shazba jnr

Feb 3, 2024
That helps, thanks for the reply.
Your the only poster that hasn't been functionally retarded.
That’s what happens when people wait two years for an update of a side chick, a green side chick at that, while the developers dick around and provide a regular bogus update chart stringing them along; functional retardation is inevitable. o_O

Well that, or the fact that the abandoned state of this game has been discussed in over 500 posts in the last 6 months, and most people probably don’t give a fuck to explain it yet again to someone who doesn’t know how to use the search function. :rolleyes:

Just saying… :whistle:

Golly gee, I wish I could make bogus goalpost-moving charts for 2 years and get paid 150k Euro (minimum)
They’re only raking in about 80k Euro from Patreon which I thought was their only subscription base. But yeah, still a nice little earner. It’d be a lot more if they actually delivered more regularly.

Self-quoting me for the umpteenth time, in case these doubts about what debugging means in this game are genuine:

Change a line of text, and you'll need to change those little commands that show the characters' expressions so that they match what's being said - miss-spell one of them or use an existing but wrong one because the right one just slipped your mind, and you'll have a bug you'll only detect when you replay the scene, and only if you're really focused on what you're doing (note that these bugs won't make Ren'py crash when you launch the game, telling you where the bug is; you must actively look for them while playing, reading the text and focusing on the sprites' eyes, hands, and mouth expressions to see if they are doing what you wanted them to do).

Also, let's say you remake a scene because it didn't flow as you wanted: now you may need to change some bits of previous or subsequent dialogues to match the new scene (that's a continuity bug in itself), and maybe you don't remember how many scenes or convos are actually affected, only finding new bits that need to be changed too (new continuity bugs) when you test the game later on - again, at the risk of creating some 'posing' bugs in the process. Considering they've been going back and forth with several scenes they initially created a year or so ago, in an update that is said to have 1/2 more words than the largest one so far (66k compared to 44k), it's only natural they keep finding new things to fix - and they'll find/create many more as they keep fixing them.
This is all rubbish. Using an appropriate editor with, I don’t know, a “cut and paste feature”… would make light work of all of this.

The code they are writing is just a reusable script to display art and words. It isn’t difficult or majorly time consuming.

All of the previous episodes were done the same, so it’s not like it’s suddenly gotten more complex or anything. If anything, they’d become more proficient over time, not less so.

I personally don’t care how long they take, or who the episode focuses on, or how the story progresses, because this is just a game among many that provides light entertainment in my spare time. But I don’t mind talking it, and I think the situation they’re in right now is indefensible.

In my mind, the best summary is, they fucked up, hopefully they’ll learn some lessons, and future updates will be more timely.
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New Member
Jun 28, 2020
Just asking for some clarification, so are supporters in the middle tier getting dev builds or WIP art during this time? Or we don't know bc none of them leak here? I know we at least have a low tier for the reports.

Also, if it were really the case that the mid tier supporters were getting as much of nothing as it looks like here, I would assume they could just drop to lower until a release comes out? Idk what the sub tier breakdown is but the current contribution/members comes out to an average $5.57 CA but it also claims the $8 is "most popular" so idk. If after even 6 months of paying for something that you are not getting, wouldn't you stop? Are they stupid? I'm guessing for my sanity that they are just airtight on the leaks
  • Thinking Face
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Forum Fanatic
Jun 17, 2019
View attachment 3921403
Just asking for some clarification, so are supporters in the middle tier getting dev builds or WIP art during this time? Or we don't know bc none of them leak here? I know we at least have a low tier for the reports.

Also, if it were really the case that the mid tier supporters were getting as much of nothing as it looks like here, I would assume they could just drop to lower until a release comes out? Idk what the sub tier breakdown is but the current contribution/members comes out to an average $5.57 CA but it also claims the $8 is "most popular" so idk. If after even 6 months of paying for something that you are not getting, wouldn't you stop? Are they stupid? I'm guessing for my sanity that they are just airtight on the leaks
You can browse the Patreon posts, filtering by vids or pics, and see all the WIP videos and spoilery pics these patrons got in the meantime (well, you won't see them because they are locked, but you get the idea). Nobody is leaking them here anymore and I guess you could thank the happy gang that has turned this thread into a shitshow: why would any actual patron be willing to share them here if it seems there's no demand for that content anymore, as it's only me and a bunch of trolls and more or less respectful skeptics, plus the occasional user asking about the abandoned tag? The few times something got leaked, most of the comments were hateful toward devs so why bother. Even the guys who used to share the weekly reports stopped posting them a while ago - maybe they just unsubscribed altogether? Anyway, it was basically feeding the trolls at this point.


