Pommel looks like it could have come off a Ulfberht (1000-1200 AD) sword, it is lobed, but not nearly uhm... "dumpling" shaped enough. Blade shape is similar to an Ingelrii (1100-1300 AD) sword. Ingelrii swords were fullered, but Ulfberhts generally were not (if they did have fullers, they were VERY short). It's mostly a Type X (but the tip is pointed, rather than rounded), which was common during the late viking age, until about 1400 AD. The crossguard has the correct features to be a gaddhjalt (or "spike hilt") but tapers in the wrong direction. Problem? Ulfberht, Ingelrii and Type X swords are all one-handed, and that's clearly hand and a half.
All of it's features are relatively period correct. That said... It's obvious that it was made by someone who's sword knowledge comes from movies. It's a mash-up of "sword features", which are all generally correct, but each one has a caveat that makes it... weird.
That said, it's a game, so who gives a shit?