
May 13, 2018
No, it's just common sense applied to not being scammed
I have no doubt that it helps avoiding that but I still think that it would be more effective to delete the thread or at least remove their socials from the OP, I still wonder why they haven't done at least that yet, maybe they never considered it?

What doesn't look good on them because that can give the wrong idea that the motive is somewhere else and there is no way that can be the case.

I'm sure sooner or later they will take more active measures to protect their members from those problematic situations right?
They have too, that's one of the reasons for the "Abandoned" tag after all and more than that doing the best you can to stop these unfair situations in "common sense".


Sep 23, 2022
I have no doubt that it helps avoiding that but I still think that it would be more effective to delete the thread or at least remove their socials from the OP, I still wonder why they haven't done at least that yet, maybe they never considered it?

What doesn't look good on them because that can give the wrong idea that the motive is somewhere else and there is no way that can be the case.

I'm sure sooner or later they will take more active measures to protect their members from those problematic situations right?
They have too, that's one of the reasons for the "Abandoned" tag after all and more than that doing the best you can to stop these unfair situations in "common sense".
How high are you on cope and where do I get some?

Oh wait I know where to get it...No thanks.

Just because you listened to R. Kelly once and he pissed on you doesn't mean to have to keep buying his music. Just saying, but your choice.


Active Member
Jul 1, 2019
I see 99.98% for the last half dozen of these reports...the same.
So we're going for september here? Or...


New Member
Jun 28, 2020


Feb 16, 2022
at this point they should have released it with bugs and added a fix later, incredible
At the very least, they ought to have posted a LOT more "in progress" teasers and drawing vids to reassure folks "yes, we're actually working". Patrons claim there are various things but they have an incentive to pretend it's not a ripoff (sunk cost fallacy). After 2 years of work, there should have been a lot more, PUBLIC, teasers and proof-of-life type stuff.
I still have my Celestina-nut and Gretta-nut all saved up for years now dammit! IT NEEDS TO BE RELEASED!!!
OMG I thought Celestina fans were theoretical, or trolls based on Nuts including this weird unlikeable hag and fans playing into the joke. You're actually REAL!?? :oops:

...damn, I guess it sucks for you that she's never, *ever* gonna win the Patron poll. And I thought us Anne stans had it rough! :sneaky:
Remember that it's the orc update... 2 years to get the orc is crazy. I guess people don't mind waiting 4 years to get some orc ass but I still think waiting 6 years for a basic orc is too much.
She's not basic. Your basic orc is a boy. As we all know, per the Fantasy Races Gender Appearance Quotient Law, if a female member of an "ugly/brutish" fantasy race appears in the story, it's only so she can be romanced / fucked, and she will be human-level pretty even though it makes no sense why there would be such an in-species attractiveness gap.
View attachment UbkIfYDzc0-7wWWUewrm5-oi99TGMfRwsY5gyUgQYIU.webp
to avoid it the devs would decide to not introduce them at all or make them so ugly that no one would dare to ask for NSFW content involving them
Nah devs just leave them off the poll if they don't want to / aren't ready to write that girl's route. So if someone's never gonna get a route, you'll never see them on the poll. They're "Nuts" but they're not nuts! :LOL:
One of those now abandoned plans was to introduce the twins, Junior's sister, and Junior's fiancee so that players could meet them all and then vote for a special 'villagers update' (so there won't be a particular update for each one of them, but one single update with all of them). But under current circumstances, creating all the sprites needed for 4 new characters would take too much time for a little benefit as they wouldn't play an important role in that quest anyway, and now they won't be featured at all in Holly's update.
Really bummed to hear this. Was looking forward to sampling the melons...
and then there's Celestina, who probably will not ever win a poll despite devs having a planned story for her.
Really NOT bummed to hear this. Boo, Worst Girl!! Boooo! :p
How many girls are we still missing? I thought only one
:cry: Well... I hope, that at least modmakers will do such updates then...

1 - Lord Hammerdick's wife (Serena's mother)
2 - Village twins (Polly and Penny)
3 - Hunter's sister
4 - If I remember right, Selena mentioned, that she have a mother (or grandmother)
5 - Official game site shows anong the planned tags "furry", so, we'll have at least one furry girl
6 - At least one "local" girl at the New Capital (I suppose, there will be much more than one, cause in Old Capital we know 5 girls already)
7 - I also suppose at least one "local" girl in each of the little towns (Rum, Hell, Bowl, Southern)
So, I think we'll get at least 10 new female characters (if Penny and Polly counts as one), but it seems to me, that it will be much more of them :)
You forgot whatsername the Asian barmaid at the tavern. They went to all the trouble to make a sprite for her, she's definitely gonna appear in at least a scene sooner or later.

