
Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2017
7. Is Snekk a lamia or naga? I didn't know chaos something with no form had a form.

7a. Welcome to the reason I've never mad a game in over 10 years. I can't draw to my standards. Art takes forever to draw even with lots of skill under your belt. And if you're making a character based off of Snekk wouldn't it be best for them to say thier preferred weapon/combat style?
Inspiration takes many forms. In all seriousness, I have a long way till anything is at a finished stage anyway. Plenty of time to decide on concepts. Drawing random characters from this is certainly helping, though, even the crappy art that shall never see the light of day, haha.

Solid Snekk

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 5, 2017
Too much input! Abort! Abort!

1) Offhand, I'd probably suggest to have some sort of settings or 'plan' for the night when camping, to set options and convienience for later.

Options like Sleep alone / Sleep with lovers, could be set, in case the player is a monster and doesn't want to snuggle with their waifus and husbandos.

1a) Then a option to 'pitch a tent' (using those words, because of course) in the wild, where it's a temporary status or scene. You can rest, wait, have the sex, get milked, perhaps even have a setting where you are inviting or welcoming company/random encounters. And when you are done, break camp, and move on. Simple and effective. Being attacked or events along those lines would of automatically do this, of course.

2) So long as it isn't super annoying to deal with, you should probably have something like camp supplies as a resource. You could also have something like food, or mix the the idea in with supplies. My line of thinking is this is for travel, exploration, recovery, etc.

The more you are traveling with, the more food or supplies may be required so everybody is rested and healed. Or perhaps well rested is a buff.

For example, traveling with a steed (centaur daughter or otherwise), and several companions would like require more than just exploring the countryside with Annette.

2a) As another potential mutation or "blessing": here is one - Liquid Diet. So long as the player is traveling with a horse or a ally that is particuarly well hung (Meat, Bill, Foxxy...Loksi? A hung elf is amusing change up to the norm) and has the proper flags checked, they can reduce the cost or supplement the need of supplies due to drinking down the heady protein shake.

Unsure how how much of a pain it would be to code, but I could see the PC, Annette, Gobfamily, and probably Percy being able to pick this ability up (since Percy can apparently gain or share the players mutations.)

2b) In similar lines of thinking: "Got Milk?" Now there's another use for lactation, where your allies can reduce their hunger (supply cost) straight from the tap, otherwise known as the PC. Requires big 'ol tiddies and of course, the ability to be milked.

Ded allies of course, don't need fud.

3) I realize the irony in saying this after all that nonsense above, but I think the simpler you keep this (regarding camping), the better off you are. Any extended love or polish to a random area or region should probably just be spent on fixtures that you would like to see grow and prosper in game anyway, such as the farm, the witches residence, two's harpy heights, yada yada.

4) I am in love with the idea that camping near groups or random encounters could result in soldiers, travelers, bee girls, your children, bandits, and of course monsters, dropping by. The pc's rep could certainly be a factor here too. (Heroic, harlot, slaver, villain, etc.)

4a) there's all sorts of little mini encounters you could do with this too. A young pair of newlyweds are traveling and seek the comfort and security of your fire, but as a PC you are of course, sexy as balls, so the option of being their first threesome pops up.

A haughty noble lad shows up, without a guard, making demands and you show them how to have proper respect by bending them over a log. Easy payday for slavers.

A wandering minstrel could manifest, playing a song dedicated to the heroes and legends of the past for their supper.

Some soldiers investigate, keen on collecting a fee, only to back off if the player and company are renown. PC's with whore rep and Gobwife / Annette as a companion, could sense an opportunity for profit.

4b) I am also now sketching a scene or two with Gobwife and GobPC servicing several humans, for no reason whatsoever, and is completely unrelated.

5) Heck, since you are spilling the beans, what does Percy use as a weapon when she is brave? Is she just chucking potions or is there a weapon in mind there? She absolutey shouldn't be anywhere near the front.

6) If you are doing the tactic thing, do some combats start as an ambush or surprise, so it's not always front facing?

