
Aug 4, 2019
Ya. It's not going to release in July for sure. But going off the progress tracker I'd say the middle of August would be a good guess.


Game Developer
Jan 24, 2019
Who’s the most popular female character in game?
Myrtle, Holly, and Gomira, based on a public poll on our Patreon page.

Thats good i gues... Except with every new update DEV only adding small amount of content and after last update 5 month passed... So for small amount of content we are waiting for 5-6 month, literaly half year and maybe more. But yeah he gives answers...
Would you rather I didn't answer questions? I'll repeat Tlaero's question, which I believe you ignored: what are you asking me to do differently?

Man, I am so much more pessimistic. After reading you I feel that's what people want to believe, but it sounds so naive...

In my humble opinion, the relation between content and time in this case, is hellish. I have enough experience working on similar products (for personal use, my gf, me and some friends) to know that it doesn't take 6 months of work (how much time they took last time? Three months only? Can't remember, that wouldn't be that bad) to make a bunch of pictures, some of them not even that good, pretty generic, with just some text tied to it, nothing original or ingenuous. They are not even adding features, they don't need to do crazy stuff with the code, they are just filling the game, the framework is already done.

If at least we could say that there are no bugs at all... that they make really well polished content, but that's not the case.

Now, I am thinking in one person working full time, 8 hours a day. If you tell me that there is an entire team working on this, I would say... nothing. Nothing, just because I am paying nothing for the game. So who am I to whine about it.

However, it seems obvious to me that this is that model of doing as little as they can, to keep living thanks to the donors. As long as they keep getting money, they will make it, and they will do it as sluggish as possible.

I remember full complex games like... fairy fighting I think was named, back in the day... really fun games with a lot of content, made pretty much by one guy... and the relation of content and time was so much better. Back in the day. Before this model really took off.

It's not a scam because they are actually working on the game, and because we can still play it for free, they know what they are doing there. But from an ethic point of view, I think this is as close as it gets, sadly. There are a lot of games today that work that way: Do the minimum, try to not promise anything, bring a bone once every 3 or 6 months and keep receiving money for it.

Maybe I am wrong and they are working as hard as they can, but then my questions are different, more on the line of "do they really know what they are doing?", and I am not sure which narrative feels worse...
We are two people working full-time seven days a week, it's not been six months, there are more than a few artworks added with each update (although whether they're enough or not is, of course, subjective), and we mostly know what we're doing, but other times we get things wrong and go back and fix them, experiment, and try to come up with new ideas to improve the game. But all these aside, could you tell me what bugs you encountered? I'd like to fix them for the next update if possible.

anyone care to send me their full save on this game
If you still haven't found it, there's one pinned to the help channel of our discord server.

Dev time between updates will only get longer as the game gets more popular, its typical and everyone should know it by now. Especially if Patreon is involved, creators will milk it as much as they can and they arent doing anything evil or malicious. Look at Milfy City, no update in 2 years yet the patreon is still active and generating obscene amounts of money. At least this game gets small updates twice a year(will probably turn into even smaller updates once a year after this year).
I don't know whether it's typical for games to take longer to develop the more popular they get, but no, we don't want it to become typical in our case. You're wrong about 'milking' not being evil or malicious, though. If I accept people's donations on the promise of working on a project, I'm morally obligated to do the best work I can and do it as honestly and transparently as I'm capable of. Things go wrong, of course, but that's a different story. Please note that I'm talking about my game and am not referring to any other game or developer (I know very little about other devs, and each person or team has their own approach and relationship/understanding with their patrons).

Now about 0.5, the current release cycle is caused by us wanting to have a sense of 'completion' similar to the end of 0.4. 0.5, however, is one continuous story, and events have to happen before that satisfying end is achieved. Basically, had we taken different design decisions, for example, had we broken up the main story update into two parts (similar to 0.1 and 0.2) the result would have been different. It's a lesson to learn for continuous story updates, in contrast to side-quests, rather than a model to copy for future releases.

