do so during the time stop.

The Omnibus combines the Succubus and Incubus powers but does not stack off of your nightmare powers like those two do, thus making it weaker then them individually. The Succubus allows you the Charm and Seduce abilities while the Incubus is the mutation and capture part of the demon lore.

1. Dana and Eve give different versions of the same class, Artificer. Dana is more explosive, so like the Artillerist Artificer while Eve is more armor based, so Armorer Artificer.

As for reconstructing and deconstructing ecosystems, that is more of Percy making unethical potions that rival Circe and cause a new brand of Witch/Healer class called the Alchemist. You can make gender potions that actually do their listed function and can put them in water supplies like Yvee suggests. Especially useful as futanari is a rare trait, but it doesn't have to be.

1a. I like having two meters for Good and Bad instead of one meter because of the rumor mill nature of it. Someone could hear of your deeds in the arena and think you're super cool but simply not believe that you toss kids off cliffs. Changelings exist as well, so most bad deeds are assumed to be them anyways.

Taking an enemies weapon from them is a valid case if they just tried to kill you. Leaving them naked, raped and tied to a tree is generally an evil action. One which I'm currently writing.

2. I can simply add flavor text where you duck to the ground as the grenade shrapnel nails everyone standing or you cast it into the air and melt everyone around you, lightly singing you. Combat is wonky as well so I don't want to put too much weight on the load bearing spaghetti it is coded from.
5. Huh. Not remotely where I thought that would go, but interesting all the same. Here I was thinking a Lewd Monk would be something of a raw physical lust vessel that blends distraction and martial technique.

Like a Harem dancer, a kitsune temptress, or the Mai Shiranui/Dead or Alive type that is basicially all jiggles and enticement along with a powerful backfist. Fan service that will literally fuck you up.

...Come to think of it, I guess I'm describing a Bard with a physical focus, haha. Mostly I think I'm trying to find ways to shamelessly sneak in some seduction powers without going demon mode, because being good doesn't mean you have to be boring. Harlot Heroine 4 life, yo.

5a. What *is* the holy version of the Ominbus, anyway? A lot of angel depictions tend to be hermaphroditic in nature.

1. Did you get any further deciding what Eve's appearance is going to be? I recall that being particuarly troublesome.

1a. Just to put it out there, I would argue sating your urges on a combatant but not leaving them tied up should be fair game as a good action. This world is connected by lust, and certainly as a Goblin or Amazon, maybe even a lewd animal race such as Catgirls or Werewolves, if a combatant attacks you with intent to kill, they get what they get, and recieving or depositing a belly full of goo seems more than fair for wasting your time, energy, and recources.

If anything, this feels almost like a benevolent act, because a foe can't learn if they be ded.

...Which is a way could be amusing to create a quest thread where a foe is seemingly all too eager to be defeated, coming back for seconds and thirds.

...I kind of want there to be a optional Sex Ed class at the school for how to survive and endure 'wild' encounters. For an accomplished whore PC, teaching a whole advanced class where they teach the literal ins and outs of the trade, to thrive in higher society, aka courtesons. Though I guess that could easily be combined with what's ingame currently.
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Mar 23, 2022
1. With the classes, so far, it has been minor things in conversations that you notice. As a healer, you see a bundle of flowers in the Chosen One intro and know that their meaning is of mourning while others just see normal flowers. As a wizard, you see magic being cast and know what it is, even if you're not currently powerful enough to counterspell it.

2. Death removes her protections of you if you become a Necromancer, allowing dullahan and other things that harvest souls to try and take you.

3. There's now bears, mountain lions, giant rats, sharks and alligators. The wildlife has been expanded somewhat.

4. I have a general idea how I want all the classes, I just need special abilities for each. Some are more powerful than others, but some have a theme I like. The Healer having animal companionship is just something I like having.

5. Yes, as a few quest triggers are done by sleeping and I need a reason for the player to do so. You don't /have/ to sleep, just like the player does not have to eat, but not doing so does limit your resources.

6. If the player is attacked by an enemy and flees onto the main road, and the enemy gives chase, a pregnant woman will attract an unbelievable show of force from local guards, paladins and their nuns, or bee-girls if they exist. The only thing more noble than virginity, which you can reattain, is motherhood.

7. The penalties stack. The cow race is immune to tit based entrapment, the lizard race cannot be cumflated to the point of entrapment due to laying eggs, and the goblin race is blessed by Thesaur to not be bogged down by large pregnancies.

8. Depends on the class. For the Omnibus, you simply need to defeat her once and then you can swap to it any time you talk to her. For the Warrior, you need more wins than losses. For the Healer, your good Karma must be higher than your bad. For the Succubus, Annette fights you. For the Incubus, Bill gives it to you freely.

9. I like having two meters for Good and Bad instead of one meter because of the rumor mill nature of it. Someone could hear of your deeds in the arena and think you're super cool but simply not believe that you toss kids off cliffs. Changelings exist as well, so most bad deeds are assumed to be them anyways.

Taking an enemies weapon from them is a valid case if they just tried to kill you. Leaving them naked, raped and tied to a tree is generally an evil action. One which I'm currently writing.
1. Fair enough. I didn't expect massive changes based on class. But from the sounds of it your class might cause chance rolls or at least in the future possibly. For example a warrior might be able to negate a fight by rolling a succsessful roll on showing their sweet sexy sweaty muscular body (not likely but is an example). Or the wizard could counter a spell due to knowing it's counter.

2. Makes sense that she'd do that. But what about other starts? I don't recall her being too attached to unlucky for example. I could be wrong on that though.

2a. So if you swap off of necromancer you get her blessing back? What about if you use the black book or what ever the accessory is for necromancy. Does she still keep your blessing removed?