6a) Thank you for Lamia/naga weapon suggestions. I'm very, very slowly starting to put together character concepts for my own messy rpg style game, as I intend to have the bulk of the companions a bit more unique than four humans off to slay the demon lord, haha. One may or may not be snake type in homage for a certain dev, motivating by example to get off my ass and work on it.

Art is sloooooow.
1a. That is exactly what a camp does at the moment. Camps can be temporary unless you hit the button to make it permanent. Mainly because Fort Reath is at mile marker 14, but Monduval is at mile marker 40 so you got 30+ miles to walk, taking a small break is essential.

Basically you set up your tent, which you craft or buy, and you have a camp. If you make a campfire then visitors can join and monster attacks drastically drop.

If you set the tent as your home and then remove said tent, it defaults your home to the flophouse along with resetting any npc lovers also to the flophouse.

2. One of the deities following you manages your inventory so things just appear where they are supposed to be. It's mentioned that your clothes and weapons just disappear when you lose a fight and the nature of the magic involved is as if they never existed to begin with.

You do have to feed your allies, but not yourself, and if you don't have food in your camp storage then they will go off looking for it. If you camp on a river and have an ally that can fish, then there is no issue but then you need to stock the camp with wood so the fire doesn't go out and attract monsters while you're gone.

2a. Technically that is Seraph Lip, a curse/mutation I already had planned. Elle Adelaide has a book about it.

2b. I'll see if I can add it.

4&4a. Right now it is just some random guards, farmers and adventurers that join you but I can absolutely add miscellaneous people since the framework is in now.

5. Whatever you give them.

6. You get an ambush attack, which reduces their max HP, if your Knowledge is higher than theirs.

6a. If its me then I own a keyblade IRL and I'm gonna beat Xehanort's little bitch ass with it to seal the Darkness. It's made of solid metal, weighs about 7 lbs and someone welded it together for me.

1. I think having the ability to choose who you're sleeping with in a nonsexual way is nice. Even soulless creatures like myself have favorite bed warmers. Plus it still is on the simpler side if you choose to go that way.

1a. Different encounters that could occur is nice, sexual or otherwise. But the ability to some how disable it would be nice. Even if it's just get someone to do night watch. I think Snekk said having meat stops wolves.

2. I'd much rather not have food to or camp supplies to worry about. A free camp to set up or an item that is refunded if you want to move camp location, fine. If I'm not going to eat then why would I want to feed my followers?

2a and b. In saying that, I do like the idea of the liquid diet. Assuming food is a buff it could be nice little thing that's unrelated to camping and could be a sex thing in general.

5. I don't want to know Percy's weapon of choice. I prefer my Percy shy and meek, hopefully I can keep them that way and they will want to make potions and stuff.

7. Is Snekk a lamia or naga? I didn't know chaos something with no form had a form.

7a. Welcome to the reason I've never made a game in over 10 years. I can't draw to my standards. Art takes forever to draw even with lots of skill under your belt. And if you're making a character based off of Snekk wouldn't it be best for them to say thier preferred weapon/combat style?
1. Rough draft was a very sensual pile but I can make an option for a favorite.

1a. Yeah. Some locations, only unique option is the werewolf den at the moment, which gives fortifications which gives a toggle to allowing anything near you. Others just have stuff like "near the river" or "in the forest", which means you can get fish or wood without having to leave camp.

2. If you equip an axe and chop down a tree you get 3-5 wood, with wood lasting a whole day. You can also tell camp followers to do certain actions like fish or chop wood. I have my goblin wife's friends fishing and I just chopped down a bunch of wood so the camp is pretty self sustained for awhile until she gives birth to First and I can have her chop wood for me.

7. If we're going by folklore, lamia is a cursed being and a naga is a divine being. Which you think I am is up to you.
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Jul 19, 2021
I know it's not essential, but my psychological and physical well-being requires it, can we switch to the international measurement system? I'm not saying as the only system, I know that there are countries less fortunate to still use the imperial system like Liberia (/s), but the possibility of at least changing it?
Mar 23, 2022
1a. That is exactly what a camp does at the moment. Camps can be temporary unless you hit the button to make it permanent. Mainly because Fort Reath is at mile marker 14, but Monduval is at mile marker 40 so you got 30+ miles to walk, taking a small break is essential.