Why update take so long
This is an answer I gave to someone with a similar question on Discord:

Creating 2d artworks takes time, and progress is not always linear. By that, I mean that we take the time to create something, but the result doesn't always work and has to be redone or improved. As an example, there are several artworks that we were so sure we would use that we even recorded and shared them on Patreon, but in the end, they didn't find their way to the update because they didn't match the direction that was better for the game. There are also two complete sprites (with some expressions) that we have not yet used but that at the time had to be created because we thought they were going to be used. It is a process that involves planning things, doing them, testing, and evaluating and fixing things when needed rather than releasing them out even though we think they don't work. That's true about the art, true about the writing, the posing, etc. Now that's one aspect of it. The other one is that the artworks need a lot of researching to create. Most of the videos you see on our Patreon (there are several public ones that you can access without being a patron) are at x5-x10 speed, and that's just the artwork and doesn't take the many hours that go into researching and adjusting things to look good.

Now that was about the art, which is I think most people will agree is one of the most important aspects of the game. For my part, every line of the text needs to be posed, and there are hundreds of them. This is not the typical approach, but it's a decision we made in 0.1 to have characters in a scene change with each line of dialogue and respond to it. 0.5 has over 4700+ lines, and every single one of them needs at least one sprite being called and changed. For example:
show myrtle enarrow bdoubt hbneu2 rneu2
show horse bup ehalfb msad
show kevin eneu
show pov eneudown bup mneu
show hammerdick ewidedown bdoubt mneu
myrtle "But isn't Lady Goldenbush the ruler?"
The simple line from Myrtle in 0.4 "But isn't Lady Goldenbush the ruler?" needed all of the characters present to have their sprites changed to match it. You can see Myrtle, the horse, Kevin, the MC, and Hammerdick, each having different facial expressions and body gestures. That's an extreme case since not every line is uttered in the presence of 5 characters, but most are done with 2 sprites (in 0.5, for example, the MC and Lana), and they need to be edited and posed one by one. Every 4700+ one of them.

I just wish they do what they want to do, not choose girls over polls. ( I get the patreon hook)
Patrons choose which character/story we focus on next, but it is us who decide the poll options.

So many of you so quick to defend as usual. Their Patreon page states:
"We release an update every 3-4 months." - This used to say every 2-3 months, before the 0.4 update. 0.3 to 0.4 took about 5 months. After the 0.5 release, they'll probably edit it again to say 4-5 months. We're already at 5 months for the 0.5 update.

Dev may as well just remove this statement from the Patreon entirely.
We're still in the fourth month (until tomorrow, actually). Most people ignore the qualification that it might vary depending on the story/circumstance and that 0.5 is one of them. We did not set out to take this long, but at this point, the only thing we can do is try to finish it as well and as fast as we can and apply what we've learned about releasing main story content to future updates. I would rather learn to plan better than remove that because I think patrons should know what they're supporting.

the progress, they used to update that % every day, now it's been the same for weeks
I update it every night before going to bed, but perhaps it doesn't register or show you the cached image. At any rate, if you don't see it here, check our website or discord server; it'll be there.

hello friends i cannot find the photo "old capital's map" in front of the castle. can anyone a better hint to find the sheep photo book "Find me"

thanks a lot and have a nice day
Check the Hidden Photos Locations in the OP.


Jul 17, 2020
Myrtle, Holly, and Gomira, based on a public poll on our Patreon page.

Would you rather I didn't answer questions? I'll repeat Tlaero's question, which I believe you ignored: what are you asking me to do differently?

We are two people working full-time seven days a week, it's not been six months, there are more than a few artworks added with each update (although whether they're enough or not is, of course, subjective), and we mostly know what we're doing, but other times we get things wrong and go back and fix them, experiment, and try to come up with new ideas to improve the game. But all these aside, could you tell me what bugs you encountered? I'd like to fix them for the next update if possible.

If you still haven't found it, there's one pinned to the help channel of our discord server.

