It seems it is easier to make vars with old vac and loose legacy files. Vars that contain any presets needs manual editing to remove old link to original var. I have been trying to make a guide so others can create vars of the old content but many variables to consider. If there was a script (nudge nudge, wink wink) that scan content of preset files like *.vap and *.vaj for example and remove reference link and leave only the resource filename without directory location, it might make this a breeze.
With that out of the way, I bring you more slabs of meat for your insatiable hunger to consume. I decided to make Mega Morph pack with rare morphs like HFS fantasy, foot morphs, teeth and the special
Dark vam amputee morphs. Over 3k morphs! Got tired of seeing so many dupe morphs in the packs I am pounding together and figured my morph pack and varbsorb will make trimming them down faster and easier.
I also made "Electric Dreams" into a var! No dupes in his/her stuff. Talent lost to the ages. The hair might need adjusting since it was made before the hair auto scale. I left most settings original so you can see what he/she was dealing with.
Enjoy the fresh cuts.
Morphs Pack & Electric Dreams in VAR