Basically you set up your tent, which you craft or buy, and you have a camp. If you make a campfire then visitors can join and monster attacks drastically drop.

If you set the tent as your home and then remove said tent, it defaults your home to the flophouse along with resetting any npc lovers also to the flophouse.

2. One of the deities following you manages your inventory so things just appear where they are supposed to be. It's mentioned that your clothes and weapons just disappear when you lose a fight and the nature of the magic involved is as if they never existed to begin with.

You do have to feed your allies, but not yourself, and if you don't have food in your camp storage then they will go off looking for it. If you camp on a river and have an ally that can fish, then there is no issue but then you need to stock the camp with wood so the fire doesn't go out and attract monsters while you're gone.

2a. Technically that is Seraph Lip, a curse/mutation I already had planned. Elle Adelaide has a book about it.

2b. I'll see if I can add it.

4&4a. Right now it is just some random guards, farmers and adventurers that join you but I can absolutely add miscellaneous people since the framework is in now.

5. Whatever you give them.

6. You get an ambush attack, which reduces their max HP, if your Knowledge is higher than theirs.

6a. If its me then I own a keyblade IRL and I'm gonna beat Xehanort's little bitch ass with it to seal the Darkness. It's made of solid metal, weighs about 7 lbs and someone welded it together for me.

1. Rough draft was a very sensual pile but I can make an option for a favorite.

1a. Yeah. Some locations, only unique option is the werewolf den at the moment, which gives fortifications which gives a toggle to allowing anything near you. Others just have stuff like "near the river" or "in the forest", which means you can get fish or wood without having to leave camp.

2. If you equip an axe and chop down a tree you get 3-5 wood, with wood lasting a whole day. You can also tell camp followers to do certain actions like fish or chop wood. I have my goblin wife's friends fishing and I just chopped down a bunch of wood so the camp is pretty self sustained for awhile until she gives birth to First and I can have her chop wood for me.

7. If we're going by folklore, lamia is a cursed being and a naga is a divine being. Which you think I am is up to you.
1. I forgot Britmoor isn't between Monduval and Fort Reath. Maybe a base that you can make there would be nice. Alright you've won me over.

2. Sigh, I guess I have to look after those I'm in charge of. If they question me why I'm not eating then I swear I'll be the one to send them to te after life and not pick them up.

6a. You have a keyblade too? Mines made out of plastic I glued together unfortunatly.

7. The rough draft works. Everybody loves a sensual pile. Just my thought is everyone has their favorite bed buddy. They might have more then one bed buddy but they have their favorite whether they'll admit it or not.

8. Next you're going to tell me I need to give them a place to sleep too. Jokes aside I can live with some setup or maintenance as long as when the camp isn't active I don't need to worry about it.

I know it's not essential, but my psychological and physical well-being requires it, can we switch to the international measurement system? I'm not saying as the only system, I know that there are countries less fortunate to still use the imperial system like Liberia (/s), but the possibility of at least changing it?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2017
Heh. To elaborate on the measurement thing: while it's not exactly the same Snekk gave time adjustments a go, several, several versions back, as someone requested it. Attempting to do so really hosed their game and mechanics with bugs, as the new values weren't playing nice, and kind of crippled the game as a result, forcing them to backtrack.

With the games current value system being as it is, I expect swapping out the very nature of the units of measure would be even trickier to manage, but that's merely my opinion.

