Mar 22, 2024
I have a problem with VaM and VR. It worked via Virtual desktop, but now -I most likely changed something- in VR it's crap. Since the time I tried it in desktop mode. Moving your head means the 3D worlds moves around that viewpoint and gets distorted. It's like a 3D mode in 2D view. On desktop it looks as is supported to be, but on VR it does't work as it did. I guess it's a setting in some mode, but I cannot find how/what. The weird thing is that when I use a new install of VaM it's the same. Stranger is that only VaM seems to 'affected' by this. Also it's only in combination with Virtual Desktop and not with Meta link (which for me works less well wireless).

Does anyone recognize this situation and more importantly, knows a solution?
Anyone? The game works normally with Air Link, but not with Viurtual Desktop. I'm confident now it's 2D view in VR. Whatever I do (reinstall SteamVR, a new VaM install, default settings, changing monitor with M on desktop, create the new .bat files Quest or Virtual Desktop without SteamVR) nothing changes and I can't get it to work like it did before.

Anyone with a new insight to have VaM in VR on a Quest 3 from Desktop?


Oct 20, 2021
The plugin Timeline is trying to change some morphs that are not loaded. You are missing a dependency(but then that's not the entire error log) or it's a wrong preparation by the author. If it's the author's fault, they should either have included the morphs in the VAR or added another VAR that includes the morphs as dependency.

Fixes are find the morphs and add them yourself inside the VAR or as a dependency. A shitty quick fix is find the morphs and drop them inside the appropriate subfolder inside "VAM FOLDER\Custom\Atom\Person\Morphs\" but remove them after you get bored with the VAR in question. Too many things loaded in VAM makes it slow.

You can also ignore it. Chances are the changes Timeline makes to the missing morphs are subtle(Glute Size, Glute Angle, Hip size). If the missing morphs were something that would fundamentally transform the character then you would want to fix it.
Thanks for your reply. I have to admit most of what you said flew over my head. All I know is that I have added the dependencies to the AddonPackages folder so the scene should work properly.

Would it help if I specified the exact "scene" or "game" (I dont even know the right terms) I am trying to run?

Also, I have been told in another thread that the reason I am getting this error is because I am using an older version of VAM, in this case v1.20.77.9. Does this matter?


Oct 24, 2021
Thanks for your reply. I have to admit most of what you said flew over my head. All I know is that I have added the dependencies to the AddonPackages folder so the scene should work properly.

Would it help if I specified the exact "scene" or "game" (I dont even know the right terms) I am trying to run?

Also, I have been told in another thread that the reason I am getting this error is because I am using an older version of VAM, in this case v1.20.77.9. Does this matter?
Post the scene or point me to where it's in the forum and I will give it a look. The thing with morphs is that they won't be auto loaded in VAM even if they are added as a dependency or added in the VAR if they are not called from the scene. You have to also change the VAR or the dependency VAR to autoload its morphs. So the author might have added the required VAR as dependency but the VAR is not set to auto load morphs and the error happens.

As for the VAM version you almost always want to use the latest version. Plugins work in low level with VAM and most recent plugins might work correctly only with the latest version of VAM. The plugin might call a function that has been added or changed in the latest VAM and might not work with the older version.


Oct 24, 2021
Anyone? The game works normally with Air Link, but not with Viurtual Desktop. I'm confident now it's 2D view in VR. Whatever I do (reinstall SteamVR, a new VaM install, default settings, changing monitor with M on desktop, create the new .bat files Quest or Virtual Desktop without SteamVR) nothing changes and I can't get it to work like it did before.

Anyone with a new insight to have VaM in VR on a Quest 3 from Desktop?
I had something like this when I installed the beta version of Virtual Desktop. My view was like I was lower and farther that where I was supposed to be, even the controllers in my view didn't correspond to where my hands were.

I had to uninstall Virtual Desktop from PC and Quest and install the stable version.


Oct 20, 2021
Post the scene or point me to where it's in the forum and I will give it a look. The thing with morphs is that they won't be auto loaded in VAM even if they are added as a dependency or added in the VAR if they are not called from the scene. You have to also change the VAR or the dependency VAR to autoload its morphs. So the author might have added the required VAR as dependency but the VAR is not set to auto load morphs and the error happens.

As for the VAM version you almost always want to use the latest version. Plugins work in low level with VAM and most recent plugins might work correctly only with the latest version of VAM. The plugin might call a function that has been added or changed in the latest VAM and might not work with the older version.
Aight. This is the forum I was talking about.

Ok I am completely lost here. I started QClub but cant get past the first screen I see. I tried clicking Start, Tutorial, used my phone and clicked on the map icon. Nothing is working.

Needless to say I'm a newbie to VAM. Would appreciate some help. Thanks.

edit: This is the error log if it helps. View attachment 3873381
The scene is QClub found in the OP of that thread. Thanks for helping out.


Oct 24, 2021
Aight. This is the forum I was talking about.

The scene is QClub found in the OP of that thread. Thanks for helping out.
Scene works for me. The morphs errors shouldn't impact running the scene. So your problem is probably with your old VAM version. Could be one of the plugins used in the scene is not compatible anymore with older VAM. I expect the authors of plugins have all moved to the latest VAM and don't check if their plugins work with older VAM.
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Oct 24, 2021
Does that mean you have the same errors popping up as well?

Also thanks a lot for your help (y). I guess I have to get a VPN then since VAM Updater does not work for me.
I had the same errors but I fixed them. Added another VAR that contained the missing morphs as dependency and the scene now runs without errors. Fixed also some other minor things.
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