Oct 19, 2018
So there's a fetish out there called 'financial domination'. Its sort of like sado/masochist bondage play, only the person's wallet is the thing getting abused. There is little to no actual sexual contact between the two parties.
If that sounds weird, and youre wondering what sort of person would actually consider doing this - somehow getting off on the idea of shoveling money into a furnace - look at the guy above this post for an idea. ;)


Apr 3, 2018
We don't know if it's "characters have a wrong expression in a few scenes" bug or "The mouse doesn't move anymore" bug. There's no point asking for a buggy release
There is a point, because the people on this forum could literally just fix those bugs faster than these devs for free. But that's counterproductive to milking so it's not on their best interests to do that.


Mar 4, 2021
Is this game actually abandoned or is the dev just taking a long time with the next update? I know F95 does that from time to time (Bone's Tales: The Manor for example IIRC).

If it is abandoned, that's really disappointing. One of the greats in terms of VN games for me, and it would suck for it to go the way of so many very promising games and fall to burnout, demanding/ungrateful fans, and/or feature creep.


May 13, 2018
Is this game actually abandoned or is the dev just taking a long time with the next update? I know F95 does that from time to time (Bone's Tales: The Manor for example IIRC).

If it is abandoned, that's really disappointing. One of the greats in terms of VN games for me, and it would suck for it to go the way of so many very promising games and fall to burnout, demanding/ungrateful fans, and/or feature creep.
So far the reason for the Abandoned tag is only related to this website rules that without any update for 18 months puts a "Abandoned" tag in it, the game was bot been declared abandoned by the devs or anything like that.
  • Haha
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Jan 31, 2024
So far the reason for the Abandoned tag is only related to this website rules that without any update for 18 months puts a "Abandoned" tag in it, the game was bot been declared abandoned by the devs or anything like that.
Yep, the dev came on here to let everyone know right as the Abandoned tag went on this game was clearly not abandoned and that the update was almost done, like... 4-5 months ago... so yea...

Nov 25, 2018
There's literally thousands of comments talking about the abandoned tag and this ape got mad no one except the discord mod answered his retarded question.
Poor fellow, apologies if my post was to complicated for you to read. Their clearly was no rage in my statement, that would be like feeling anger for ants at my feet. I am simply disappointed that we don't have a better community here, even if it is a gooner nest.
  • Haha
Reactions: FreelancerFL


Mar 4, 2021
How about everyone just... stops being mad and insulting each other? Like, if we want to have a useful, productive, and just generally good-to-be-around comment thread... How about we stop just repeating the same points of "gamedev is hard" and "dev is a scumbag lol" and just have a discussion about it?

Like, sure the dev is taking a while to make this update, and it might be a slower pace than early updates, but lets be honest here: Have you seen a porn game that didn't slow down in update speed after some time? The early updates are always the fastest, since the devs don't have that many expectations on them for high quality, and they don't have as much content and story complexity to work around. Everyone expects each update to be at least as good as the last one, and if updates just take more time as time goes on, the players/patreons will expect the longer updates to be better to justify. Not to mention that devs work quick on the first updates since they're full of energy. They haven't been hit by burnout since they just started, but as time goes on, it can get tiring to work on a project for such a long stretch consecutively, even one you really like, as I can personally attest to (although obviously to a lesser extent, I'm not really a gamedev.) Plus, I don't know if the dev is working full time on the game or whether they also have a day job, and if so, you guys should really be giving a bit more slack.

However, the dev making the players wait so long for one big update rather than finding some way to either release it as either a buggy "beta-version" situation (like most games, porn or otherwise, seem to do these days), or even splitting up the update into two or more parts. If the update takes this long to put out compared to other ones, where Patreon's system bills monthly/yearly, the dev should have almost certainly gone with some other plan over making Patrons wait more than a year for a single actual update to the game. I don't know whether the dev has done this, but I see lots of other devs, artists, or content creators of other types refunding their Patrons for billing cycles they didn't put anything out on. That seems like a very reasonable thing for this dev to do given the situation, for at least some of the billing cycles, and the fact that they haven't (if they haven't, again, i don't know), is a little suspect. Not impossible that the dev either doesn't know that that's a thing they can even do, or that the dev is just really lacking in terms of money, but if the latter, then the dev should definitely make a statement about it.