3. So now I can be mauled by a bear and a wolf, my day is made. So assuming that the pelts from them can be obtained from hunter class does that mean non hunter classes need to manually find and fight them?

4. So the Healer is more like a druid from DnD?

5. So not sleeping just debuffs you or at least reduces your stats? Also there's now eating?

6. So there's a lot more to pregnancy now, like a lot more. Or at least enough more to make it feel different then the old version. Not saying the old version was bad just that it's improved.

6a. You would think virginity was more noble then pregnancy especially in Avedon. What with the church giving only virgins powers. Though I can see how forsaking you purity to bring more life into the world could be seen as more noble.

7. Are the immunities locked behind races? Do you have to be a cow race for no tit entrapment or goblin for pregnancy?

8. Situational got it. I'm excited to see what you've thought of and what's too come regarding them.

9. Yes, that's a wonderful way of doing karma. Makes my dream of being a Saint in the public eye and a Demon in private possible. Chaotic neutral for the win.

9a. Here's a question, if no one see you doing a something does it increase your bad karma? For example let's say I stumble across a merchent caravan and I raided it killing everyone, making sure there were no witnesses. Assuming people can't link it to me will my bad karma still go up? It would make sense either way. You're doing something bad even though no one saw, you still did something bad, thus bad karma. But on the opposite side dead men usually tell no tales so if no one saw no one can blame you. Thus no one thinking badly of you, in other words no bad karma.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2017
6a. You would think virginity was more noble then pregnancy especially in Avedon. What with the church giving only virgins powers. Though I can see how forsaking you purity to bring more life into the world could be seen as more noble.

7. Are the immunities locked behind races? Do you have to be a cow race for no tit entrapment or goblin for pregnancy?

8. Situational got it. I'm excited to see what you've thought of and what's too come regarding them.

9. Yes, that's a wonderful way of doing karma. Makes my dream of being a Saint in the public eye and a Demon in private possible. Chaotic neutral for the win.

9a. Here's a question, if no one see you doing a something does it increase your bad karma? For example let's say I stumble across a merchent caravan and I raided it killing everyone, making sure there were no witnesses. Assuming people can't link it to me will my bad karma still go up? It would make sense either way. You're doing something bad even though no one saw, you still did something bad, thus bad karma. But on the opposite side dead men usually tell no tales so if no one saw no one can blame you. Thus no one thinking badly of you, in other words no bad karma.
6a. Dunno. The troops at the fort are actually mostly decent types that are sweet on the bee girls, for example. And literally everything is trying to fuck you in this world, seems like.

It's worth pondering, especially if it expands on some of the Avelon/Avedon doctrine.

7. Second the query here. Are some of these abilities to be obtainable by mutation (repeated sex encounters), potions, or limited to the race alone?

For example, what about a big tiddy kitty that enjoys being milked, just to flip the script?

9. Haha. For me, I'd prefer to be more of what you see is what you get. A slutty heroic type. A whore with a heart of gold, a wang of steel, and thighs that can shatter the pelvis of a god.

9a. But at the same time, there is like, every single diety and their hotter older sister eyeballing the PC at all times too, looking to recruit/team up/manipulate/devour them. It's an interesting question.
Mar 23, 2022
6a. Dunno. The troops at the fort are actually mostly decent types that are sweet on the bee girls, for example. And literally everything is trying to fuck you in this world, seems like.

It's worth pondering, especially if it expands on some of the Avelon/Avedon doctrine.

7. Second the query here. Are some of these abilities to be obtainable by mutation (repeated sex encounters), potions, or limited to the race alone?

For example, what about a big tiddy kitty that enjoys being milked, just to flip the script?

9. Haha. For me, I'd prefer to be more of what you see is what you get. A slutty heroic type. A whore with a heart of gold, a wang of steel, and thighs that can shatter the pelvis of a god.

9a. But at the same time, there is like, every single diety and their hotter older sister eyeballing the PC at all times too, looking to recruit/team up/manipulate/devour them. It's an interesting question.
9. I guess for me it's my nature. I found getting people to do what you want the best thing to do is be polite, courteous and nice. No one asks too many deep questions that can't be avoided with small lies, making coverups much easier.

9a. That's true but why would a diety be conversing about you with normal being if it wasn't beneficial to their cause. And what would be stopping them spreading rumors about you or covering bad things if they were to be talking to others.

Solid Snekk

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 5, 2017
1. Huh. Not remotely where I thought that would go, but interesting all the same. Here I was thinking a Lewd Monk would be something of a raw physical lust vessel that blends distraction and martial technique.

Like a Harem dancer, a kitsune temptress, or the Mai Shiranui/Dead or Alive type that is basicially all jiggles and enticement along with a powerful backfist. Fan service that will literally fuck you up.

...Come to think of it, I guess I'm describing a Bard with a physical focus, haha. Mostly I think I'm trying to find ways to shamelessly sneak in some seduction powers without going demon mode, because being good doesn't mean you have to be boring. Harlot Heroine 4 life, yo.

2. What *is* the holy version of the Ominbus, anyway? A lot of angel depictions tend to be hermaphroditic in nature.

3. Did you get any further deciding what Eve's appearance is going to be? I recall that being particuarly troublesome.

4. Just to put it out there, I would argue sating your urges on a combatant but not leaving them tied up should be fair game as a good action. This world is connected by lust, and certainly as a Goblin or Amazon, maybe even a lewd animal race such as Catgirls or Werewolves, if a combatant attacks you with intent to kill, they get what they get, and recieving or depositing a belly full of goo seems more than fair for wasting your time, energy, and recources.

If anything, this feels almost like a benevolent act, because a foe can't learn if they be ded.

...Which is a way could be amusing to create a quest thread where a foe is seemingly all too eager to be defeated, coming back for seconds and thirds.

