thanks !
genuinely interesting. And a shame this wasn't documented more but i can see some form of this being the future. :-D
The issue is my vr room is horrible lol so seeing it in vr would be like the last thing I want :?
All those boxes of decades old newspapers stacked to the ceiling, the overflowing trash can of rotting food, the rat traps filled with decaying corpses, my fat bloated deceased wife decomposing in the 'sex swing', the damp pealing yellowing wallpaper hanging off the walls...not to forget the hundreds of black with bugs sticky fly traps suspended from the ceiling!
In vr I try to get away from this paradise...also i enjoy not being able to see the manacles and chains on my crippled feet. I'm not sure id want AR...unless i can map a NYC penthouse of babes over my cesspool of shame...
(Apologies for this extract from my upcoming novel