Zara Scarlet

Engaged Member
Apr 3, 2022

The Dev / Creator Groovers Games did in fact post an update as they do regularly for all fans and supporters and made it clear to everyone they need more time to finish their works. There is NO silence from the Dev! There's only BS trolling from 88Stanford88 and a few others that are blatantly lying and misrepresenting the facts on this thread with misinformation to discredit and harass the Dev, as if the Dev owes them anything! Here are the facts from the Dev directly, not this Troll's alternate BS and lies!

This is part of the latest Post from the Dev directly clearly stating they need more time to finish the work. How hard can it be to read and understand this? Yet trolls are trying to twist the truth and only make themselves look like fools. The Dev has posted progress updates since the first announcement months ago up to the last Dev Update post on September 2, 2024, so clearly there is NO silence from the Dev, only BS trolls misrepresenting the facts as we can clearly see.

Here's the most recent post directly from the Dev at Groovers Games:


September 2

Hello Awesome Fans and Supporters!

Here is the latest Dev Update news for everyone on where we are with our work progress with our new upcoming Remastered expansion of Life in Big City, (formerly Victoria in Big City), which will be Chapter 1 – Episode v1.0 - coming soon!

We still have more work to do before we get to final testing, and when that is done, we will be announcing an official release date. * As previously mentioned, this is definitely going to be a very big and hot release, folks! This new coming release is going to be epic, hot and very entertaining, and we can’t wait to share it with all of you, especially now that we are finally getting closer to finishing!

*** Brief Recap for anyone who missed our previous Dev Updates:
The quality of our work to bring you something unique and truly entertaining is paramount to us. We are working hard to take our Visual Novel Game to the next level unlike any other out there! We believe you will all enjoy and appreciate the coming new expansion and chapter in Victoria’s ongoing life journey, and all of the hot, juicy and unexpected adventures that await her in Life in Big City. The new upcoming remastered expansion of Life in Big City will feature some very hot and exciting scenes with Victoria like never before. Note: This will include the original story, and its continuation from the last version 0.55, along with a two-part origin story and bio of Victoria and her life journey, as previously mentioned. There is a good reason why we added the new origin bio story, as you will discover in the new upcoming release of Life in Big City, Chapter 1 – Episode v1.0. –


The post by the Dev speaks for itself! The Dev always keeps in touch with fans and supporters.

So, once again, I was right from the start and I stand by everything I wrote. I understand some people are impatient, but most true fans and supporters are clearly more understanding and realize creative works take time, especially for a remastered expansion. However, for anyone to blatantly lie and misrepresent the truth is very different, and I won't stand for that BS from any lying Troll.

Note: If anyone wants the facts about this awesome VN Game, Life in Big City, featuring Victoria Hearty, (formerly Victoria in Big City), simply read the posts from the Dev directly on page, and ignore the lying trolls misrepresenting the truth!

PS - Shoutout and thank you to East1999 for being the common sense peace maker on this thread and showing some decency and understanding. It is appreciated, friend. - Cheers! - ;) (y)

Now, I rest my case. It's time for some good coffee and work... :coffee:

I believe what you're saying is correct, and eventually we will get this remastered version, plus a whole lot of new content. Because nothing you've said, suggests to me that you're anything but a devoted fan of this game, who has some kind of actual contact with the Devs. As opposed to those, who almost certainly have no inside information, but choose to make ridiculously negative claims about it, some of which they are probably inventing.

But I will say that the Devs suggesting this new version, will be like nothing we've ever seen before, is maybe laying it on a bit too thick and could easily be setting themselves up for failure, if they don't subsequently deliver on that? They're already preaching mostly to the converted and don't need to promise perfection. Since we can already see from leaked teasers, this is likely going to be an upgrade on the previous game.


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2023
I believe what you're saying is correct, and eventually we will get this remastered version, plus a whole lot of new content. Because nothing you've said, suggests to me that you're anything but a devoted fan of this game, who has some kind of actual contact with the Devs. As opposed to those, who almost certainly have no inside information, but choose to make ridiculously negative claims about it, some of which they are probably inventing.