5. ...I kind of want there to be a optional Sex Ed class at the school for how to survive and endure 'wild' encounters. For an accomplished whore PC, teaching a whole advanced class where they teach the literal ins and outs of the trade, to thrive in higher society, aka courtesons. Though I guess that could easily be combined with what's ingame currently.
1. Still working on it as I'm moving through the salt marshes at the moment reworking the zombies, fishing hamlet and necromancer fight. Much of my time has been spent testing the new combat mechanics to see if there are any bugs, of which I don't seem to immediately have any.

2. As with most encounters with demons, there's not a whole lot of good in the world. There are no "good" classes that offer benefits for being a good person, but therin lies the temptation to not be a good person. With all the bad and the benefits and rewards it offers, are you going to be a good person?

3. XJ9 has a lot of art. I could use 2B, but Primora has more advanced and lifelike golems so I may use her in the 3rd continent.

4. Taking virginities is an evil act, but regular rape is a morally gray area and has no penalties. The entity that holds your weapons will unequip your items though.

5. You can teach your class at school as a teacher. It carries some benefits as students may give you items related to your class because they like you.

1. Fair enough. I didn't expect massive changes based on class. But from the sounds of it your class might cause chance rolls or at least in the future possibly. For example a warrior might be able to negate a fight by rolling a succsessful roll on showing their sweet sexy sweaty muscular body (not likely but is an example). Or the wizard could counter a spell due to knowing it's counter.

2. Makes sense that she'd do that. But what about other starts? I don't recall her being too attached to unlucky for example. I could be wrong on that though.

2a. So if you swap off of necromancer you get her blessing back? What about if you use the black book or what ever the accessory is for necromancy. Does she still keep your blessing removed?

3. So now I can be mauled by a bear and a wolf, my day is made. So assuming that the pelts from them can be obtained from hunter class does that mean non hunter classes need to manually find and fight them?

4. So the Healer is more like a druid from DnD?

5. So not sleeping just debuffs you or at least reduces your stats? Also there's now eating?

6. So there's a lot more to pregnancy now, like a lot more. Or at least enough more to make it feel different then the old version. Not saying the old version was bad just that it's improved.

6a. You would think virginity was more noble then pregnancy especially in Avedon. What with the church giving only virgins powers. Though I can see how forsaking you purity to bring more life into the world could be seen as more noble.

7. Are the immunities locked behind races? Do you have to be a cow race for no tit entrapment or goblin for pregnancy?

8. Situational got it. I'm excited to see what you've thought of and what's too come regarding them.

9. Yes, that's a wonderful way of doing karma. Makes my dream of being a Saint in the public eye and a Demon in private possible. Chaotic neutral for the win.

9a. Here's a question, if no one see you doing a something does it increase your bad karma? For example let's say I stumble across a merchent caravan and I raided it killing everyone, making sure there were no witnesses. Assuming people can't link it to me will my bad karma still go up? It would make sense either way. You're doing something bad even though no one saw, you still did something bad, thus bad karma. But on the opposite side dead men usually tell no tales so if no one saw no one can blame you. Thus no one thinking badly of you, in other words no bad karma.
1. Your class does have some bearing on actions. In order to take the throne of hell you need to be one of the three demon classes, as a thief you can walk past thieves and bandits unhindered, as a warrior you can intimidate humanoid enemies. With the necromancer class you can just dismiss lesser undead, like you used to be able to.

2. She is more distant towards the player, warming up as they do quests for her. Obviously she favors the Chosen One more than others but she grows to like the PC more as the game progresses.

3. As a trapper you can set out traps in the forest and come back to find animal resources in your traps. Otherwise you have to fight them, which is difficult at low levels when packs of wolves are faster than you.

4. Not quite, but it is the closest to a "good" class in the game. A few classes get animal friendship, not just healer but those other classes are not in the game yet.

5. Minor debuffs. You could also eat in a few bars already. I may make it so eating gives you a buff since you can carry around fish and bread to eat.

6. Yeah. Previously you could just be pregnant forever, now your timer actually works like a timer. Also now a few of your kids just go and grow up on their own without you. It cuts the workload out tremendously as now I don't have to have them exist a babies.

6a. Aspen, the nun in the orphanage, complains about the children not having toys or food. Nobody gives a shit about those kids, which radicalizes her to eventually be your ally.

7. Yes, but Circe can give you mutations that can earn you them as well. Percy is the one that makes full mutations and can make you race change.

8. Most are still a WIP. I keep trying out different things for the Warrior and Bard but I'm not liking it. The Archer got the instant reload which is working great but those two just are not fun.

9. Yeah, I dislike how some systems do Karma. I shouldn't be able to give a guy 80 bottles of fresh water to clear my warcrime of nuking an entire city.

9a. Wear a disguise, or cast the spell Minor Illusion, to disguise yourself before committing crimes as to not raise your fame or infamy.
Mar 23, 2022
1. As with most encounters with demons, there's not a whole lot of good in the world. There are no "good" classes that offer benefits for being a good person, but therin lies the temptation to not be a good person. With all the bad and the benefits and rewards it offers, are you going to be a good person?

2. Taking virginities is an evil act, but regular rape is a morally gray area and has no penalties. The entity that holds your weapons will unequip your items though.

3. Your class does have some bearing on actions. In order to take the throne of hell you need to be one of the three demon classes, as a thief you can walk past thieves and bandits unhindered, as a warrior you can intimidate humanoid enemies. With the necromancer class you can just dismiss lesser undead, like you used to be able to.

4. She is more distant towards the player, warming up as they do quests for her. Obviously she favors the Chosen One more than others but she grows to like the PC more as the game progresses.

