I had the same problem. The fix for me was to use the terminal.When I download the Mac version it says application can't be opened. Could anyone steer me in the right direction here? I have no idea how to fix this. I already have apps set to open from anywhere so that wouldn't be the problem.
If you have any question or don't know what to do write me.
Just type terminal in the spotlight search.
Then you have to navigate with the terminal command "cd" to the folder where the app is located.
It looks like this (in my case):
cd Downloads/
And then you go into the app folder with cd:
Go into the app folder:
cd View_of_family.app/
And now change the permission of the folders:
(Warning: Do this only if your are sure you are in View_of_family.app folder,
you can check this with the command pwd:
It should print something like this:
chmod -R 777 .
chmod is the command, -R means you want to do it recursive and the dot means
you want to it in this folder. 777 means everyone can read and write files in this folder and makes the files executable.
You can close the terminal window now.
Now you have to open the finder and navigate to the download folder.
Right click on View_of_family and then use the option "Show Package Contents".
Then open the folders Contents -> MacOS and there is a file View_of_family and then make a double click on that file.
Now the game will start.