I don't know whether it's typical for games to take longer to develop the more popular they get, but no, we don't want it to become typical in our case. You're wrong about 'milking' not being evil or malicious, though. If I accept people's donations on the promise of working on a project, I'm morally obligated to do the best work I can and do it as honestly and transparently as I'm capable of. Things go wrong, of course, but that's a different story. Please note that I'm talking about my game and am not referring to any other game or developer (I know very little about other devs, and each person or team has their own approach and relationship/understanding with their patrons).

Now about 0.5, the current release cycle is caused by us wanting to have a sense of 'completion' similar to the end of 0.4. 0.5, however, is one continuous story, and events have to happen before that satisfying end is achieved. Basically, had we taken different design decisions, for example, had we broken up the main story update into two parts (similar to 0.1 and 0.2) the result would have been different. It's a lesson to learn for continuous story updates, in contrast to side-quests, rather than a model to copy for future releases.

This is an answer I gave to someone with a similar question on Discord:

Creating 2d artworks takes time, and progress is not always linear. By that, I mean that we take the time to create something, but the result doesn't always work and has to be redone or improved. As an example, there are several artworks that we were so sure we would use that we even recorded and shared them on Patreon, but in the end, they didn't find their way to the update because they didn't match the direction that was better for the game. There are also two complete sprites (with some expressions) that we have not yet used but that at the time had to be created because we thought they were going to be used. It is a process that involves planning things, doing them, testing, and evaluating and fixing things when needed rather than releasing them out even though we think they don't work. That's true about the art, true about the writing, the posing, etc. Now that's one aspect of it. The other one is that the artworks need a lot of researching to create. Most of the videos you see on our Patreon (there are several public ones that you can access without being a patron) are at x5-x10 speed, and that's just the artwork and doesn't take the many hours that go into researching and adjusting things to look good.

Now that was about the art, which is I think most people will agree is one of the most important aspects of the game. For my part, every line of the text needs to be posed, and there are hundreds of them. This is not the typical approach, but it's a decision we made in 0.1 to have characters in a scene change with each line of dialogue and respond to it. 0.5 has over 4700+ lines, and every single one of them needs at least one sprite being called and changed. For example:
show myrtle enarrow bdoubt hbneu2 rneu2
show horse bup ehalfb msad
show kevin eneu
show pov eneudown bup mneu
show hammerdick ewidedown bdoubt mneu
myrtle "But isn't Lady Goldenbush the ruler?"
The simple line from Myrtle in 0.4 "But isn't Lady Goldenbush the ruler?" needed all of the characters present to have their sprites changed to match it. You can see Myrtle, the horse, Kevin, the MC, and Hammerdick, each having different facial expressions and body gestures. That's an extreme case since not every line is uttered in the presence of 5 characters, but most are done with 2 sprites (in 0.5, for example, the MC and Lana), and they need to be edited and posed one by one. Every 4700+ one of them.

Patrons choose which character/story we focus on next, but it is us who decide the poll options.

We're still in the fourth month (until tomorrow, actually). Most people ignore the qualification that it might vary depending on the story/circumstance and that 0.5 is one of them. We did not set out to take this long, but at this point, the only thing we can do is try to finish it as well and as fast as we can and apply what we've learned about releasing main story content to future updates. I would rather learn to plan better than remove that because I think patrons should know what they're supporting.

I update it every night before going to bed, but perhaps it doesn't register or show you the cached image. At any rate, if you don't see it here, check our website or discord server; it'll be there.

Check the Hidden Photos Locations in the OP.
You know what, you're a cool dude.
Fᴏʀ ɴᴏᴡ >:^)

Also, will the characters have more animations apart from what is currently planned for them?
Last edited:


Engaged Member
Feb 1, 2020
Myrtle, Holly, and Gomira, based on a public poll on our Patreon page.

Would you rather I didn't answer questions? I'll repeat Tlaero's question, which I believe you ignored: what are you asking me to do differently?

