shazba jnr

Feb 3, 2024
How about everyone just... stops being mad and insulting each other? Like, if we want to have a useful, productive, and just generally good-to-be-around comment thread... How about we stop just repeating the same points of "gamedev is hard" and "dev is a scumbag lol" and just have a discussion about it?

Like, sure the dev is taking a while to make this update, and it might be a slower pace than early updates, but lets be honest here: Have you seen a porn game that didn't slow down in update speed after some time? The early updates are always the fastest, since the devs don't have that many expectations on them for high quality, and they don't have as much content and story complexity to work around. Everyone expects each update to be at least as good as the last one, and if updates just take more time as time goes on, the players/patreons will expect the longer updates to be better to justify. Not to mention that devs work quick on the first updates since they're full of energy. They haven't been hit by burnout since they just started, but as time goes on, it can get tiring to work on a project for such a long stretch consecutively, even one you really like, as I can personally attest to (although obviously to a lesser extent, I'm not really a gamedev.) Plus, I don't know if the dev is working full time on the game or whether they also have a day job, and if so, you guys should really be giving a bit more slack.

However, the dev making the players wait so long for one big update rather than finding some way to either release it as either a buggy "beta-version" situation (like most games, porn or otherwise, seem to do these days), or even splitting up the update into two or more parts. If the update takes this long to put out compared to other ones, where Patreon's system bills monthly/yearly, the dev should have almost certainly gone with some other plan over making Patrons wait more than a year for a single actual update to the game. I don't know whether the dev has done this, but I see lots of other devs, artists, or content creators of other types refunding their Patrons for billing cycles they didn't put anything out on. That seems like a very reasonable thing for this dev to do given the situation, for at least some of the billing cycles, and the fact that they haven't (if they haven't, again, i don't know), is a little suspect. Not impossible that the dev either doesn't know that that's a thing they can even do, or that the dev is just really lacking in terms of money, but if the latter, then the dev should definitely make a statement about it.

Also, despite what I said in the prior section, the speed of updates is pretty unreasonable by any standards, unless this update is just inordinately massive. It is a complicated game with very well-made art, but that doesn't justify the absolute massive timescale of this update. True, the game is made by one person who may or may not have a day job too (idk), but this is just one update, not a whole feature-complete game. And the Patrons aren't investors, so really, comparing this to mainstream game dev just isn't helpful, there's too many dissimilarities.

In the end, Patreon donations are completely voluntary, and if you're a Patron and continue to donate, you should notice the pattern that this update is taking way long to make, and either stop being a patron (like I'm sure many have already), or come to terms with the truth that the game may not be getting done any time soon, regardless of whether that's due to poor work ethic or a dedication to quality and making their game the best it can be. If you aren't a patron, have a little gratitude to those who are, for funding a dev who would likely have a lot less reason to be giving you guys free and high quality porn games if not for their donations.

And please, nobody talk about patrons "dickriding" the dev, or non-patrons being stupid and not understanding how gamedev works in "the real world" or whatever. It doesn't accomplish much of anything besides wasting everyone's time, making random strangers feel worse about themselves/get angry for no good reason, and making this comments section completely unusable.
It’s a husband and wife team and they work full time on this game. They’ve had some typical life events interfere with development.

I understand they’ve actually had two kids over the last two years, and one of the devs needed some surgery for something, so that changes the dynamics a bit. It’s very likely that one of the two devs doesn’t work full time on this game anymore, that’d be understandable, and very normal.

In the grand scheme of things, good luck to the devs if they can have patrons pay for their lives as they produce this little game at such a slow pace now. It’s none of our business how well they do off the back of supporters.

But here’s a singular statistic that completely justifies why people are sceptical of the latest episode’s development:
  • Episodes 1-6 combined took a little over 2 years to complete all together. Episode 7 has taken over two years on its own.
i'm not gonna read a article about porn game. can anybody summurize this ?
They said, “Now now, play nice, children.” :p


Mar 4, 2021
It’s a husband and wife team and they work full time on this game. They’ve had some typical life events interfere with development.

I understand they’ve actually had two kids over the last two years, and one of the devs needed some surgery for something, so that changes the dynamics a bit. It’s very likely that one of the two devs doesn’t work full time on this game anymore, that’d be understandable, and very normal.
Thanks for the info, that's good to know. Seems kinda odd to me how many husband-and-wife lewd-game-dev teams I've seen recently. Or maybe that's just a coincidence/confirmation bias.