5. Minor debuffs. You could also eat in a few bars already. I may make it so eating gives you a buff since you can carry around fish and bread to eat.

6. Yes, but Circe can give you mutations that can earn you them as well. Percy is the one that makes full mutations and can make you race change.

7. Most are still a WIP. I keep trying out different things for the Warrior and Bard but I'm not liking it. The Archer got the instant reload which is working great but those two just are not fun.

8. Yeah, I dislike how some systems do Karma. I shouldn't be able to give a guy 80 bottles of fresh water to clear my warcrime of nuking an entire city.

8a. Wear a disguise, or cast the spell Minor Illusion, to disguise yourself before committing crimes as to not raise your fame or infamy.
1. So if there's no true good class, which is fine. Is there a true evil class? Obviously things like vampire, succubus, incubus theif, etc. are considered "bad" but those don't lock you out of doing good.

2. With taking virginities being bad is it only through rape that it's bad? Or if you have consentual encounter and they are a virgin does that also count as bad? Does that mean bandits and random encounters have virgins?

3. None of those major things lock your class right? The demon class won't lock you being a demon if you take the throne, you'd still be able to become something else.

4. So she gives her blessing out later as opposed to by default for the chosen, got it.

5. Yeah maybe make eating a buff while sleeping a debuff. Eating has no use to my knowledge apart from to punish you if it's a debuff. Where sleeping is needed for several things and you'll probably be doing it regardless. So if it's picked up early that sleeping is needed then those quest that involve sleep are less likely to be ignored or missed.

6. So Circe is more potions of practicality while Percy is more potions of transformative?

7. What do you want warrior and bard to be? Maybe if people knew your invisoned version then it'll be easier to suggest skills.

8. It's funny, In real life nobody remembers the good things you've done but they'll always remember the bad. It takes extreme counter measures to combat negative notarity. Did you know that the nobel peace prices was created by the dude who discovered lobotomies.

8a. Basically like wearing bandana in red dead redemption. Though I'd suggest certain rare things going through those and sticking. Just so it's not a catch all you know.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2017
1. Still working on it as I'm moving through the salt marshes at the moment reworking the zombies, fishing hamlet and necromancer fight. Much of my time has been spent testing the new combat mechanics to see if there are any bugs, of which I don't seem to immediately have any.

2. As with most encounters with demons, there's not a whole lot of good in the world. There are no "good" classes that offer benefits for being a good person, but therin lies the temptation to not be a good person. With all the bad and the benefits and rewards it offers, are you going to be a good person?

3. XJ9 has a lot of art. I could use 2B, but Primora has more advanced and lifelike golems so I may use her in the 3rd continent.

5. You can teach your class at school as a teacher. It carries some benefits as students may give you items related to your class because they like you.

6a. Aspen, the nun in the orphanage, complains about the children not having toys or food. Nobody gives a shit about those kids, which radicalizes her to eventually be your ally.
1. Awesome. It'll take the time it takes; a castle is only as strong as it's foundation and all that.

2. So, going to be disappointingly 'real' here.

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3. Both options sound like a ton of fun!

5. I was thinking about that. Are all the students human, or are there some mixed lineage in there? I promise nothing regarding all the many races, but I can see editing or making similar scenes to the images you have ingame.

6a. It may or may not mess with the grand design, but I always wondered why we couldn't donate to the orphanage. Even if it's a plot point where the church or the nobles are stealing all the cash, I thought it could be a gesture worth making.

Actually, couldn't the player offer up some sort of deal or supply chain from their farm, if it starts being successful?

Other: Unrelated, but can we shag the mayor of Britmoor at some point? She has a fun personality, and I greatly enjoy the art design. Maybe a threesome with the Bee Queen, or something. Which reminds me, I need to finish a sketch with the whole 'sex gesture' of the fingers into a hole from the other hand. It's too amusing not to.
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Solid Snekk

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 5, 2017
1. So if there's no true good class, which is fine. Is there a true evil class? Obviously things like vampire, succubus, incubus theif, etc. are considered "bad" but those don't lock you out of doing good.

2. With taking virginities being bad is it only through rape that it's bad? Or if you have consentual encounter and they are a virgin does that also count as bad? Does that mean bandits and random encounters have virgins?

3. None of those major things lock your class right? The demon class won't lock you being a demon if you take the throne, you'd still be able to become something else.

4. So she gives her blessing out later as opposed to by default for the chosen, got it.

5. Yeah maybe make eating a buff while sleeping a debuff. Eating has no use to my knowledge apart from to punish you if it's a debuff. Where sleeping is needed for several things and you'll probably be doing it regardless. So if it's picked up early that sleeping is needed then those quest that involve sleep are less likely to be ignored or missed.

6. So Circe is more potions of practicality while Percy is more potions of transformative?

7. What do you want warrior and bard to be? Maybe if people knew your invisoned version then it'll be easier to suggest skills.

8. It's funny, In real life nobody remembers the good things you've done but they'll always remember the bad. It takes extreme counter measures to combat negative notarity. Did you know that the nobel peace prices was created by the dude who discovered lobotomies.

8a. Basically like wearing bandana in red dead redemption. Though I'd suggest certain rare things going through those and sticking. Just so it's not a catch all you know.
As a succubus you can bang the medically infirm as a form of healing and cure them of their diseases with your bodily fluids(once you get that mutation).

As a healer, generally the only good class, you can poison the sick man who asks for a potion because screw that guy.

You're given the powers, what you do with them is up to you.

2. Only through rape is it an evil act. Also yes, random bar encounters and bandits may be virgins.

3. You can always change your class, but there are a few permanent powers you get that boost certain classes.

6. Yes. Circe's are meant to tease, so you come back with more to offer the witch. It is why misusing her gender potions curses you with the futa curse instead of just turning you into a futanari like Percy's potion does. Amanda's questline is also going to be reworked so you give her a human potion from Percy.

