You make a valid point I didn't consider. The "vacuum needs to be filled" in a sense.Reddit moment.
This is a game discussion thread where people talk about the game. But as you helpfully pointed out, the last update was 80 weeks ago, so now when there is nothing to discuss about the actual game we’ve naturally evolved to the next phase: shitting on the devs who still haven’t finished their job. It’s like a primal instinct at this point—when the content stops and there isnt a new one for almost 2 years, the mockery begins.
And oh, I can play your game too.Have you asked yourself the same question: what is being gained with positive comments praising the devs who are over a year + late on a porn game pirating site? Are they suddenly going to feel the warm glow of encouragement and deliver a fully polished masterpiece in timely fashion? Spoiler alert: no. They’ll still be operating at the speed of geological erosion.
So yes, we’ve got trolls trolling devs, devs trolling deadlines, and now we’ve got you trolling the trolls. It’s a beautiful ecosystem of futility. Bravo!
You may have missed my main point. I am not praising the devs. I am 100% agreeing that they are not meeting expectations, yet I am trying to spread positivity and show how negativity helps nothing, and is essentially futile. There is nothing either of us can control with this game, we can only control how we react.
I don't expect anyone to find god. The nature of this site gives none of us the moral high ground. I am hoping people will think twice on what they can accomplish on the chat of a porn site though but understand that this is unlikely. I tried. Take that as you like.
You did make me consider the idea of time's impact changing what the chat is really about and how it loses focus on the original intent. It doesn't change my view, but adds a layer to the argument and I appreciate that.