We are two people working full-time seven days a week, it's not been six months, there are more than a few artworks added with each update (although whether they're enough or not is, of course, subjective), and we mostly know what we're doing, but other times we get things wrong and go back and fix them, experiment, and try to come up with new ideas to improve the game. But all these aside, could you tell me what bugs you encountered? I'd like to fix them for the next update if possible.

If you still haven't found it, there's one pinned to the help channel of our discord server.

I don't know whether it's typical for games to take longer to develop the more popular they get, but no, we don't want it to become typical in our case. You're wrong about 'milking' not being evil or malicious, though. If I accept people's donations on the promise of working on a project, I'm morally obligated to do the best work I can and do it as honestly and transparently as I'm capable of. Things go wrong, of course, but that's a different story. Please note that I'm talking about my game and am not referring to any other game or developer (I know very little about other devs, and each person or team has their own approach and relationship/understanding with their patrons).

Now about 0.5, the current release cycle is caused by us wanting to have a sense of 'completion' similar to the end of 0.4. 0.5, however, is one continuous story, and events have to happen before that satisfying end is achieved. Basically, had we taken different design decisions, for example, had we broken up the main story update into two parts (similar to 0.1 and 0.2) the result would have been different. It's a lesson to learn for continuous story updates, in contrast to side-quests, rather than a model to copy for future releases.

This is an answer I gave to someone with a similar question on Discord:

Creating 2d artworks takes time, and progress is not always linear. By that, I mean that we take the time to create something, but the result doesn't always work and has to be redone or improved. As an example, there are several artworks that we were so sure we would use that we even recorded and shared them on Patreon, but in the end, they didn't find their way to the update because they didn't match the direction that was better for the game. There are also two complete sprites (with some expressions) that we have not yet used but that at the time had to be created because we thought they were going to be used. It is a process that involves planning things, doing them, testing, and evaluating and fixing things when needed rather than releasing them out even though we think they don't work. That's true about the art, true about the writing, the posing, etc. Now that's one aspect of it. The other one is that the artworks need a lot of researching to create. Most of the videos you see on our Patreon (there are several public ones that you can access without being a patron) are at x5-x10 speed, and that's just the artwork and doesn't take the many hours that go into researching and adjusting things to look good.

Now that was about the art, which is I think most people will agree is one of the most important aspects of the game. For my part, every line of the text needs to be posed, and there are hundreds of them. This is not the typical approach, but it's a decision we made in 0.1 to have characters in a scene change with each line of dialogue and respond to it. 0.5 has over 4700+ lines, and every single one of them needs at least one sprite being called and changed. For example:
show myrtle enarrow bdoubt hbneu2 rneu2
show horse bup ehalfb msad
show kevin eneu
show pov eneudown bup mneu
show hammerdick ewidedown bdoubt mneu
myrtle "But isn't Lady Goldenbush the ruler?"
The simple line from Myrtle in 0.4 "But isn't Lady Goldenbush the ruler?" needed all of the characters present to have their sprites changed to match it. You can see Myrtle, the horse, Kevin, the MC, and Hammerdick, each having different facial expressions and body gestures. That's an extreme case since not every line is uttered in the presence of 5 characters, but most are done with 2 sprites (in 0.5, for example, the MC and Lana), and they need to be edited and posed one by one. Every 4700+ one of them.

Patrons choose which character/story we focus on next, but it is us who decide the poll options.

We're still in the fourth month (until tomorrow, actually). Most people ignore the qualification that it might vary depending on the story/circumstance and that 0.5 is one of them. We did not set out to take this long, but at this point, the only thing we can do is try to finish it as well and as fast as we can and apply what we've learned about releasing main story content to future updates. I would rather learn to plan better than remove that because I think patrons should know what they're supporting.

I update it every night before going to bed, but perhaps it doesn't register or show you the cached image. At any rate, if you don't see it here, check our website or discord server; it'll be there.