7. My envisioned versions of them sucked. The Warrior took less damage for six rounds and the Bard could talk out of encounters, but both of those sucked when implemented.

8. Dynamite too.

8a. I've more or less had the PC doing intense work for little to no recognition the entire story. The entire Britmor Mine questline is attributed to the Mayor alone. The PC fought and kills a necromancer who has been a mass murderer for decades and no-one knows. A legendary pirate dies at sea and the Femme Fatalis gets the credit.

1. Awesome. It'll take the time it takes; a castle is only as strong as it's foundation and all that.

2. So, going to be disappointingly 'real' here.

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3. Both options sound like a ton of fun!

5. I was thinking about that. Are all the students human, or are there some mixed lineage in there? I promise nothing regarding all the many races, but I can see editing or making similar scenes to the images you have ingame.

6a. It may or may not mess with the grand design, but I always wondered why we couldn't donate to the orphanage. Even if it's a plot point where the church or the nobles are stealing all the cash, I thought it could be a gesture worth making.

Actually, couldn't the player offer up some sort of deal or supply chain from their farm, if it starts being successful?

Other: Unrelated, but can we shag the mayor of Britmoor at some point? She has a fun personality, and I greatly enjoy the art design. Maybe a threesome with the Bee Queen, or something. Which reminds me, I need to finish a sketch with the whole 'sex gesture' of the fingers into a hole from the other hand. It's too amusing not to.
1. The problem I ran into, and why I'm having to do almost everything over again, was because the game foundations were awful. I had no idea what some of the variables did and many are still in a foreign language that got translated. My introduction to QSP coding was google translate of russian. Kevin Smarts(?) from Girl Life put out a neat guide that helped a lot and I'm thankful for that.

2. Almost every named demon in the game isn't as evil as their namesake is meant to be.

Ukon is a benevolent ruler and snake woman who genuinely cares for her people as her Pride is on full display. She has to be loved, and will briefly give up rulership so she can take it back and save the day, becoming the golden ruler once again.

Baph is Slothful but impatient, forever digging in the dirt under a sunless garden where nothing can grow. He has a quote, "What does the world need of demons when the Gods do our job for us."

Annette is full of Lust, but she does so to provide for her family.

Bill is full of Wrath, but is afraid to hurt anyone, with the Chosen One PC having nightmares about Bill's inaction if they lose to abominations.

2a. As for the aspect of evils that you mentioned, they can all be turned off in the settings and none of them are required for the main story.

I've always tried to add 2-3 different ways to do the same thing so you could approach it from your own angle. Just because I am adding these things does not mean that I am removing the other things. The farm, building it up into a small city, still entirely possible.

In fact, it is not only possible but easier.

5. Demonic taint and animal lineage is mentioned more often both as a plot point and as an easy out when art I choose has horns or scales. One of Elle's maids has horns.

6a. You can now donate to the orphanage. You can also make and donate clothes.

As for banging the Mayor, it was planned after Mine Bugs 3 but that may be a ways off since I need to fix Mine Bugs 1&2.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2017
As a succubus you can bang the medically infirm as a form of healing and cure them of their diseases with your bodily fluids(once you get that mutation).

As a healer, generally the only good class, you can poison the sick man who asks for a potion because screw that guy.

1. The problem I ran into, and why I'm having to do almost everything over again, was because the game foundations were awful. I had no idea what some of the variables did and many are still in a foreign language that got translated. My introduction to QSP coding was google translate of russian. Kevin Smarts(?) from Girl Life put out a neat guide that helped a lot and I'm thankful for that.

2. Almost every named demon in the game isn't as evil as their namesake is meant to be.

Ukon is a benevolent ruler and snake woman who genuinely cares for her people as her Pride is on full display. She has to be loved, and will briefly give up rulership so she can take it back and save the day, becoming the golden ruler once again.

Baph is Slothful but impatient, forever digging in the dirt under a sunless garden where nothing can grow. He has a quote, "What does the world need of demons when the Gods do our job for us."

Annette is full of Lust, but she does so to provide for her family.

Bill is full of Wrath, but is afraid to hurt anyone, with the Chosen One PC having nightmares about Bill's inaction if they lose to abominations.

2a. As for the aspect of evils that you mentioned, they can all be turned off in the settings and none of them are required for the main story.

I've always tried to add 2-3 different ways to do the same thing so you could approach it from your own angle. Just because I am adding these things does not mean that I am removing the other things. The farm, building it up into a small city, still entirely possible.

In fact, it is not only possible but easier.

5. Demonic taint and animal lineage is mentioned more often both as a plot point and as an easy out when art I choose has horns or scales. One of Elle's maids has horns.

6a. You can now donate to the orphanage. You can also make and donate clothes.

As for banging the Mayor, it was planned after Mine Bugs 3 but that may be a ways off since I need to fix Mine Bugs 1&2.
1. Enjoying the 'it's not the skills, but how you use them, mentallity here. In regard to token 'good' classes, typical monks are considered something of a moderate, enlightened or focused type, which does not work at all with the game, so it's probably better to just consider 'em martial artists, brawlers, or the like.

Considering some of the past roles of some backgrounds (Unlucky, Last of the Line, or even the literal Chosen One, where you are a death gods favorite) I'm surprised that an actual paladin isn't on the list, albiet with a lewd twist.

Obvious go to moves and abilities would be the token Divine Smite/Stroke, which is a mana based nuke, Lay With Hands, where there's a hp and lewd boost (use it on allies or self), Remove Disease/Bring Comfort which could function similar to how you have the succubus deal with the problem.