Also, despite what I said in the prior section, the speed of updates is pretty unreasonable by any standards, unless this update is just inordinately massive. It is a complicated game with very well-made art, but that doesn't justify the absolute massive timescale of this update. True, the game is made by one person who may or may not have a day job too (idk), but this is just one update, not a whole feature-complete game. And the Patrons aren't investors, so really, comparing this to mainstream game dev just isn't helpful, there's too many dissimilarities.

In the end, Patreon donations are completely voluntary, and if you're a Patron and continue to donate, you should notice the pattern that this update is taking way long to make, and either stop being a patron (like I'm sure many have already), or come to terms with the truth that the game may not be getting done any time soon, regardless of whether that's due to poor work ethic or a dedication to quality and making their game the best it can be. If you aren't a patron, have a little gratitude to those who are, for funding a dev who would likely have a lot less reason to be giving you guys free and high quality porn games if not for their donations.

And please, nobody talk about patrons "dickriding" the dev, or non-patrons being stupid and not understanding how gamedev works in "the real world" or whatever. It doesn't accomplish much of anything besides wasting everyone's time, making random strangers feel worse about themselves/get angry for no good reason, and making this comments section completely unusable.


Mar 10, 2019
I mean, it's more than obvious to me (and hopefully everyone else) that the whole progress log was fake and that they are currently developing the new update. I really enjoy playing the game, but to rip off the supporters like that is really a shame...

...the abandoned tag is more than justified imo :(


Apr 25, 2023
How about everyone just... stops being mad and insulting each other? Like, if we want to have a useful, productive, and just generally good-to-be-around comment thread... How about we stop just repeating the same points of "gamedev is hard" and "dev is a scumbag lol" and just have a discussion about it?

Like, sure the dev is taking a while to make this update, and it might be a slower pace than early updates, but lets be honest here: Have you seen a porn game that didn't slow down in update speed after some time? The early updates are always the fastest, since the devs don't have that many expectations on them for high quality, and they don't have as much content and story complexity to work around. Everyone expects each update to be at least as good as the last one, and if updates just take more time as time goes on, the players/patreons will expect the longer updates to be better to justify. Not to mention that devs work quick on the first updates since they're full of energy. They haven't been hit by burnout since they just started, but as time goes on, it can get tiring to work on a project for such a long stretch consecutively, even one you really like, as I can personally attest to (although obviously to a lesser extent, I'm not really a gamedev.) Plus, I don't know if the dev is working full time on the game or whether they also have a day job, and if so, you guys should really be giving a bit more slack.

However, the dev making the players wait so long for one big update rather than finding some way to either release it as either a buggy "beta-version" situation (like most games, porn or otherwise, seem to do these days), or even splitting up the update into two or more parts. If the update takes this long to put out compared to other ones, where Patreon's system bills monthly/yearly, the dev should have almost certainly gone with some other plan over making Patrons wait more than a year for a single actual update to the game. I don't know whether the dev has done this, but I see lots of other devs, artists, or content creators of other types refunding their Patrons for billing cycles they didn't put anything out on. That seems like a very reasonable thing for this dev to do given the situation, for at least some of the billing cycles, and the fact that they haven't (if they haven't, again, i don't know), is a little suspect. Not impossible that the dev either doesn't know that that's a thing they can even do, or that the dev is just really lacking in terms of money, but if the latter, then the dev should definitely make a statement about it.

Also, despite what I said in the prior section, the speed of updates is pretty unreasonable by any standards, unless this update is just inordinately massive. It is a complicated game with very well-made art, but that doesn't justify the absolute massive timescale of this update. True, the game is made by one person who may or may not have a day job too (idk), but this is just one update, not a whole feature-complete game. And the Patrons aren't investors, so really, comparing this to mainstream game dev just isn't helpful, there's too many dissimilarities.

In the end, Patreon donations are completely voluntary, and if you're a Patron and continue to donate, you should notice the pattern that this update is taking way long to make, and either stop being a patron (like I'm sure many have already), or come to terms with the truth that the game may not be getting done any time soon, regardless of whether that's due to poor work ethic or a dedication to quality and making their game the best it can be. If you aren't a patron, have a little gratitude to those who are, for funding a dev who would likely have a lot less reason to be giving you guys free and high quality porn games if not for their donations.

And please, nobody talk about patrons "dickriding" the dev, or non-patrons being stupid and not understanding how gamedev works in "the real world" or whatever. It doesn't accomplish much of anything besides wasting everyone's time, making random strangers feel worse about themselves/get angry for no good reason, and making this comments section completely unusable.
i'm not gonna read a article about porn game. can anybody summurize this ?
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