But I will say that the Devs suggesting this new version, will be like nothing we've ever seen before, is maybe laying it on a bit too thick and could easily be setting themselves up for failure, if they don't subsequently deliver on that. They're already preaching mostly to the converted and don't need to promise perfection. Since we can already see from leaked teasers, this is likely going to be an upgrade on the previous game.
I agree with you Zara, they are laying it on a bit thick. I'm hoping for the best but preparing for disappointment. I dropped support as soon as the words remake/remaster were starting to get used as most of the devs I have seen on F95 that have proposed this always underestimate the actual time it will take to complete it. I also fail to see at this time why the name change of the VN is warranted or why anyone cares at this point about Victoria's early life, unless the dev was simply running out of ideas on the path we were on.

I'm hopeful after this next release we can get back to a normal release schedule. Fingers crossed that the next update is amazing. Cautiously optimistic.

Zara Scarlet

Engaged Member
Apr 3, 2022
I agree with you Zara, they are laying it on a bit thick. I'm hoping for the best but preparing for disappointment. I dropped support as soon as the words remake/remaster were starting to get used as most of the devs I have seen on F95 that have proposed this always underestimate the actual time it will take to complete it. I also fail to see at this time why the name change of the VN is warranted or why anyone cares at this point about Victoria's early life, unless the dev was simply running out of ideas on the path we were on.

I'm hopeful after this next release we can get back to a normal release schedule. Fingers crossed that the next update is amazing. Cautiously optimistic.
I'll be honest, I don't generally agree with Devs remastering games, that they haven't already completed. I understand the motivation behind it, but I don't get the necessity for it, when it means making your patrons wait long periods for new content. When you could easily just start a new chapter of the game, using the updated format, and save any remastering for a later date. That's just my take on it, and of course I was initially disappointed, that I'd have to wait a long time for anymore new content, from a game that had become one of my favourites. But the Devs thought otherwise, and you either just have to accept it or move on. I'm generally quite a pragmatic and patient person, so once I've accepted a new state of affairs, it ceases to be an issue for me.

Also, I generally take release dates with a big pinch of salt, because of the hundred plus games I'm currently playing on this site, most of them end up getting delayed for one reason or another. This is so common, it amazes me, how so many people, get so worked up about it. If a Dev says he's going to release on a particular date, more than a couple of weeks beforehand, I know from experience, that the chances are quite high, that something will occur in the meantime to delay that release. If we get it on time, well that's great, but if we dont, well it's not entirely unexpected and definitely not the end of the world, as some people would have you believe.

Two months delay, and already some people are suggesting the Devs of this game are milking the patrons and running some kind of a scam, which is just ludicrous. All the evidence suggests the Devs are still totally committed to delivering the remastered version of this game, plus a large dollop of new content, as soon as they possibly can. And there is absolutely nothing to suggest otherwise, outside the comments of a vocal but likely uninformed minority.
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Oct 5, 2022

Hi all!

I am sharing an official Dev Update Posted by Groovers Games on Patreon earlier today (9/15/2024) for all fans and supporters regarding Life in Big City, (formerly Victoria in Big City). Big thank you to the Dev at Groovers Games for keeping us up to date, as always. :) (y)


Post By Groovers Games on Patreon September 15, 2024 -


*** Groovers Games Dev Update: ***

Dear Awesome Fans and Supporters!

I just want to take a moment to keep all of you up to date on our work progress, and make sure you’re not left without any updates for too long. Of course, work on the new upcoming remastered expansion, which will be titled Life in Big City, is still very much in full swing and we continue the awesome hard works.

Nevertheless, I’ve received quite a few messages asking about the release date. I totally understand your excitement, which makes me really happy, but I kindly ask for your patience and understanding. We also apologize our remastered expansion has taken longer than expected, as this can happen with any creative works, but we believe it will be worth the wait once our VN Game is released.

As with all creative projects life throws challenges our way, and although a large part of the work has already been completed, we are working hard to deliver something special for everyone to enjoy.

The hard work we are doing now will significantly benefit future updates and our work overall. We will do our best to make sure everything is done well, and with quality and precision at this stage to streamline and speed up the process for all upcoming Episodes of Life in Big City, (formerly Victoria in Big City), after the first one is released.

On another note, by the end of this coming week, I’ll be posting some teasers as always, and depending on our work flow, we may have something really exciting to share with all of you as well.