By admission their skills with coding have improved since, but I imagine most of their efforts are being used to temper the absolute madness of the games new battle mechanics and other upgrades for the time being.
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Mar 23, 2022
I know it's not essential, but my psychological and physical well-being requires it, can we switch to the international measurement system? I'm not saying as the only system, I know that there are countries less fortunate to still use the imperial system like Liberia (/s), but the possibility of at least changing it?
Sorry about the abrupt "No.". I was short on time, let me expand more. As Laughingfox explained a lot of coding is already in place and is based off of the imperial system. Not to mention a lot of measurements are hard coded into the lines of text and aren't variables. In order to implement a reliable transfer between the two would require going over the code and recoding it to accept new variables. Writing new chunk of code that would swap between the two would be more of a hindrance to Snekk then a boon. That's excluding the fact that Snekk might just not know metric system.
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Jul 19, 2021
Sorry about the abrupt "No.". I was short on time, let me expand more. As Laughingfox explained a lot of coding is already in place and is based off of the imperial system. Not to mention a lot of measurements are hard coded into the lines of text and aren't variables. In order to implement a reliable transfer between the two would require going over the code and recoding it to accept new variables. Writing new chunk of code that would swap between the two would be more of a hindrance to Snekk then a boon. That's excluding the fact that Snekk might just not know metric system.
I get it, I'll experience it as a lore choice then.
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Apr 29, 2022
I need a bit of input.

Working on camping and it could be considered complete as you are currently able to set up and have a small campsite, along with the framework for having your lovers move there but currently only your children and goblin wife can. Right now it is just a tent and you can bring your lovers and also some adventurers that you randomly encounter here to bang.

The military can also occasionally sets up a camp and you can slut it up by setting up your camp inside theirs and allowing soldiers to visit you for money. If the military sets up their camp within 5 miles of you, you start getting visits for living off grid and not paying your fair share of taxes. If it is just you then it isn't too bad.

Some spots that you can camp have unique options, like living in the werewolves den after you deal with it is a boon because it is an old fort, so getting attacked at night is impossible.

Should I continue with making your camp a place that you build up and houses all of your lovers like the current farm does in 1.97, or do you want the farm as is and then a camp that you can build if you like?
1. I'm in agreement with other folks that the camp would be better off as a temporary home with relatively limited boons/actions compared to more permanent living spaces.

2. Regarding unique places with special boons, maybe the south cliffs could offer something relating to the vista, the sharp drop-off point in terms of security or both.

3. If you are interested in creating a more permanent mobile home, than may I suggest, through the crafting classes, the creation of a vehicle home? It starts off as a carriage that needs horses and the like to move; but then you can eventually upgrade it to become like a large self-moving tank; and much later in the game, you can turn it into a literal mobile fortress that can be upgraded with not only new rooms but also methods of transportation to deal with climbing mountains and sailing the ocean, for instance.

3a. Which thinking about it now, maybe you could make your own ship an option of a player home. Assuming it isn't too much on your plate now or later.

Solid Snekk

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 5, 2017
I know it's not essential, but my psychological and physical well-being requires it, can we switch to the international measurement system? I'm not saying as the only system, I know that there are countries less fortunate to still use the imperial system like Liberia (/s), but the possibility of at least changing it?
I tried to make the clock imperial before and it broke everything and I lost an entire update for it. I can try again, but I have so much I need to finish before 2.0 that I doubt I will be able to get to it.

Sorry about the abrupt "No.". I was short on time, let me expand more. As Laughingfox explained a lot of coding is already in place and is based off of the imperial system. Not to mention a lot of measurements are hard coded into the lines of text and aren't variables. In order to implement a reliable transfer between the two would require going over the code and recoding it to accept new variables. Writing new chunk of code that would swap between the two would be more of a hindrance to Snekk then a boon. That's excluding the fact that Snekk might just not know metric system.
I know metric, all my guns are chambered in metric.

*bald eagle screech*

1. I'm in agreement with other folks that the camp would be better off as a temporary home with relatively limited boons/actions compared to more permanent living spaces.

2. Regarding unique places with special boons, maybe the south cliffs could offer something relating to the vista, the sharp drop-off point in terms of security or both.

3. If you are interested in creating a more permanent mobile home, than may I suggest, through the crafting classes, the creation of a vehicle home? It starts off as a carriage that needs horses and the like to move; but then you can eventually upgrade it to become like a large self-moving tank; and much later in the game, you can turn it into a literal mobile fortress that can be upgraded with not only new rooms but also methods of transportation to deal with climbing mountains and sailing the ocean, for instance.

