
Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2020
The dev of devs of this game should add MORE JOKES AND PUNS!

holy hell i played this and i was eager to see some kind of Real time battle against someone but ended up in none of that unfortunately :(

anyways i did have plenty of fun playing this and the development looks promising as well the artists behind this!
Jul 13, 2020
Great point. Thanks. I have to go through the text and do some editing.
I've been thinking about this and I am going to say that I like the way it's formatted now. The extra letters do convey tone / syllable emphasis much more effectively than bold or italics. So you do what you want, but don't let one hair on the tail wag the dog.
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Nov 26, 2020
Finished the game yesterday and I gotta say

This is some serious gourmet shit.

The art work is fantastic, and I did not expect the game to have its own music/sound effects. Had some fun finding Lambert (had to search this thread for the river one) and as someone who loves Medieval settings and games with humour, this game was perfect. The Devs are active here as well.
Excited for the future content, although I'm guessing it's going to be a while for the game to be complete based on the size of the map.
Last edited:


Sep 19, 2017
I liked this more than Summertime Saga to be honest.. Really good stuff.
I'm in the same boat.

This game is very similar to summertime in many respects. It seems like the developers release when the episode is done and not monthly. Personally I don't mind this as long as I find there is enough value. It agitates some people though.

Sadly for Summertime Saga has so much more money coming in, and that itself because an issue. People think that the developer has more money that they should get more content. That's wrong. That is a misunderstanding of what Patreon is. People are not buying a product, they are supporting an artist they want to see more work from. It shouldn't matter if the artist is getting 12k a year, or 12k a month, if you enjoy the art and want to see more then donate what you think is appropriate. Luckily and sadly What a Legend isn't making enough money yet, but when it does people will complain about them not doing enough. Tale as old as time... Thing is developers only have so much time. Don't get me wrong there are developers out there milking Patreon but these are not examples of that. At least not yet.

Thing that I like better in What a Legend is its art style. While personally I wish breast sizes were more varied, I get tired of the same DD and larger breasts on everyone, that would be my only real complaint. All the characters look good. Same can not be said over at summertime. I would argue that half the women, are actively ugly, like the mother/aunt and sister characters.

Both series are fun to read that uses humor to keep it light hearted, but personally I feel summertime saga is more juvenile. Main character in SS is a creep and I think it's cheap writing. Don't get me wrong, they have been digging themselves out of that hole as the SS continues but the early foundations are pretty shoddy IMO. Conversely What a Legend foundation seems pretty solid. It is just as silly but it's also smarter. It may use tropes but it's appears to be on purpose and they play with those themes of the trope to make fun of them. It's just better writing IMO.

This also doesn't use incest as the crutch for the game like Summertime Saga does. I probably am a lone wolf on this site but I have seen so many incest games that I just don't care anymore. There are diminishing returns when you taste something over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. I just don't care about incest anymore. Dont get me wrong developers do it for the clicks because it sells... I just think it's a cheap gimmick.

TLDR: It's better than Summertime Saga from my subjective opinion.


Nov 4, 2017
This game has started with quite high quality, from the very beggining, which is quite nice, add to that, a fun, lightheart story and you will end with a gem on your hands

Summertime Saga has a lot of traction, indeed, however, they have trying to put together a lot in, in an attempt to cater a widespread player base, so some parts seems to be lacking more than others, specially for a game which apparently is less than halfway done already, i do wonder if said game would reach a full completion, since is quite ambitious, but very shortsighted on their scope of goals and ideas

In the other hand WaL is taking a different approach, I have talked directly with Chestnut and Pistacchio (the Devs) on their Discord, and they have a set idea of how to develop the game, which clearly denotes a good planning ahead, and their idea is to develop the game like in a episodic system, where each main location will be tied to an episode, so to speak; They have told that at the end of it, they would try to tie together the whole world, so you can roam the map doing quests and whatnot, instead of going episode by episode

I do have faith on this devs, and i hope to see this game finished


New Member
Feb 21, 2020
It's unfortunate, the game looks amazing but I haven't been able to get past the beginning intro scene yet, the game keeps pinging an "out of memory" error. It seems to happen whenever the art changes or when I click too often (which I tried not doing which made things a lot slower but it crashed anyways). I skimmed through some of the stuff in the thread but couldn't find anyone with the problem? Is anyone having the same problem or know a solution?


Sep 19, 2017
It's unfortunate, the game looks amazing but I haven't been able to get past the beginning intro scene yet, the game keeps pinging an "out of memory" error. It seems to happen whenever the art changes or when I click too often (which I tried not doing which made things a lot slower but it crashed anyways). I skimmed through some of the stuff in the thread but couldn't find anyone with the problem? Is anyone having the same problem or know a solution?
Sounds like you are running the game on a potato, shocking because I wouldn't think this game uses much... Is this like an old laptop that has low memory?


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Well ...
For RenPy to give an "out of memory" error after the intro it has to be executed on a pentium 1 with a whooping 512 MB of Ram.
I doubt that's the case as that would be ~ 2 decades old.
So it most likely is a conflicting program somewhere, antivirus or security software is often the culprit.
Jul 13, 2020
It's unfortunate, the game looks amazing but I haven't been able to get past the beginning intro scene yet, the game keeps pinging an "out of memory" error. It seems to happen whenever the art changes or when I click too often (which I tried not doing which made things a lot slower but it crashed anyways). I skimmed through some of the stuff in the thread but couldn't find anyone with the problem? Is anyone having the same problem or know a solution?
What kind of computer / device are you using and what OS is it running? It sounds like a performance issue with your computer.
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Feb 12, 2020
This game is fantastic. Is there a rough estimate of when the next update is coming?

No rush, just curious. Awesome work.
Progress tracker is in the first page, can't really ask for more.
I think its gonna be by Mid-Jan easily. The progress seems continuous but again, nobody knows.


Active Member
Jun 7, 2018
looks familiar..?
Yes, that's probably Janna, artist is pixelgames or something like that. The trope the character is based on predates not only the artwork you linked, but the source game for the "parody" itself, that is LoL. White-haired elves are an old, old trope.

Aaanyways. I just had an idea to plot the proportion of promised content versus the amount of actual content. It would be fun to do this for ver 0.4 and onwards, to see if it's actually going up. I have a suspicion it doesn't.
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