Collection Mod Unity Virt-A-Mate Mod Assets: Clothing,Environments,Objects,Scenes,Looks,ect.

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Apr 14, 2019
anyone have spline vr new releases or watto looks?

nvm i just subbed
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Apr 14, 2019
Doesn't seem to load right for me, its not a var? I get a bunch of errors.
Since its not a .var I extracted the folders like normal but the paths are wrong since PetaZwega.Justine.latest:/ isn't in the path.
There is many more errors than the ones below but didnt want to make a mess of this post.
She looks ok but not like the previews on the hub.
Also cant seem to find IP - Textures NippleDecals (NippleDecalTransparentBigger) + Custom Freckles

> Error during texture load: Path PetaZwega.Justine.latest:/Custom/Atom/Person/Textures/Justine/FaceD.jpg is not valid
!> Error during texture load: Path PetaZwega.Justine.latest:/Custom/Atom/Person/Textures/Justine/TorsoD.jpg is not valid
!> Error during texture load: Path PetaZwega.Justine.latest:/Custom/Atom/Person/Textures/Justine/LimbsD.jpg is not valid
!> Error during texture load: Path PetaZwega.Justine.latest:/Custom/Atom/Person/Textures/Justine/Blank.jpg is not valid
!> Error during texture load: Path PetaZwega.Justine.latest:/Custom/Atom/Person/Textures/Justine/TorsoDecal


Are you sure this isn't a nightmare?
Sep 28, 2018
I followed this tut and the mmdgen to get my key and the stuff works ingame for 2.9 but I load the default scene now from default, it doesn't say to save the default scene after you add the plugin in your tutorial, seems like you would if you want it to load every time vam starts? I am supposed to so the plugin loads every time? If its a scene plugin how does it work for the rest of the session? If I load a scene its not in the new scenes plugins. I dont notice anything different. The plugin is activated and the key worked because I was goofing around with the super mode plugin.

Im just confused I dont know if anything is happening or not. Load times dont seem different between scenes than it used to.
I have 1,301 VAR files.

Sorry if that sounds confusing. I with this had a dedicated post and not spread out between 10 pages and everyone saying something different.

Thanks for any help.
Yeah the plugin needs to be loaded every time VAM Starts once its loaded it will work no matter if you change your scene its just initial activation at VAM start or you wont see your own VARS, now in my case i deactivated that thing lol, just wrote a tutorial on how to use it because cracking the software without any kind of support would be shitty on my part and i dont like that, but its not like im saying that software is good or does its job right, that dev like most devs makes mistakes (he just charges premium for that LOL).



New Member
Oct 2, 2019
Hi all,

Wondering if anyone has the new scene from ReignMocap =

It's been requested yesterday by someone but just bumping. Thanks in advance! ;)
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Are you sure this isn't a nightmare?
Sep 28, 2018
The description of how it works is that it only works on launching the game faster. It doesnt load scenes faster once activated? If thats the case its not that important to me, I was hoping to load scenes faster. The super vam plugin is useful tho.
Time it with and without, be sure to share your conclusions!


Are you sure this isn't a nightmare?
Sep 28, 2018
Did this end up being posted anywhere?
Yeah the author is "Woodstock" and the look is called Esther, its been posted pages back, its a 500mb VAR, i made my own repackage of the var (reduced half the size), i removed stuff it didnt need and that duplicates things, it has no errors but is for my private use, if you want it is here:

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Jan 2, 2020
hi guys or a problem or this model practically when I go to open to view the model it is absolutely not what you see on the hub site virt a mate can anyone help me? does not really center with the image of the site looks absolutely a different model and I do not know why thanks


Dec 31, 2018
Yeah the author is "Woodstock" and the look is called Esther, its been posted pages back, its a 500mb VAR, i made my own repackage of the var (reduced half the size), i removed stuff it didnt need and that duplicates things, it has no errors but is for my private use, if you want it is here:

I thought I saw it somewhere, but was having trouble.
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5.00 star(s) 5 Votes