But here’s a singular statistic that completely justifies why people are sceptical of the latest episode’s development:
  • Episodes 1-6 combined took a little over 2 years to complete all together. Episode 7 has taken over two years on its own.
I never said people weren't justified about complaining about the dev time. I think it is absolutely justifiable to complain about. However, doing so by insulting the patrons or the dev, and the dev's supporters insulting them back isn't accomplishing much of anything. I'm sure that the reason the dev time is so long is a combination of just real-life factors getting in the way, expectation and feature creep, and also possibly the dev not feeling very motivated to work on it, either because they're getting paid either way, or just because of burnout/similar things. I'm also quite skeptical about the dev time, I was just trying to present both sides of the argument in a concise and reasonable form so as to make it easier for people to see both sides of the issue as valid points.

Also, yeah, your summary of my previous comment is pretty accurate.


Aug 11, 2018
This game was last updated more than 2 years ago. Yes, updates take longer with each patch, but not like this - and frankly, unless they literally double the amount of content they have in the game, it doesn't justify taking 2 years for a SINGLE update. It's pretty obvious that the devs are dragging the updates out to milk their patrons.


Mar 4, 2021
This game was last updated more than 2 years ago. Yes, updates take longer with each patch, but not like this - and frankly, unless they literally double the amount of content they have in the game, it doesn't justify taking 2 years for a SINGLE update. It's pretty obvious that the devs are dragging the updates out to milk their patrons.
You are correct that no singular factor can make a game take so much longer, but factor in all the individual factors, then it becomes a bit more obvious why it could happen. Of course, there's probably a good amount of... not the best behavior in there. But lets not be hasty and assume the worst intentions in a dev. Most likely they did have a semi-significant number of days when they did less work than they were supposedly being paid for, but I assume you can imagine how demotivating working on a project for so long could be, due to all these complications reducing the time they could work and giving them a lot of financial issues. Read the post above your comment for more info.


Sep 13, 2019
Is there some information somewhere about the estimated total play-time of the new chapter 0.7 Gomira once it is complete?

I'm quite curious as to how much play-time/reading time the new content will have once it is released, maybe longer than the other chapters so far?
  • Thinking Face
Reactions: _Gaalec_


Forum Fanatic
Jun 17, 2019
Is there some information somewhere about the estimated total play-time of the new chapter 0.7 Gomira once it is complete?

I'm quite curious as to how much play-time/reading time the new content will have once it is released, maybe longer than the other chapters so far?
Dev's words the other day:
I'd say there's a good chance it's longer than that, considering it has more words than 0.6 and also that the dev is known for erring on the short side of these reading time estimations.


Sep 13, 2019
Dev's words the other day:
View attachment 3936928
I'd say there's a good chance it's longer than that, considering it has more words than 0.6 and also that the dev is known for erring on the short side of these reading time estimations.
Thank you for info.

More than 4 hours seems nice enough for a chapter. Playing through the other chapters so far took me about a day and a half of total hours back then.
  • Haha
Reactions: OdinValgallovih


Sep 13, 2019
It's not even 4 hours worth of art, it's 4 hours worth of reading.
While I'm quite curious about the erotic scenes, my expectation is that this upcoming release will deal more about the orc girl, and orc girl alone... which unfortunately isn't really my type appearance-wise (granted I find her her glory hole BJ scene kinda sexy).

So I had to inhale a bunch of SEEEEGGGSSS-copium and divert my attention to the story instead:HideThePain: on what in the actual hell is going to happen to the story next that took them 2 goddamn years lmao :KEK:

I still have my Celestina-nut and Gretta-nut all saved up for years now dammit! IT NEEDS TO BE RELEASED!!!

Over 2 years for 4 hours of new content isnt great. If its not a good update I can see a massive backlash happening.
Agreed. I see people are being jaded as well from all of this mess so much that any updates they will release from this point on might not be met warmly anymore. It's gonna take a lot for them to win back the audience.

At this point I just lower my expectations for now, what with the heroine that has my least interest took 2 years to finish while my heroine-specific "NUT" has to take a backseat in the blueballs chair for years...

Though I still don't know much about the orc girl, I hope her personality, character development and role in the story makes up for this somehow, at least from a storytelling standpoint.

I do hope she's not the only heroine with an H-scene on this patch though.:HideThePain:
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