Check the Hidden Photos Locations in the OP.
Man, fuck those assholes here. You are one of the best porngame dev I have met. You regularly inform, answer questions and inappropriate criticism, and adjust progress tracker daily. Last update I played and admired for more than 5 hours.
And all this in the case of the F95 for free.


Apr 11, 2018
Myrtle, Holly, and Gomira, based on a public poll on our Patreon page.

Would you rather I didn't answer questions? I'll repeat Tlaero's question, which I believe you ignored: what are you asking me to do differently?

We are two people working full-time seven days a week, it's not been six months, there are more than a few artworks added with each update (although whether they're enough or not is, of course, subjective), and we mostly know what we're doing, but other times we get things wrong and go back and fix them, experiment, and try to come up with new ideas to improve the game. But all these aside, could you tell me what bugs you encountered? I'd like to fix them for the next update if possible.

If you still haven't found it, there's one pinned to the help channel of our discord server.

I don't know whether it's typical for games to take longer to develop the more popular they get, but no, we don't want it to become typical in our case. You're wrong about 'milking' not being evil or malicious, though. If I accept people's donations on the promise of working on a project, I'm morally obligated to do the best work I can and do it as honestly and transparently as I'm capable of. Things go wrong, of course, but that's a different story. Please note that I'm talking about my game and am not referring to any other game or developer (I know very little about other devs, and each person or team has their own approach and relationship/understanding with their patrons).

Now about 0.5, the current release cycle is caused by us wanting to have a sense of 'completion' similar to the end of 0.4. 0.5, however, is one continuous story, and events have to happen before that satisfying end is achieved. Basically, had we taken different design decisions, for example, had we broken up the main story update into two parts (similar to 0.1 and 0.2) the result would have been different. It's a lesson to learn for continuous story updates, in contrast to side-quests, rather than a model to copy for future releases.

This is an answer I gave to someone with a similar question on Discord:

Creating 2d artworks takes time, and progress is not always linear. By that, I mean that we take the time to create something, but the result doesn't always work and has to be redone or improved. As an example, there are several artworks that we were so sure we would use that we even recorded and shared them on Patreon, but in the end, they didn't find their way to the update because they didn't match the direction that was better for the game. There are also two complete sprites (with some expressions) that we have not yet used but that at the time had to be created because we thought they were going to be used. It is a process that involves planning things, doing them, testing, and evaluating and fixing things when needed rather than releasing them out even though we think they don't work. That's true about the art, true about the writing, the posing, etc. Now that's one aspect of it. The other one is that the artworks need a lot of researching to create. Most of the videos you see on our Patreon (there are several public ones that you can access without being a patron) are at x5-x10 speed, and that's just the artwork and doesn't take the many hours that go into researching and adjusting things to look good.

Now that was about the art, which is I think most people will agree is one of the most important aspects of the game. For my part, every line of the text needs to be posed, and there are hundreds of them. This is not the typical approach, but it's a decision we made in 0.1 to have characters in a scene change with each line of dialogue and respond to it. 0.5 has over 4700+ lines, and every single one of them needs at least one sprite being called and changed. For example:
show myrtle enarrow bdoubt hbneu2 rneu2
show horse bup ehalfb msad
show kevin eneu
show pov eneudown bup mneu
show hammerdick ewidedown bdoubt mneu
myrtle "But isn't Lady Goldenbush the ruler?"
The simple line from Myrtle in 0.4 "But isn't Lady Goldenbush the ruler?" needed all of the characters present to have their sprites changed to match it. You can see Myrtle, the horse, Kevin, the MC, and Hammerdick, each having different facial expressions and body gestures. That's an extreme case since not every line is uttered in the presence of 5 characters, but most are done with 2 sprites (in 0.5, for example, the MC and Lana), and they need to be edited and posed one by one. Every 4700+ one of them.

Patrons choose which character/story we focus on next, but it is us who decide the poll options.