Also it's hard to believe we won't eventually at least meet the madam in charge of Anne's brothel, if not other whores there too.

Finally, it's hard to believe we gained a "see ghosts" power and we'll never meet a ghost girl. Lassie did NOT gain magical ghost-hangout eyes just to chat with a wrinkly old dude one time. There HAS to be at least one dead girl to flirt with (whether anything can be done other than ogle idk).
Hoping this gets updated, the women in this game are absolutely drop dead gorgeous. Maybe "someday" their will be a marriage option, to pregnancy, babies, would be awesome for a "cheating" option an a harem route too.
lol at this point we'll be lucky to get main story done by 2030. You're wishing for the moon here my friend.

But maybe modders will tear this thing apart and add content to it once the Nuts have called it quits.
It's sad and I don't want to say that to myself, but you're probably right.
I've worked on solo projects myself, and I know that two conditions are necessary to complete this type of long time work :
- set a strict deadline at the start of the project and try to stick to it
- and to hope that no major external worries (health, family, etc.) will upset these plans in the meantime.

Without these two conditions, a project requiring months or even years of work is unlikely to succeed. Motivation, life and personal interests will have changed in the meantime.
This is my assessment as well. They bit off WAY more than two devs can chew (an extremely high quality, well written open world harem building game with quality animations and music), decided they'd rather retain complete control and a hassle free life by not hiring anyone, and put family first. I don't criticize any of those decisions in a vacuum, I'd probably do the same. But the inevitable consequence is the game will take a decade to make and they are almost certainly gonna burn out and move on to something else. The "abandoned" tag may only be a formality right now, but I am worried it will eventually become a reality. :(
I remember when this game came out, and I saw in the gallery that you could have sexual relations with the elf, both in the normal form and in the old form and I thought "interesting, I'll let the game have a lot of updates and then play", which plan didn't work. wanted to bang "old hag Serena"?

...Pistachio really needs to put "granny" in the fetish list for yall lol
With a lot of titles I don't really care if they are "abandoned", but with this one it's a particular shame.
"Thanks, we still had a nice time"
Yeah, it's heartbreaking bc when I first discovered this (around 0.5 launch) and played it it was the best renpy adult game I'd ever seen. It's still up there, but two years has cooled me off a bit and given me time to find other projects that, while not as high quality, are getting regular updates.
devs were like "ah shit, this is getting close to 100%, make a new bar"
**Progress bar reaches 100%**
Fans hold their breath, long pause

background music changes to gothic chanting, progress bar drains to zero while progress tracker header image sprouts one black wing


Jul 1, 2021
I'm still confused as to why Gomira won the poll over characters like Holly, Simmone or Madeline. Do any of the in-game characters even know who she is?

I wonder if voters regret it know. I guess i can see dommy mommy potential and I can't really think of any other vns that let you pork an orc (as a male). And she's probably the most mysterious character. Damn maybe I just answered my own question.


May 13, 2018
I'm still confused as to why Gomira won the poll over characters like Holly, Simmone or Madeline. Do any of the in-game characters even know who she is?

I wonder if voters regret it know. I guess i can see dommy mommy potential and I can't really think of any other vns that let you pork an orc (as a male). And she's probably the most mysterious character. Damn maybe I just answered my own question.
Don't underestimate the amount of guys right there that don't mind "Death by Snu Snu".
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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2022
I'm still confused as to why Gomira won the poll over characters like Holly, Simmone or Madeline. Do any of the in-game characters even know who she is?

I wonder if voters regret it know. I guess i can see dommy mommy potential and I can't really think of any other vns that let you pork an orc (as a male). And she's probably the most mysterious character. Damn maybe I just answered my own question.
No one expected the fucking update to take two years in a renpy game BTW.
Sep 13, 2019
I loved this game but this is ridiculous. I found this game when I was at the rock bottom phase of my life - no job, no passion and an alcoholic. This game really softened the blow that life had so cruelly delivered to me. I visit this forum once every six months just for this game and every time I did so I was disappointed. Granted it was only like 4 or 5 times but it's still pretty weird to have done it so many times without seeing any progress.

For more context, the last update came right before I broke up with my previous girlfriend whilst we were living in a shitty apartment with little to no money. Now I have a better job, a nice car and a fiancé. That is to say 2 years for 4 hours of content is bullshit, man.

They seemed so passionate about this game at first but shit happens I guess. Still rooting for them though, they've got talent - wish they had the discipline to see it through as well.
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