All I know is that there's been sneak peaks of the next episode, and it should take place in a highschool or something :x
WTF, guys! I think the dev is a wanker!
That could totally be the sequel.
The MC coming home after being away from his family for a few years.
Obviously you'll have to include some more family. I say you should add 2 sisters, one younger and one older. Let's see here..... you should totally make the older sister hate him for absolutely no reason and call him a pervert at every opportunity because she knows all about him despite him being away for years. His younger sister should be madly in love with him for no other reason than he's her brother.
If the parents are dead you should throw an aunt in too. Make her single and she hasn't had sex for years so that when she's the MC's cock she instantly turns into a drooling cum whore because that's how people work.
I know they didn't have showers then so maybe put a waterfall near the house so he can watch the women as they get cleaned.
Needs to have some sleep
rape groping too because nothing says family love like
raping groping them in their sleep.
There you go, Vinland 2 with a plot that's never been done before.