They could have an Aura of Courage/Comfort which enchances their resistances, as well as that of their allies/followers. This ability is always 'turned' on.

Turn On Undead - the paladin infuses the lost with the temporary love and lust of the living, potentially making them climax and removed from combat immediately. Failed attempts make the target wanna 'bone' the holy warrior that much harder, buffing them.

Excels with 'heavy' armor.

For balance, as you've said, even the most noble are corrupted somewhat. So what if casting spells with this class also ramps up your arousal a bit with use, along with the mana? You mentioned lust will have a cap before it knocks out the player.

The Unlucky before the fall, Silas, was known for being particuarly lewd, for example. So while these are all useful, powerful abilities, spamming them or misuse is an easy ticket to Instant Loss City.

1b. Amusing thought. Combine the above with the mechanical based class from your inventor gf or Eve, and you are basically Doomguy/Doomgirl.

If you haven't considered it, that class could be better with tech style weapons, that grow in strength and ability as they are designed. So it could start from a bulky, oddly constructed pipegun to the mighty Garand, to the eventual dangerous but powerful grenade launcher types. But they are all prototypes, designed by your lover or 'daughter', so they are prone to jamming and the occasional mishap.

Similar to the chaos magic occasionally misfiring, but with a tech twist. The class background for this lowers the chance of failure dramatically.

1c. Regarding Warriors, here's a angle that I don't know if it's been covered or not. Sometimes the simplest solution to solving a problem is a straight line. The warrior can be activated by a shrine or whatever in the arena, which means they have been working under the glory of the arena. So let's focus on things that are enjoyable about warriors.

If you want, toughness. Call it Guts (if you don't get the reference, you will, but since you have the rape hose as a pic I think you'll be just fine.)
Just give them a reduction to damage the less they are wearing. (Though I think this suits Amazon fighters and monks better.) But let's face it, Conan and Red Sonja, or heroes from Golden Axe aren't known for wearing much at all.

A bull rush style move, where it's all momentum with a powerful, if messy result if it connects. Chance of stun/knockdown. The reverse of your Archers ability to create distance, essentially. Requires distance to use, closes the gap immediately.

Heavy Handed: The warrior can substitute grace and finesse for raw, crowd pleasing, bone crushing attacks. This optional means of attack takes a big penalty to hit, but a even bigger payoff if they connect.

Follow Up/Momentum: Part and parcel with big weapon styles. Take out one foe with a Heavy Handed attack, recieve a automatic bonus attack at another foe if they are in range, once per round only.

You mentioned big muscles are a rarity, and even the male versions of the PC is lithe at best - no reason to rock the boat here. Cloud Strife or zack Fair types aren't rough on the eyes, have a nice build, and wield weapons longer than they are tall, for example. It's all in the wrist.

Suck it Up/Gird the Loins: Once per combat, a temp HP boost self heal sort of deal.

Crowd Pleaser: Passive boost to any actions that involve being watched, including sex. Also makes the enemy more likely to focus on you in combat rather than your allies.

Excel at heavy weaponry. Extra boost if they work or spar with Meat or Bill.

1. (Again). Wonderful! I have yet to dip my toe in the nightmare that is coding, but shall change soon enough, I fear.

2. I love this design, because it can easily make these deities a boon or a bane to those that inhabit the lines. There's that thinking that if you dig deep enough, work at it hard enough, there's layers to these beings that may not always result in destruction. Though some of 'em clearly just gotta go, unless you are into their doctrine. But for the Mass Effect nerds of us that did every single thing we could to mass that sweet, sweet army at the end (ignoring the color coded ending, boo hiss) it has appeal.

2a. Again, love it. Probably a nightmare to plan, too. Good on ya.

5 and 6a. Groovy. Animal attributes or bit of demonic taint aren't too tricky to mess with. Any particular style you think they should be attired in, or just go with a school uniform vibe until it's all nude or risque anyway?

Had a thought when I woke up earlier (too damn early). It's similar to the scene I proposed with the resident spell slinger of the Steelwind household where she was drawing up a protection circle, but what if Yvee commissioned some sort of barrier, or was using up what little remains of her magic (or her magic is powered by sex, which is why she's lewd by design), that acts as a massive mask/illusion/cloak to not only prevent scrying from the outside, but keep the students identities anonymous from the outside?

Like, it's a rough enchantment, and doesn't mask their behavior, clothes, or whatever, but from prying eyes the residents of Avedon, they students appear human. But in reality, the school is a mixture of races and types; Yvee has made a refuge in the slums, seemingly in the heart of the enemy. Heck, maybe the students don't know either in general, until Yvee gains the option to drop the glamour or it temporarily gets knocked out.

Idea: One of the classes that can immediately land the PC and Yvee in hot water is History and Ethics/Sex Ed: By promoting knowledge beyond go team human, 'Avelon is the greatest' and strengths and weaknesses of various races, it can greatly raise suspicion.

It's up to Yvee and the PC to either fight or fuck their way to quieting noble unrest that results from this.

But in turn, it also teaches tolerance to the students over time, so when the glamour is dropped Yvee is pleasently surprised that the students knew anyway.

Anyway. It's a bit of long walk, but it could sort of explain and excuse why there is a bunch of nonhumans (and likely the PC's spawn) intermixed in the school.

6b. Is the kitsune shrine maidens and aging up with the portal still going to be an option, though? I assume so, but...


So how does Amanda end up working on your farm as a plucky catgirl, or am I confusing characters again?

Regarding Satti, is this the sort of Satyr type with furred legs? I'm messing with a sketch or two for her in prison (I'm thinking maybe looking pretty rough, with bandages covering half her face and such) and later with the slave collar she opts to wear.