Thank you for your ongoing support and understanding. It means a lot to us. And please, don’t believe any rumors that the game has been abandoned or that the original story is changing or anything else – other than the facts and what I have officially mentioned in my Dev Updates. I am always clear about everything that is represented when it comes to our VN Game, and if there are any changes with the game, or work progress or anything, I will make sure you hear it from us at Groovers Games first.

With that said, we’ve got plans and many awesome ideas for years to come for Life in Big City, and our Star MC, Victoria Hearty, along with many interesting characters in this exciting ongoing story and journey! So, if you want the latest news update on Life in Big City you will find it and on our future official website.

Thanks again to all of you awesome fans and supporters for your ongoing love, support and patience. We sincerely appreciate all of you!

We wish you all a great week ahead!

The Groovers Games Team


This is what I'm talking about! Thank you for the update, Groovers Games Team! - Keep up the awesome good works! I'm definitely looking forward to this hot VN Game! Woot yeah! - Cheers! :)

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Oct 10, 2017
Thank you God i stopped my pledging in time and i'm not a patron of "the awesome hard works" and "the hard work we are doing now" :geek:
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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2023
TBH the status doesn't answer anything at all like will there be anything new added to the old story or not? Release date expectation? How much of the development is left?

It just says we are working, you will get the teaser by this weekend....thank you for your patience in one sentence.


Active Member
Jul 7, 2017
Maybe i should explain my opinion better.
I was talking about different subject. matter of women's perspective, not just female protagonist style.

I know there are many Female Protagonist games, tons of them, mostly are beautiful. but even all of them created for men's perspective at the end, by the scenes, by the dialogues, by choosing options...etc.

There are differences between men and women views and what they see in sex.

let me clarify it by examples from Victoria's game:

View attachment 3422960

That is why I liked this game at the beginning.

View attachment 3422968

This is why I could be able to connect with Victoria's game mentally, from the start.
because this game had few shots for women's perspective.

View attachment 3422979

In terms of straight people
you men would like to see curves, we would like to see muscles around us.
you men would like to see breasts, we would like to see hard members.
you men would like to see tempting softness, we would like to see confident roughness.

View attachment 3422986

Men usually would not pay attention to these matters and that's why all the pornography and adult games are built for men's perspective, and that's why many women wouldn't like to see porn because click with them mentally is nearly impossible. most of adult games too.
I didn't see any porn in years myself, because seeing angry men's perspective is useless for me and many women i know, it's just not working that way, they want to show us.

for this matter, you can just find 4 or 5 adult games maybe, or even less erotic novels that could offer women's perspective properly.

I do not expect all adult games and visual novels should be create for women's perspective. don't get me wrong.
but there's solution for that, i think.

when developers or creators or producers, make an adult scene, there is 10 shots or 10 angles for that, let 8 or 9 shots of all goes to the men's perspective,
but let 1 or 2 shots at least, considering half of the population, women.

let 98 percent of contents works for men, but please, let 2 percent works for women.

it's not much to ask.
You couldn't have said better. 45% women play games, but who cares? Our only chance are more female led developers who will make porn games exclusively for women.


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2023
You couldn't have said better. 45% women play games, but who cares? Our only chance are more female led developers who will make porn games exclusively for women.
Where do you get 45% of women play games? I highly doubt that 20% of the people on this forum are women playing these types of games... I'm just curious as to where I can find the 45% statistic.

I enjoy VIBC because it's given a perspective you don't see everyday and you can tailor her reactions the way you want, if it's realistic or not.
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Zara Scarlet

Engaged Member
Apr 3, 2022
Where do you get 45% of women play games? I highly doubt that 20% of the people on this forum are women playing these types of games... I'm just curious as to where I can find the 45% statistic.

I enjoy VIBC because it's given a perspective you don't see everyday and you can tailor her reactions the way you want, if it's realistic or not.
It was in a 2023 survey done by the gaming industry worldwide. It's totally true. Women now represent 45% of online game players. But whether they represent 45% of people playing adult games is another thing entirely. Probably not, for the reasons the commenter above mentioned (not enough women, making more female oriented adult games). But what it does demonstrate, is that there is a potentially much larger audience that isn't presently being fully accomodated.
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