Just finished this game and would like to give my 2 cents.
It starts very strong, the first half is brilliant, you are the sole man on a yacht full of women, and begin to manipulate them into unleashing their slutty inner self by subtly manipulating and pitting them against each other, letting their jealousy do the work for you.
I especially like the whole "female characters begin to waer less and less clothing" aspect of the game, where they start out prude but then get slowly convinced to wear ever more revealing outfits.
Unfortunatley, around the halfway mark, the whole premise gets completely dropped in favour of an increasingly ridiculous sci-fi story which ultimately takes you to fucking space (yeah I know this is part of the Spaced Out story, but only because your first game had a ridiculous story that doesn't mean your second game has to make the same mistakes).
No more slow manipulation, no more getting the girls to dress sluttier, 3/4 of the characters get dropped completely while the rest just fucks you randomly for different reasons basically unrelated to your own actions. At the end you are literally reduced to a subservient boytoy who gets used by the women at their leisure, unable to take any meaningful action of your own.
If the dev still reads this thread: the game has huge potential, you are obviously very talented when it comes to rendering and setting up sex scenes, and you have also shown that you do understand the appeal of subtly corrupting a female cast by a male MC. If you want to make your new games more successful, focus on the strengths you have shown within the first half of Water World, because that's where the good shit happens.