3a. Which thinking about it now, maybe you could make your own ship an option of a player home. Assuming it isn't too much on your plate now or later.
2. I'm using the southern cliffs as the end of the road and just a calm place you can be for a moment. There's also an old dude already living there so it might be too cramped for the PC.

3. I'm keeping the horses as free mounts, as in using a horse skips all the events along the road as while moving. Aside from the ship I'm not really a fan of moving homes, mostly for the fact calculating travel time for them is really difficult. It is possible and may be easier than I'm thinking.

3a. The player can set any bed as their home and then can send any lover to their home, or just have them follow you to a location and have them live/work there.
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New Member
Jan 4, 2021
3. If you are interested in creating a more permanent mobile home, than may I suggest, through the crafting classes, the creation of a vehicle home? It starts off as a carriage that needs horses and the like to move; but then you can eventually upgrade it to become like a large self-moving tank; and much later in the game, you can turn it into a literal mobile fortress that can be upgraded with not only new rooms but also methods of transportation to deal with climbing mountains and sailing the ocean, for instance.
Maybe if you make a deal with Firestarter she'll create and fuel a magical walking castle for us... Heheh.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2017
I tried to make the clock imperial before and it broke everything and I lost an entire update for it. I can try again, but I have so much I need to finish before 2.0 that I doubt I will be able to get to it.

I know metric, all my guns are chambered in metric.

*bald eagle screech*

2. I'm using the southern cliffs as the end of the road and just a calm place you can be for a moment. There's also an old dude already living there so it might be too cramped for the PC.

3. I'm keeping the horses as free mounts, as in using a horse skips all the events along the road as while moving. Aside from the ship I'm not really a fan of moving homes, mostly for the fact calculating travel time for them is really difficult. It is possible and may be easier than I'm thinking.

3a. The player can set any bed as their home and then can send any lover to their home, or just have them follow you to a location and have them live/work there.
1. If we are going MERICA, may I request that the monk/martial artist learn the Flash Kick/Somersault, not unlike a particular buff hero with a flat top, chasing down Shadowloo?

1a. ...I dunno if you are doing lust as a stat to foes or not, but I just imagined a literal flash kick, with the player of course, not wearing any underwear (or perhaps a thong) below in a exotic or lurid dress/attire, as they do the split legs rising attack, haha.

I guess that's more lewd monk stuff, mixing martial prowess with stuns or debuffs (accuracy? defence?) due to 'distracting' the foe. It's a pretty easy opening if they (the foes) are too busy watching the ninja tiddies bounce to defend themselves, for example.

3. Actually, couldn't the artificer have a boon or bonus to encampments? If not constructing a weird ass Winnebago, how about portable walls, spikes, or such? Like if the camp is attacked, the foes get fucked up by traps.

As opposed to another PC with a dedicated leaning towards the twinks, where aggressive foes *also* get fucked up by traps.

I guess you could argue a mage could set a ward, too. Hm. Might be too complex. It was a fun idea, though.

3a. That certainly makes sense for traveling companions, it would be a pain to constantly direct them to different beds.

...Maybe some sort of emergancy planning or backup set in the ledger for combat, just for sanity and clean up?

In case we get scattered or routed, you tell your allies to meet at... Sort of deal. For example, the farm, or Britmoor, etc.

3b. Completely unneccessary extra coding, but I enjoy the concept of Percy constantly getting captured instead of meeting a grim fate. Or even when left to her own devices! It's your very own Princess Peach!
Mar 23, 2022
3. Actually, couldn't the artificer have a boon or bonus to encampments? If not constructing a weird ass Winnebago, how about portable walls, spikes, or such? Like if the camp is attacked, the foes get fucked up by traps.

As opposed to another PC with a dedicated leaning towards the twinks, where aggressive foes *also* get fucked up by traps.

I guess you could argue a mage could set a ward, too. Hm. Might be too complex. It was a fun idea, though.

3a. That certainly makes sense for traveling companions, it would be a pain to constantly direct them to different beds.

...Maybe some sort of emergancy planning or backup set in the ledger for combat, just for sanity and clean up?