Last One:

Do you recall how tall the races are by default? Especially with the new additions?
Last edited:
Mar 23, 2022
7. My envisioned versions of them sucked. The Warrior took less damage for six rounds and the Bard could talk out of encounters, but both of those sucked when implemented.
I'll list some concepts for warrior and bard to see if any of them fit your ideal. For warrior first there's the IRON WALL. Iron wall would be built around surviving brutal blows and shrugging them off but dealing little damage. Some skills that could be included are Bulwark. Greatly increasing physical and magical defence but greatly sacrificing damage. Like a physical increase of 70 to 80% decrease and a 50 to 60% increase to magical armour also. If magic is planned to be used alot then you could increase it more. As for the decrease to the damage you deal I'd say maybe 50 to 60%. Also decreasing movement or not, your call. Next for this one would be Persevere. If the players health is to fall below 5% fill back up to I'd say 80 to 85% and possibly increasing the damage the player does in the process maybe 50 to 60%. Usable once day or two. Finally Taunt, all enemies focus you.

Next we have The Berserker. The idea behind this warrior would be about dealing as much damage as fast as possible even if it cost you greatly. Some skills which would be included are obviously berserk basically doing the opposite of bulwark. decreasing your armour and magic resist but increasing your damage. Also you could make it so that it make the player auto battle. Then there's blood frenzy. The lower the players health the more damage they do. Let's say a 0% increase to damage at full health but if the player health is at 20% or less it doubles their damage. Next skill would be Engage, the player rushes head first into the enemies getting a free hit off and increasing their damage by 10 to 15% for 1 to 2 turns.

Last one could be Fleur. This class is all about not being hit and using their hits against them. Some skills could include Riposte, increase the players dodge chance for that turn. If the player succesessfully dodges an attack make an attack against the enemy that was dodged (must be in attack range). Parry would be next. Player takes no action but if the enemy attacks negate all damage and make an attack back (damage back only if in attack range but still no damage if out of range). If enemy is using a debilitating attack (like a stun) cast a stun back for 1 to 2 turns instead of you being effected. Last would be Lunge. Player dashes foward 2 to 3 spaces (or 0 if already next to enemy) dealing a quick attack letting them act again or not (has 2 to 3 turn cooldown). Also give enemies an armour reduction of 10% for 1 to 2 turns assuming enemies have armour. If not then a 20% increase to damage works.

Onto Bards. First off we have the Poets. This one would be all about wooing the "crowd" with they spectaular vocabluary and linguistic capablilites. First up would be Woo, this would be to ease a fight against multiple enemies. Causes one enemy to attack other enemies. It's disabled if there is one enemy left. Can also only have one wooed at a time. Does not work on bosses. Next up it's Lullaby this bad boy would put anyone too sleep. Has a 70-80% chance to put enemies to sleep. asleep enemies don't act unless woken up. Either by being attacked or by other enemies waking them. If woken by being attacked increases damage of attack by and additional 50%. Last would be Disarming Smile. This one causes an enemy to just stop fighting you. If used on a singular enemy causes them to stop fighting you. If used on a group has a chance of 1 leaving the fight. Has a cooldown of 1 to 2 turns.

Next would be Sonnet, this one is about Weaponizing your voice. First off the bat is Dissonance. This is all about imobalizing enemies while hurting them. Ranged skill that is used has a chance of stopping enemies from being able to move also hurts them, works on a group. Shout be next (yeah bad name I know). This is a knock back. Deal damage and knocks back enemies 2-4 spaces, works on a group. Last skill for this would be Screech (another bad name). This one is a aoe that does more damage the closer they are to you. If they are next to you deal 75% more, if 2 away deal 60%, etc..

The last bard Class would be the Captivating Leader, this one is all about buffing your team to greater hights while you reap they struggle. Encourage has to be first. It's all about increasing the effectivness of your teams damage. Increases allies damage by 10 to 50% based on ally. More powerful allies don't need as much of a boost as a weak ally after all. Sooth should be next, this one is about protecting allies. If damage over time is in the game this one could remove them, excluding maybe poison. Also give a temperary shield/health based off of allies max health maybe 20 to 30%. Last but not least Harmony, all allies and enemy in range stop attacking for 1 turn has 5 range. All allies including you heal for 30% health. All enemies heal for 15%. Undead are healed not harmed.

Feel free to mish mash as you see fit if any of those sound like a good idea though. Also bards could keep the ability to talk they way out of fights before fights while also having the skills if you feel like it's appropriate. Up to you though, I'm just listing dumb ideas.


New Member
Sep 25, 2019
Anyone know where to progress the Missing in Action quest? I've gotten to the point where, according to Charmane, the soldier (Sol, was it?) left Monduval but never arrived at the fort, and has been scheduled to be executed. I tried searching around the forest, bandit den, witch place, all over Monduval & Avedon, and yet I couldn't find them anywhere. Am I missing something obvious or is the quest too vague?

Also, when arrested, regardless of character, I'm unable to serve time in jail after equipping the prison outfit - the option literally doesn't exist, and if I don't have enough money to pay the bail I am softlocked. Currently running 1.96 tho, haven't updated to 1.97 yet.
Mar 23, 2022
Anyone know where to progress the Missing in Action quest? I've gotten to the point where, according to Charmane, the soldier (Sol, was it?) left Monduval but never arrived at the fort, and has been scheduled to be executed. I tried searching around the forest, bandit den, witch place, all over Monduval & Avedon, and yet I couldn't find them anywhere. Am I missing something obvious or is the quest too vague?

Also, when arrested, regardless of character, I'm unable to serve time in jail after equipping the prison outfit - the option literally doesn't exist, and if I don't have enough money to pay the bail I am softlocked. Currently running 1.96 tho, haven't updated to 1.97 yet.
Have you talked to Malila in the Monduval hospital? To my knowledge she only appears if you completed a nursing course or asked about womb vines cure in Monduval.


