
May 25, 2017
Both games are more or less drawn buy a single person in fulltime, so you may indeed expect a similar release schedule. No, it won't be 8 months (same as it isn't with summertime saga) but you will you get something every 2 or 3 months, either.

Just manage your expectations accordingly to what's promised and you'll have a good time. If you compare these kind of games to 3D games you won't be happy with any of them, ever.
trust me i have been supporting summertime , they are dissapointing with the times
they dont work full time like a normal person.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2017
trust me i have been supporting summertime , they are dissapointing with the times
they dont work full time like a normal person.
I don't think you are right here. Some just have no real feeling for the time it takes to draw consitently decent 2D art. Especially the (cut-) scenes take way more time than people expect. It's the same here, too.

Anyway, this isn't really a topic that has to be discussed here. All you have to know is that there's a ratio between content and release time and the more content there is per update, the longer it'll take, while nothing 2D development is fast, ever.


Jan 26, 2019
There's not a single creator on patreon or similar crowdfunding platforms who doesn't have "Waaaah, scammer" complainers. Doesn't matter how consistent of a release schedule you keep or how transparent you are, there will always, *always* be people who think they can somehow squeeze more labor out of you this way.
I have found Andrealphus and their game Love & Sex: Second Base almost never gets those. I think them releasing a new content patch every month is a major factor in that.


Mar 19, 2020
I don't think you are right here. Some just have no real feeling for the time it takes to draw consitently decent 2D art. Especially the (cut-) scenes take way more time than people expect. It's the same here, too.

Anyway, this isn't really a topic that has to be discussed here. All you have to know is that there's a ratio between content and release time and the more content there is per update, the longer it'll take, while nothing 2D development is fast, ever.
Man, I am so much more pessimistic. After reading you I feel that's what people want to believe, but it sounds so naive...

In my humble opinion, the relation between content and time in this case, is hellish. I have enough experience working on similar products (for personal use, my gf, me and some friends) to know that it doesn't take 6 months of work (how much time they took last time? Three months only? Can't remember, that wouldn't be that bad) to make a bunch of pictures, some of them not even that good, pretty generic, with just some text tied to it, nothing original or ingenuous. They are not even adding features, they don't need to do crazy stuff with the code, they are just filling the game, the framework is already done.

If at least we could say that there are no bugs at all... that they make really well polished content, but that's not the case.

Now, I am thinking in one person working full time, 8 hours a day. If you tell me that there is an entire team working on this, I would say... nothing. Nothing, just because I am paying nothing for the game. So who am I to whine about it.

However, it seems obvious to me that this is that model of doing as little as they can, to keep living thanks to the donors. As long as they keep getting money, they will make it, and they will do it as sluggish as possible.

I remember full complex games like... fairy fighting I think was named, back in the day... really fun games with a lot of content, made pretty much by one guy... and the relation of content and time was so much better. Back in the day. Before this model really took off.

It's not a scam because they are actually working on the game, and because we can still play it for free, they know what they are doing there. But from an ethic point of view, I think this is as close as it gets, sadly. There are a lot of games today that work that way: Do the minimum, try to not promise anything, bring a bone once every 3 or 6 months and keep receiving money for it.

Maybe I am wrong and they are working as hard as they can, but then my questions are different, more on the line of "do they really know what they are doing?", and I am not sure which narrative feels worse...


Forum Fanatic
Jun 17, 2019
Man, I am so much more pessimistic. After reading you I feel that's what people want to believe, but it sounds so naive...

In my humble opinion, the relation between content and time in this case, is hellish. I have enough experience working on similar products (for personal use, my gf, me and some friends) to know that it doesn't take 6 months of work (how much time they took last time? Three months only? Can't remember, that wouldn't be that bad) to make a bunch of pictures, some of them not even that good, pretty generic, with just some text tied to it, nothing original or ingenuous. They are not even adding features, they don't need to do crazy stuff with the code, they are just filling the game, the framework is already done.

If at least we could say that there are no bugs at all... that they make really well polished content, but that's not the case.

Now, I am thinking in one person working full time, 8 hours a day. If you tell me that there is an entire team working on this, I would say... nothing. Nothing, just because I am paying nothing for the game. So who am I to whine about it.

However, it seems obvious to me that this is that model of doing as little as they can, to keep living thanks to the donors. As long as they keep getting money, they will make it, and they will do it as sluggish as possible.