In case we get scattered or routed, you tell your allies to meet at... Sort of deal. For example, the farm, or Britmoor, etc.

3b. Completely unneccessary extra coding, but I enjoy the concept of Percy constantly getting captured instead of meeting a grim fate. Or even when left to her own devices! It's your very own Princess Peach!
3. Aren't wards a preventative measure. Like reduces the chance of but doesn't prevent. Meaning if an enemy is going too attack it wont do shit. They'd still attack in full force.

3a. I was thinking of making it a lot simpler method. just check to see who you've designated as your sleeping partner. Make a check for that when sleeping. Could be as simple as

You fall asleep

if sleep_partner=1
     'your gobo wife cuddles you'
ifelse sleep_partner=2
     'Percy warm body sooths you'
ifelse sleep_partner=20
     'You all bundle up togther is a bundle'

you rest well
You could make it even simpler and go by
You fall asleep

if sleep_partner_race=1,2,5
     'As you cuddle your sleep buddy their arms wrap around your shoulders'
ifelse sleep_partner_race=3,4,6
     'your middrift is kept warm as your sleep budy lays on you'
ifelse sleep_partner_race=20
     'you all bundle together'

you rest well
The second way you'd just basically be pulling their size. It feel less personal then having gobo wife or dog in your bed but it's a lot less work. Obviously the first way makes it easier to expand upon extra wake up scenes but again more work. Also this is using my limited knowledge of coding so it could easily be made more simple/complex at the same time. Not to mention I quickly threw those together and if I was writing it I could easily expand it to me more personal. but sticks tounge out and raspberries.

3b. If Snekk adds percy being rescued constantly please make it so that I can dump them somewhere where they won't be taken. The minotaur was cute because they wanted to help me and failed. If they are randomly being taken no matter where they are yeah nah fuck that. I'll probably only pick them up if I even feel Circe or me isn't doing a good enough job, use them for what ever I need then not worry if they are taken again and I like Percy.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2017
Making a few assumptions there, yeah? Why wouldn't magic or enchantment have an effect if that was the purpose for it? A mainstay of a lot of fantasy fare and D&D is a crippling ward, for example. Whoever steps on that is potentially going to have a bad time. Let's say for example it can do a stun effect, even to just one mob.

If they player is doing the subclass Ranger bit, or even functioning as a spell slinger that means one less foe in their face, more room to get some distance and do their thing.

I don't yet know how the new combat funtions other than a few nifty descriptions read thus far, so this is mostly theatre of the mind for me anyway.

Just like the artificer bit with the traps, mostly just musing ways the different classes can shine with some extra flavor.

But it's merely a suggestion, certainly not a demand. Ideas are free to inspire.

3a. Dunno. I can see it getting pretty silly if there are a bunch of companions, but I see the appeal of it being a bit more intimate a setting.

3b. I Mostly meant that last one in jest. Mostly. I mean, it is a theme that Percy gets abducted and is huggably, rapeably soft to the baddies, but I was thinking more along the lines of those events Snekk mentioned where companions could potentially be slaughtered (death) if the player fails against a big bad. Thus here Percy gets a not-quite pass.

I.e. she may not be the most effective in combat, but you don't need to worry about her being killed, either.

And I'm sure even if Snekk remotely considered something silly like Percy being captured a bunch, it'd be optional or avoidalbe by flag, quest, or toggle.
Last edited:
Mar 23, 2022
Making a few assumptions there, yeah? Why wouldn't magic or enchantment have an effect if that was the purpose for it? A mainstay of a lot of fantasy fare and D&D is a crippling ward, for example. Whoever steps on that is potentially going to have a bad time. Let's say for example it can do a stun effect, even to just one mob.

If they player is doing the subclass Ranger bit, or even functioning as a spell slinger that means one less foe in their face, more room to get some distance and do their thing.

I don't yet know how the new combat funtions other than a few nifty descriptions read thus far, so this is mostly theatre of the mind for me anyway.

Just like the artificer bit with the traps, mostly just musing ways the different classes can shine with some extra flavor.