Mar 7, 2017
Anyone know where to progress the Missing in Action quest? I've gotten to the point where, according to Charmane, the soldier (Sol, was it?) left Monduval but never arrived at the fort, and has been scheduled to be executed. I tried searching around the forest, bandit den, witch place, all over Monduval & Avedon, and yet I couldn't find them anywhere. Am I missing something obvious or is the quest too vague?

Also, when arrested, regardless of character, I'm unable to serve time in jail after equipping the prison outfit - the option literally doesn't exist, and if I don't have enough money to pay the bail I am softlocked. Currently running 1.96 tho, haven't updated to 1.97 yet.
You have to walk south along the northern road from Monduval. The soldiers are escorting her back to town, and you need to catch up.

I do not believe there's any time gate on this, though.
Mar 23, 2022
You have to walk south along the northern road from Monduval. The soldiers are escorting her back to town, and you need to catch up.

I do not believe there's any time gate on this, though.
I thought the steps to that quest were. After completing the quest where bee girls are in the mine talk to Charmane to start the quest. Go to Monduval hospital talk to Malila. Go to the mines collect bee lube and spider venom. Take both at the same time and go back to Malila while under the effects. Then go south looking for her. After going south and finding her that's the currect end.


Mar 7, 2017
I thought the steps to that quest were. After completing the quest where bee girls are in the mine talk to Charmane to start the quest. Go to Monduval hospital talk to Malila. Go to the mines collect bee lube and spider venom. Take both at the same time and go back to Malila while under the effects. Then go south looking for her. After going south and finding her that's the currect end.
I believe Malila shows up for that quest even without a nursing degree or vines. It was the "walk south along the road" bit that confused me, because it was so much easier to just take the convoys back and forth every time, so on my first quest I think I went to the hospital, selected "ask about the soldier", and had Malila pop up as an interactable NPC to ask about it. I am fairly sure that my character didn't have the nursing degree at that point, and certain that the character didn't have vines (since I only discovered them on my most recent playthrough).

You may be right though that the hospital is his next step. I just assumed he got confused in the same place I did.
Mar 23, 2022
I believe Malila shows up for that quest even without a nursing degree or vines. It was the "walk south along the road" bit that confused me, because it was so much easier to just take the convoys back and forth every time, so on my first quest I think I went to the hospital, selected "ask about the soldier", and had Malila pop up as an interactable NPC to ask about it. I am fairly sure that my character didn't have the nursing degree at that point, and certain that the character didn't have vines (since I only discovered them on my most recent playthrough).

You may be right though that the hospital is his next step. I just assumed he got confused in the same place I did.
Does she show up for the quest? Makes sense, I'd always assume that she'd only show up after the nursing degree or vines because I always get the nursing degree at the start before doing any quests. The only other time I didn't was when I had the vines. I can see why people could get lost on not walking though. It's such a long distance between places so you'd normally instinctively either ride your horse or take a convoy thus skipping it. It also being a few tiles in when at worst you'd normally do is enter the first tile and go into the west woods. It also being the one of the few quest markers along the path. The only other thing involving the road between Moduval and the fort being Zombie gf to my knowledge.

As for that quest funny enough I got stuck too but at a different part. I got stuck at the part where you need to take both the spider venom AND the bee lube. I'd take one or the other and nothing happened. Not to mention Malila says the bee venom is poisoning her not bee lube. My dumb brain was after bee venom for so long. I only figured it out by eating/drinking everything I got from the bees and spiders in a "fuck this, shotgun solution time.". Worst way to solve a problem but it worked out for me.
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Mar 7, 2017
Does she show up for the quest? Makes sense, I'd always assume that she'd only show up after the nursing degree or vines because I always get the nursing degree at the start before doing any quests. The only other time I didn't was when I had the vines. I can see why people could get lost on not walking though. It's such a long distance between places so you'd normally instinctively either ride your horse or take a convoy thus skipping it. It also being a few tiles in when at worst you'd normally do is enter the first tile and go into the west woods. It also being the one of the few quest markers along the path. The only other thing involving the road between Moduval and the fort being Zombie gf to my knowledge.

As for that quest funny enough I got stuck too but at a different part. I got stuck at the part where you need to take both the spider venom AND the bee lube. I'd take one or the other and nothing happened. Not to mention Malila says the bee venom is poisoning her not bee lube. My dumb brain was after bee venom for so long. I only figured it out by eating/drinking everything I got from the bees and spiders in a "fuck this, shotgun solution time.". Worst way to solve a problem but it worked out for me.
Yeah, I didn't get stuck at that point at all (except that I thought that the descriptions of the venoms as "lube" was a bit strange, and that threw me off for half a second).

Maybe it would be better if it were included in Circe's cauldron somehow.
Mar 23, 2022
Weird question, but are we gonna be able to help the tentacles, erm, "spread"?
Depends on your definition of spread I guess. Making nest for them to proliferate I'd say sure, you'd also be able to use the nest obviously. Snekk already has nest planned or in the case of zombies already in 2.0 I'm pretty sure. So it'd be a easy to assume that they will. If by spread you mean have tentacles offspring then I'm not sure, they specifically make the player infertile while in the pc's womb.

Talking of womb vines. One way too remove them is with drinking. Makes me wonder if drinking while pregnant will effect other pregnancies. Obviously when alcohol is introduced again. I know drinking healing potions will cause undead pregnancies to terminate. So maybe excessive drinking might have the same affect to living, also maybe different races might effect them differently. Could just be as simple as drinking healing + undead = abort, drinking alcohol + living = abort. Or undead are just a special case. I don't see that being the case though seeing how the time and species are recorded and can clearly be used to mess with it.
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