I remember full complex games like... fairy fighting I think was named, back in the day... really fun games with a lot of content, made pretty much by one guy... and the relation of content and time was so much better. Back in the day. Before this model really took off.

It's not a scam because they are actually working on the game, and because we can still play it for free, they know what they are doing there. But from an ethic point of view, I think this is as close as it gets, sadly. There are a lot of games today that work that way: Do the minimum, try to not promise anything, bring a bone once every 3 or 6 months and keep receiving money for it.

Maybe I am wrong and they are working as hard as they can, but then my questions are different, more on the line of "do they really know what they are doing?", and I am not sure which narrative feels worse...
I think we are talking about different games here. Pretty generic pictures? In WaL? Really? And I'm still to find any bug at all, I think they just fixed a couple of them after last release and that was it, their product is one of the most polished out there (hell, some dev's even use their top tier patrons as betatester, releasing a buggy, untested product just to meet those monthly release stupid expectations, that's a better model for you?). I'd be quite interested in seeing some of your 'personal' works, if you're telling you could do something like this in much less time. You should probably try your luck and even open a Patreon to show us how it's done in a 'more ethical' way.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2019
Much like most people I hate waiting for new updates but I understand and repsect that it takes a long while to get something out that's this polished and of such quality.

Some people above me have mentioned it already but I also think that most people underestimate how taxing and time consuming it is to draw art... especially when it's this detailed and incredible looking. Even tho it's painful to wait, it's always worth it in the end.


Apr 29, 2018
Why are people complaining about the time it takes for new updates to come? They are free once they are released so there is nothing to really whine about. Dev time between updates will only get longer as the game gets more popular, its typical and everyone should know it by now. Especially if Patreon is involved, creators will milk it as much as they can and they arent doing anything evil or malicious. Look at Milfy City, no update in 2 years yet the patreon is still active and generating obscene amounts of money. At least this game gets small updates twice a year(will probably turn into even smaller updates once a year after this year).


Apr 19, 2020
Why are people complaining about the time it takes for new updates to come? They are free once they are released so there is nothing to really whine about. Dev time between updates will only get longer as the game gets more popular, its typical and everyone should know it by now. Especially if Patreon is involved, creators will milk it as much as they can and they arent doing anything evil or malicious. Look at Milfy City, no update in 2 years yet the patreon is still active and generating obscene amounts of money. At least this game gets small updates twice a year(will probably turn into even smaller updates once a year after this year).
It was only a matter of time before the whining started lmao
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Apr 19, 2020
Man, I am so much more pessimistic. After reading you I feel that's what people want to believe, but it sounds so naive...

In my humble opinion, the relation between content and time in this case, is hellish. I have enough experience working on similar products (for personal use, my gf, me and some friends) to know that it doesn't take 6 months of work (how much time they took last time? Three months only? Can't remember, that wouldn't be that bad) to make a bunch of pictures, some of them not even that good, pretty generic, with just some text tied to it, nothing original or ingenuous. They are not even adding features, they don't need to do crazy stuff with the code, they are just filling the game, the framework is already done.

If at least we could say that there are no bugs at all... that they make really well polished content, but that's not the case.

Now, I am thinking in one person working full time, 8 hours a day. If you tell me that there is an entire team working on this, I would say... nothing. Nothing, just because I am paying nothing for the game. So who am I to whine about it.

However, it seems obvious to me that this is that model of doing as little as they can, to keep living thanks to the donors. As long as they keep getting money, they will make it, and they will do it as sluggish as possible.

I remember full complex games like... fairy fighting I think was named, back in the day... really fun games with a lot of content, made pretty much by one guy... and the relation of content and time was so much better. Back in the day. Before this model really took off.

It's not a scam because they are actually working on the game, and because we can still play it for free, they know what they are doing there. But from an ethic point of view, I think this is as close as it gets, sadly. There are a lot of games today that work that way: Do the minimum, try to not promise anything, bring a bone once every 3 or 6 months and keep receiving money for it.

Maybe I am wrong and they are working as hard as they can, but then my questions are different, more on the line of "do they really know what they are doing?", and I am not sure which narrative feels worse...
They are literally an indie dev team, whatever experience they share between them is frankly all they need and they are making a quality game at a decent pace clearly. No clue why you even brought up an ethics POV on a porn game forum but F95 continues to surprise me.

Also, describing the last update as "a bunch of pictures, pretty generic"? Really? Lmao

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