But it's merely a suggestion, certainly not a demand. Ideas are free to inspire.

3a. Dunno. I can see it getting pretty silly if there are a bunch of companions, but I see the appeal of it being a bit more intimate a setting.

3b. I Mostly meant that last one in jest. Mostly. I mean, it is a theme that Percy gets abducted and is huggably, rapeably soft to the baddies, but I was thinking more along the lines of those events Snekk mentioned where companions could potentially be slaughtered (death) if the player fails against a big bad. Thus here Percy gets a not-quite pass.

I.e. she may not be the most effective in combat, but you don't need to worry about her being killed, either.

And I'm sure even if Snekk remotely considered something silly like Percy being captured a bunch, it'd be optional or avoidalbe by flag, quest, or toggle.
No, I don't think I'm making an assumption. The literall definition of ward is to guard or protect. Throw salt over your shoulder to ward of evil spirits, placing gold out the front of you house wards off dullahans, I'm your ward until I'm 18-21, etc.. In dnd wards are used to control an area to the benefit of the caster if you can call it that. None of which are offensive unless youu count stink cloud. As for other media's making wards offensive well they're wrong. They're labeling traps as wards because magic traps doesn't sound as mystifying.

As for making magic traps or magically enchanted runes that do that sure.

3a. My thoughts regarding it was once one is active it disables the others. So you couldn't have Percy, gobo wife, Sol and dog let's say. You'd have to chose one/none or all to sleep with you. I was just showing how it could work from a basic stand point. By no means do I think it should be implemented the way I wrote it especially if Snekk is better at coding then me (which is likely seeing hoow I know nothing). As for how messy it could be, not patically. You'd have a designated coding block for sleeping partners and just pull on when needed. That way the sleeping block doesn't get bogged down and you'd have an area you can skip over when you aren't using it.

3b. I know, I was mostly joking too. Mostly. I'm not actually opposed to Percy being taken. I was just stating that a safe place for them would be nice if it was needed. I'm also sure Snekk would do that if they were to implement it. As for the worrying about them being killed I think it should still be a thing. I'm all for treating Percy as the squeezable cuddle buddy they are. I just don't think they should receive special treatment from enemies like never dying. Well anymore then what's already in *cough* being raped along side PC when PC loses *cough*. But a necromancer that's only bent on resurrecting he's daughter at any cost wouldn't care if Percy is fuckable. They'd off Percy and the PC in a heart beat if it helped their goal.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2017
Haha, you are more than free to believe what you like to believe, of course. But as a long time suffering game master of more than a few D&D campaigns (typically more fun to play than it is to run, but it is what it is) and shameless nerd, here's an example of what I was mentioning. Though to be fair the words glyph and ward are often used interchangably.

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Regarding defeat and potential character elimination, I could be remembering incorrectly, but as I recall a few specific characters (allies) could not be eliminated even if it was against a boss baddie, due to how badass or divine ties they posses. Or simply just being dead to begin with. Percy capture was a lighthearted suggestion that fit in the games described lore and events, though I was also basing some of it off of stuff we hasn't yet seen, such as the alchemical supplies in the lake cave with all the chimera crazyness.

In any case, moving on along now.
Mar 23, 2022
Haha, you are more than free to believe what you like to believe, of course. But as a long time suffering game master of more than a few D&D campaigns (typically more fun to play than it is to run, but it is what it is) and shameless nerd, here's an example of what I was mentioning. Though to be fair the words glyph and ward are often used interchangably.

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Regarding defeat and potential character elimination, I could be remembering incorrectly, but as I recall a few specific characters (allies) could not be eliminated even if it was against a boss baddie, due to how badass or divine ties they posses. Or simply just being dead to begin with. Percy capture was a lighthearted suggestion that fit in the games described lore and events, though I was also basing some of it off of stuff we hasn't yet seen, such as the alchemical supplies in the lake cave with all the chimera crazyness.

In any case, moving on along now.
Yeah, that's a glyph. You might be able to make a litral glyph of warding but's it's still a glyph that creates a ward. Also NERD ignore the fact I know about dnd stuff (this is a jest at the fact I'm just as much of a nerd).