We're still in the fourth month (until tomorrow, actually). Most people ignore the qualification that it might vary depending on the story/circumstance and that 0.5 is one of them. We did not set out to take this long, but at this point, the only thing we can do is try to finish it as well and as fast as we can and apply what we've learned about releasing main story content to future updates. I would rather learn to plan better than remove that because I think patrons should know what they're supporting.

I update it every night before going to bed, but perhaps it doesn't register or show you the cached image. At any rate, if you don't see it here, check our website or discord server; it'll be there.

Check the Hidden Photos Locations in the OP.
You guys might be the best devs when it comes to interacting with the community on here and being honest. Keep it up! Cannot wait for 0.5


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2019
Myrtle, Holly, and Gomira, based on a public poll on our Patreon page.

Would you rather I didn't answer questions? I'll repeat Tlaero's question, which I believe you ignored: what are you asking me to do differently?

We are two people working full-time seven days a week, it's not been six months, there are more than a few artworks added with each update (although whether they're enough or not is, of course, subjective), and we mostly know what we're doing, but other times we get things wrong and go back and fix them, experiment, and try to come up with new ideas to improve the game. But all these aside, could you tell me what bugs you encountered? I'd like to fix them for the next update if possible.

If you still haven't found it, there's one pinned to the help channel of our discord server.

I don't know whether it's typical for games to take longer to develop the more popular they get, but no, we don't want it to become typical in our case. You're wrong about 'milking' not being evil or malicious, though. If I accept people's donations on the promise of working on a project, I'm morally obligated to do the best work I can and do it as honestly and transparently as I'm capable of. Things go wrong, of course, but that's a different story. Please note that I'm talking about my game and am not referring to any other game or developer (I know very little about other devs, and each person or team has their own approach and relationship/understanding with their patrons).

Now about 0.5, the current release cycle is caused by us wanting to have a sense of 'completion' similar to the end of 0.4. 0.5, however, is one continuous story, and events have to happen before that satisfying end is achieved. Basically, had we taken different design decisions, for example, had we broken up the main story update into two parts (similar to 0.1 and 0.2) the result would have been different. It's a lesson to learn for continuous story updates, in contrast to side-quests, rather than a model to copy for future releases.

This is an answer I gave to someone with a similar question on Discord:

Creating 2d artworks takes time, and progress is not always linear. By that, I mean that we take the time to create something, but the result doesn't always work and has to be redone or improved. As an example, there are several artworks that we were so sure we would use that we even recorded and shared them on Patreon, but in the end, they didn't find their way to the update because they didn't match the direction that was better for the game. There are also two complete sprites (with some expressions) that we have not yet used but that at the time had to be created because we thought they were going to be used. It is a process that involves planning things, doing them, testing, and evaluating and fixing things when needed rather than releasing them out even though we think they don't work. That's true about the art, true about the writing, the posing, etc. Now that's one aspect of it. The other one is that the artworks need a lot of researching to create. Most of the videos you see on our Patreon (there are several public ones that you can access without being a patron) are at x5-x10 speed, and that's just the artwork and doesn't take the many hours that go into researching and adjusting things to look good.

Now that was about the art, which is I think most people will agree is one of the most important aspects of the game. For my part, every line of the text needs to be posed, and there are hundreds of them. This is not the typical approach, but it's a decision we made in 0.1 to have characters in a scene change with each line of dialogue and respond to it. 0.5 has over 4700+ lines, and every single one of them needs at least one sprite being called and changed. For example:
show myrtle enarrow bdoubt hbneu2 rneu2
show horse bup ehalfb msad
show kevin eneu
show pov eneudown bup mneu
show hammerdick ewidedown bdoubt mneu
myrtle "But isn't Lady Goldenbush the ruler?"
The simple line from Myrtle in 0.4 "But isn't Lady Goldenbush the ruler?" needed all of the characters present to have their sprites changed to match it. You can see Myrtle, the horse, Kevin, the MC, and Hammerdick, each having different facial expressions and body gestures. That's an extreme case since not every line is uttered in the presence of 5 characters, but most are done with 2 sprites (in 0.5, for example, the MC and Lana), and they need to be edited and posed one by one. Every 4700+ one of them.

