Fellas, is mixed/ augmented reality possible with VAM and say the Reverb G2 headset?
I found a post on reddit of a guy claiming so three years ago, but he did not provide any detailed steps of achieving it. He just said
"Already exists. By projecting the front camera feed, and setting a black skybox, I can see what is in front of me IRL, at the same time I can see the VAM characters and environment.
Yes, the current vive camera isn't that great, but it worked enough for me to rebuild my entire workspace in VAM, and match the virtual space down to the inch with the real space objects.
I can walk across the room, sit down on the VAM couch (on my real couch), and watch the VAM TV (overlaid on my real TV), and am able to interact with the VAM characters of my choosing.

Scenes like the one Alpaca makes would be awesome in AR.
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