Cheat for what exactly? You can get lots of moneys with Cheat Engine. After that you can buy lots of mercenaries in some city.
Would be nice to have cheat for items maybe, and some quality of life imrovements for the interface, like enabling keyboard controls for selecting buttons.
Disclaimer: downloaded the game with patch elsewhere, so the following might or might not work. Create backups.
If you want full gallery unlock, you can use
dnSpy on
UIMemory and
UIMemoryEnding there are checks to enable gallery button using
IsScenarioPlayedOnce method. What you need to do is to edit this method to always return true:
1. Open 'Yado2_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll' in
Ctrl+Shift+K or click on magnifying glass, search for "
IsScenarioPlayedOnce", double click on the result so it opens the code
3. RMB on the
IsScenarioPlayedOnce in the code, edit method
4. Replace "return VariableSf.getSFDic(strName) == 1;" with "
return true;"
5. Click '
compile' (it's a confirm/ok button);
6. File >
save module > check where you save, click ok. Wise idea to have a backup of the original Assembly-CSharp.dll.
After replacing Assembly-CSharp.dll with the newly created one run the game, click memory > H Scene/ending > you'll see the scenes unlocked.
Note: for some reason that only unlocks the base game scenes, there are no DLC characters on the list. Might be a problem with my download or a bug. Did they forget to update the gallery for the DLC?
Note 2: no upload of the dll from me since it might be a different version and it's dangerous to install unknown dlls form the internet :^)