Patrons choose which character/story we focus on next, but it is us who decide the poll options.

We're still in the fourth month (until tomorrow, actually). Most people ignore the qualification that it might vary depending on the story/circumstance and that 0.5 is one of them. We did not set out to take this long, but at this point, the only thing we can do is try to finish it as well and as fast as we can and apply what we've learned about releasing main story content to future updates. I would rather learn to plan better than remove that because I think patrons should know what they're supporting.

I update it every night before going to bed, but perhaps it doesn't register or show you the cached image. At any rate, if you don't see it here, check our website or discord server; it'll be there.

Check the Hidden Photos Locations in the OP.
Man, F that popularity list. The elves first, and goldenbush third. That is the order of things as it was meant to be.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2019
Man I feel really sorry for Pistachio when he has to respond to the same silly questions all the time while also getting undeserved hate from people about the development time. Yes, new updates take a while to come out but I fully trust these two (Chestnut & Pistachio) in what they are doing and the waiting is always worth it in the end.

Keep it up, guys!


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2020
Man I feel really sorry for Pistachio when he has to respond to the same silly questions all the time while also getting undeserved hate from people about the development time. Yes, new updates take a while to come out but I fully trust these two (Chestnut & Pistachio) in what they are doing and the waiting is always worth it in the end.

Keep it up, guys!
It's funny. People keep dreaming about a good quality game - art, mechanics, story, platforms - with monthly updates and asking for dimes on Patreon. However, those 'magical' games are basically non-existent - or, if they ever existed, were abandoned.

Good game development takes time - a LOT of it. Even if a dev spends 6 or 8 hours a day on it, it'll take a while. They also have their social lives, have to sleep, leisure, study/work on other stuff, etc. They aren't lazy bums that stay 24/7 on the internet coding/drawing/designing games...

I have absolutely no problem in games like WaL! taking 4-5 months per update. I have other stuff to do in my life and other games to play. It's nearly impossible for a good game to be updated in 3 months (and I mean a content update, not just changes here and there) - imagine every month! Ludicrous.


Oct 6, 2018
Game is great, I would love to see an update more frequently but if I have to choose between 2 smaller updates or 1 bigger I would rather prefer the latter. As long as developers are here, they are answering our questions, informing us about progress I believe it is fine if they take their time. Especially when they say they got regular jobs and this is something they do in their free time. On the other hand, based on how long some of the magicnuts posts are I would prefer he spent this time on game developing haha.


Oct 7, 2020
Myrtle, Holly, and Gomira, based on a public poll on our Patreon page.

Would you rather I didn't answer questions? I'll repeat Tlaero's question, which I believe you ignored: what are you asking me to do differently?

We are two people working full-time seven days a week, it's not been six months, there are more than a few artworks added with each update (although whether they're enough or not is, of course, subjective), and we mostly know what we're doing, but other times we get things wrong and go back and fix them, experiment, and try to come up with new ideas to improve the game. But all these aside, could you tell me what bugs you encountered? I'd like to fix them for the next update if possible.

If you still haven't found it, there's one pinned to the help channel of our discord server.

I don't know whether it's typical for games to take longer to develop the more popular they get, but no, we don't want it to become typical in our case. You're wrong about 'milking' not being evil or malicious, though. If I accept people's donations on the promise of working on a project, I'm morally obligated to do the best work I can and do it as honestly and transparently as I'm capable of. Things go wrong, of course, but that's a different story. Please note that I'm talking about my game and am not referring to any other game or developer (I know very little about other devs, and each person or team has their own approach and relationship/understanding with their patrons).