Maybe the reason why Percy is so attractive is because they're an archon? A very, very, very unlucky one but still technically one. Would explain a lot about their squeezability. Although they might just be extra sexable, mmph dem thighs doe.


Jul 19, 2021
I tried to make the clock imperial before and it broke everything and I lost an entire update for it. I can try again, but I have so much I need to finish before 2.0 that I doubt I will be able to get to it.

I know metric, all my guns are chambered in metric.

*bald eagle screech*

2. I'm using the southern cliffs as the end of the road and just a calm place you can be for a moment. There's also an old dude already living there so it might be too cramped for the PC.

3. I'm keeping the horses as free mounts, as in using a horse skips all the events along the road as while moving. Aside from the ship I'm not really a fan of moving homes, mostly for the fact calculating travel time for them is really difficult. It is possible and may be easier than I'm thinking.

3a. The player can set any bed as their home and then can send any lover to their home, or just have them follow you to a location and have them live/work there.
There is no need to try such a risky undertaking. I can tolerate a system created by a drunken lobster. It gives that feeling of adventure in the wild land.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2017
Yeah, that's a glyph. You might be able to make a litral glyph of warding but's it's still a glyph that creates a ward. Also NERD ignore the fact I know about dnd stuff (this is a jest at the fact I'm just as much of a nerd).

Maybe the reason why Percy is so attractive is because they're an archon? A very, very, very unlucky one but still technically one. Would explain a lot about their squeezability. Although they might just be extra sexable, mmph dem thighs doe.
*Adjusts fogged up glasses in unspoken nerd speak, raises pocket protector in salute*
Archon. Ooo. That's a fun twisty idea. I mean, she's clearly important to her 'aunt's' cult group, and it's been all but said that she can contract mutations much like the Protagonist can. She's clearly special, but so are a bunch of others.

Or maybe she's a fledgling diety that is being nurtured along the course of the story. A goddess of change, lust, and fertility? I'd say she could be a echo of the players deeds, but like... there's already a few hitchhikers that are linked to the whole players soul bit too. Still. Fun ideas.
Mar 23, 2022
*Adjusts fogged up glasses in unspoken nerd speak, raises pocket protector in salute*
Archon. Ooo. That's a fun twisty idea. I mean, she's clearly important to her 'aunt's' cult group, and it's been all but said that she can contract mutations much like the Protagonist can. She's clearly special, but so are a bunch of others.

Or maybe she's a fledgling diety that is being nurtured along the course of the story. A goddess of change, lust, and fertility? I'd say she could be a echo of the players deeds, but like... there's already a few hitchhikers that are linked to the whole players soul bit too. Still. Fun ideas.
The reason I thought archon was they quite clearly aren't just a normal person. Nothing against that, some are more special then others. But from Circe's description or was it's one's it seems to sort of fit Percy. Not quite the same as the PC but it kinda fits. Then again a lot of followers have unique quirks about them. Gobo wife's silver dagger, Bess (is that the cow girl from the steel farm?) being well Bess. Annetta being Annetta. Bill being Bill. All have something unknown about them well some more then other. Funny enough I think Dana is the least special in terms of cosmic pawn potential. She's a really smart girl and that's pretty much it. No weird powers or special 'aunt'. Just good old fashion NERD brains.

So maybe because they doesn't function the same and are one but different. Or they aren't one and are something different that we aren't aware of. The only two things related to archon that weren't genshin were either a leader or evil god. Percy doesn't seem to fit either of those stereotypes. Unless we've been juked. In which case Percy why, I could of joined you in your evil plan. Regardless I'm looking forward to where and how Snekk will take companions. Here's just hoping that the dog/wolf isn't actually a god that's been following us the whole time only to loki us at the end.


Dec 21, 2017
I hope adding new races doesn't make the dialogue and descriptions soulless copies of "He fucked your cat ass", "He fucked your wolf ass", "He fucked your rat ass" and there will be some variation beyond the pictures.
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