Collection Mod Unity Virt-A-Mate Mod Assets: Clothing,Environments,Objects,Scenes,Looks,ect.

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Crazy Moose

Jan 14, 2021
Does anyone have A Helping Hand scene from VirtAmateur, Alena and her doll scene from splineVR and/or Bury Futadom - Mocap scene from ClubJulze?



Jul 13, 2020
That what I've also found when I checked the files to see something is wrong but I didn't know what it meant.
Fucking salty content creators, I'm subbed to like 10 and from now on all of them can fuck themself.
Is there anything I can do to restore my shit? I had so much stuff that was orginazied they way I want and stuff that I created for myself :(
If there is anything you need to rebuild, I can try to help. Here is most of my morph collection. There are a couple of DAZ morphs in there as well. They are just morphs, not var.


Aug 13, 2019
If there is anything you need to rebuild, I can try to help. Here is most of my morph collection. There are a couple of DAZ morphs in there as well. They are just morphs, not var.
Appreciate the help man, downloading right now. I will make a list of stuff that I can't find alone once I'm done downloading everything...

Does anyone have A Helping Hand scene from VirtAmateur


New Member
Jun 2, 2020
Links are working fine. However, Anonfiles has been extremely slow as of late. I've also noticed that some of the CDN locations it tries to DL from never work. I usually refresh the page and by hovering on the link can see when the CDN location changes and try again. That usually helps to kick a download in motion.

If you are having issues with Anon it may be your location or ISP. Try a proxy or a VPN as this can sometimes circumvent such issues.
thank you very much using a VPN worked :)
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Sir Digsbey

Mar 7, 2018
Someone should write a script that specifically searches for this malicious code without all that ugly bloaty software


Apr 9, 2020
Now that the cat is out of the bag, there's nothing stopping someone from rigging an unpaid resource and dropping it in the reddit or one of the dozens of VAM discords out there. Just because it first happened on F95 doesn't mean that it will ONLY happen here.
This is a flaw with VAM, and if Meshed doesn't address it, some surly fuckers are going to spread it around just for the lulz.
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Aug 13, 2019
I'm not talking about a known content creator... what's stopping a random dude from creating a new account on the hub to upload this code under a clickbait title and a shiny picture to attract people (just like what happend here)?
There is nothing that can be done against that atm, stuff on the hub are getting like 100 downloads within 20 minutes so it have the potential to get to wayyy more people.
Also there is no way to give people a quick warning like I did in here
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Jul 16, 2018
DnGREP often crashes while scanning. Sometimes the computer is even restarted. Does anyone else have the problem?


Aug 16, 2020
Now that the cat is out of the bag, there's nothing stopping someone from rigging an unpaid resource and dropping it in the reddit or one of the dozens of VAM discords out there. Just because it first happened on F95 doesn't mean that it will ONLY happen here.
This is a flaw with VAM, and if Meshed doesn't address it, some surly fuckers are going to spread it around just for the lulz.
Theoretically you are right, but I doubt anybody is so bored to do this. Like uploading virus to Microst Store, you may try, but it doesnnot make much sense as the idiot uploading the deleting script here is also very stupid, it will get exposed immediately and people will block him, that's it WTF, just bored, stupid. But doing it to VaM Hub and reddit is even more stupid....


Aug 16, 2020
I'm not talking about a known content creator... what's stopping a random dude from creating a new account on the hub to upload this code under a clickbait title and a shiny picture to attract people (just like what happend here)?
There is nothing that can be done against that atm, stuff on the hub are getting like 100 downloads within 20 minutes so it have the potential to get to wayyy more people.
Also there is no way to give people a quick warning like I did in here
My point is the effort, risk against authority of Meshed VR and lack of motivation is stopping that. If someone does it, he is just bored and stupid like the troll who harmed us here. However, it is obvious, this stupid troll here has his paywall shit motivation.


New Member
Dec 5, 2019
Looking for these, could not find working links:

[NHNL] Procedure for Breastjob Play a

Standing BJ V2 2.1


Active Member
Jul 6, 2019
Many people here are completely freaking out, and getting more and more paranoid. And the worst is that the troll creators are probably enjoying these moments and grabbing popcorn right now. Pretty sure that's exactly they wanted. I know some guys lost their whole collection and so you don't want to experience that, but relax, enjoy your pirated content, cherish it, protect it. You just became aware that pirating isn't a fair game for everyone, sometimes copyright trolls want to harm you, that's a part of the game.
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5.00 star(s) 5 Votes