Now about 0.5, the current release cycle is caused by us wanting to have a sense of 'completion' similar to the end of 0.4. 0.5, however, is one continuous story, and events have to happen before that satisfying end is achieved. Basically, had we taken different design decisions, for example, had we broken up the main story update into two parts (similar to 0.1 and 0.2) the result would have been different. It's a lesson to learn for continuous story updates, in contrast to side-quests, rather than a model to copy for future releases.

This is an answer I gave to someone with a similar question on Discord:

Creating 2d artworks takes time, and progress is not always linear. By that, I mean that we take the time to create something, but the result doesn't always work and has to be redone or improved. As an example, there are several artworks that we were so sure we would use that we even recorded and shared them on Patreon, but in the end, they didn't find their way to the update because they didn't match the direction that was better for the game. There are also two complete sprites (with some expressions) that we have not yet used but that at the time had to be created because we thought they were going to be used. It is a process that involves planning things, doing them, testing, and evaluating and fixing things when needed rather than releasing them out even though we think they don't work. That's true about the art, true about the writing, the posing, etc. Now that's one aspect of it. The other one is that the artworks need a lot of researching to create. Most of the videos you see on our Patreon (there are several public ones that you can access without being a patron) are at x5-x10 speed, and that's just the artwork and doesn't take the many hours that go into researching and adjusting things to look good.

Now that was about the art, which is I think most people will agree is one of the most important aspects of the game. For my part, every line of the text needs to be posed, and there are hundreds of them. This is not the typical approach, but it's a decision we made in 0.1 to have characters in a scene change with each line of dialogue and respond to it. 0.5 has over 4700+ lines, and every single one of them needs at least one sprite being called and changed. For example:
show myrtle enarrow bdoubt hbneu2 rneu2
show horse bup ehalfb msad
show kevin eneu
show pov eneudown bup mneu
show hammerdick ewidedown bdoubt mneu
myrtle "But isn't Lady Goldenbush the ruler?"
The simple line from Myrtle in 0.4 "But isn't Lady Goldenbush the ruler?" needed all of the characters present to have their sprites changed to match it. You can see Myrtle, the horse, Kevin, the MC, and Hammerdick, each having different facial expressions and body gestures. That's an extreme case since not every line is uttered in the presence of 5 characters, but most are done with 2 sprites (in 0.5, for example, the MC and Lana), and they need to be edited and posed one by one. Every 4700+ one of them.

Patrons choose which character/story we focus on next, but it is us who decide the poll options.

We're still in the fourth month (until tomorrow, actually). Most people ignore the qualification that it might vary depending on the story/circumstance and that 0.5 is one of them. We did not set out to take this long, but at this point, the only thing we can do is try to finish it as well and as fast as we can and apply what we've learned about releasing main story content to future updates. I would rather learn to plan better than remove that because I think patrons should know what they're supporting.

I update it every night before going to bed, but perhaps it doesn't register or show you the cached image. At any rate, if you don't see it here, check our website or discord server; it'll be there.

Check the Hidden Photos Locations in the OP.
you are doing a great job, the humour in this game is great. i laughed at the, everyone knows a kevin, so much going on in this game, i just hope you can keep it up. i appreciate all the work you do. 7 days a week is serious commitment and i hope you do not burn yourselves out. its so good of you to give this game for free, and to communicate with a pirate community. give my best to chestnut and tell her, i love her art
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May 6, 2020
Some people just refuse to learn the old adage of "quality, quantity, cost: pick two". We're getting phenomenal quantity with this game, and donating on Patreon is purely optional, so most of the people actually playing the game are doing so for free, but some just want to shit on others' hard work.


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2018
Plus I have to seriously question what's going on with people who get angry about the update schedules of these games. Do you really have so little to live for that you just can't stand to wait a few months for the next dose of porn from this one game? Are you okay?


Engaged Member
Jun 25, 2017
Plus I have to seriously question what's going on with people who get angry about the update schedules of these games. Do you really have so little to live for that you just can't stand to wait a few months for the next dose of porn from this one game? Are you okay?
people are impatient? blame the devs for making such a good game that people can't get enough of :whistle:
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