What's your sexuality/ sexual orientation?

What do you identify as?

  • Gay

    Votes: 13 2.8%
  • Lesbian

    Votes: 17 3.7%
  • Bisexual

    Votes: 92 20.1%
  • Asexual

    Votes: 15 3.3%
  • Heterosexual (Straight)

    Votes: 320 70.0%

  • Total voters


Aug 16, 2017
I "tried" to be bi at one point when I was younger. Yes, I didn't actually have any attraction to males but I was hitting and missing with females because they were well, let's just say females in highschool at the time were more interested in playing the field than becoming soul mates. Even when the intentions of my side were very clear- tried to date two different guys. (At different times of course.) Liked them for their taste in games and personal opinions on issues but overall they had bad attitudes and ended up sleeping around anyways. One of which pretended to be a female that I knew and had been getting with everyone else.

Long story short: I'm straight, guys aren't attractive to me, and I seem to lack the ability to gauge the "handsomeness" in men. I get told what is good looking but I don't see it. Not sure what that says about me overall.


Active Member
Sep 1, 2017
I "tried" to be bi at one point when I was younger. Yes, I didn't actually have any attraction to males but I was hitting and missing with females because they were well, let's just say females in highschool at the time were more interested in playing the field than becoming soul mates. Even when the intentions of my side were very clear- tried to date two different guys. (At different times of course.) Liked them for their taste in games and personal opinions on issues but overall they had bad attitudes and ended up sleeping around anyways. One of which pretended to be a female that I knew and had been getting with everyone else.

Long story short: I'm straight, guys aren't attractive to me, and I seem to lack the ability to gauge the "handsomeness" in men. I get told what is good looking but I don't see it. Not sure what that says about me overall.
You shouldn't force your sexuality, you should discover it out through some really weird porn.

I also find it hard to judge a man's handsomeness, because I don't really follow everyone else's view of 'handsomeness'. What I find handsome others might find ugly, but I don't give a fuck about others opinions so much because it is 'my' opinion. I also find different things handsome depending on my 'mood'.

We like discretion.
I knew it, Women are secretly Ninja's!
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Sep 11, 2017
I'm going to choose the "Straight" option cause traps don't make me gay..... right? :FeelsBadMan:
It makes you pansexual, as you are attracted to a "non-binary" (neither man nor woman) person. The closest option to that would be bisexual here.


Aug 16, 2017
You shouldn't force your sexuality, you should discover it out through some really weird porn.

I also find it hard to judge a man's handsomeness, because I don't really follow everyone else's view of 'handsomeness'. What I find handsome others might find ugly, but I don't give a fuck about others opinions so much because it is 'my' opinion. I also find different things handsome depending on my 'mood'.
Well of course I know that now, this was years ago, I wouldn't say forced as just merely curious? I wanted to know if I had an attraction to males, because some people did. I seem to have a repulsive notion towards males however and prefer not even seeing their roles portrayed in what I watch when I do partake in porn I look for ones that don't show much of the MC when they are male. (Which luckily for me there's quite a few that exist.)

And I understand what you mean, my issue is I don't even have a "standard" to base my view on. When I see another guy they just look plain. I try to look to see what people say they see and I just do not see it. I can list 100 amazing things in a woman's face, structure, eye shape, curve of their cheeks etc but I think I'm completely blind to what makes a male- even myself? Look attractive. I don't hate how I look, and I've had people say I'm attractive in different ways but I don't even see that in myself or others. Might just be what I've been exposed to and no experience related in comparing myself to other guys over the years has sheltered me from those views? Not sure.
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Active Member
Sep 1, 2017
I'm completely blind to what makes a male- even myself? Look attractive. I don't hate how I look, and I've had people say I'm attractive in different ways but I don't even see that in myself or others. Might just be what I've been exposed to and no experience related in comparing myself to other guys over the years has sheltered me from those views? Not sure.
Lol I have the same problem with myself. I have a roundey-face and a small nose from my Maori genes and I look in the mirror and go "What the hell makes me attractive?"

Personally, I think it's the beard. :p
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Well-Known Member
Respected User
Nov 16, 2017
I'm curious why the homosexual option are divided into their gendered classifications. Shouldn't the gay and lesbian options be combined into the homosexual options to keep it consistent with gender-neutral categories like straight, bi, a, or pan?
I never understood that myself, why people feel it necessary to break down homosexual into it's base components... Homosexual is both gay and lesbian, so why differentiate and/or split it up? Most likely he/she just didn't think about it when throwing the poll together...


Active Member
Sep 1, 2017
I never understood that myself, why people feel it necessary to break down homosexual into it's base components... Homosexual is both gay and lesbian, so why differentiate and/or split it up? Most likely he/she just didn't think about it when throwing the poll together...
I have a feeling that some people do that so that they can go "Ewww gays!"

Whilst at the same time going "Niiiice, Lesbians..."

Because hey, lets be hypocrites. I can't tell you the amount of times I've heard shit like that on stories and Visual Novel places and It really makes me feel like I am growing an aneurism of stupidity. If you're going to be homophobic, you could at least hate both, But noooo, obviously guys doing it is just gross, whilst chicks totally can't be gay, right?


Edit: As slayer says, Hate everybody equally!


Oct 1, 2017
I have a feeling that some people do that so that they can go "Ewww gays!"

Whilst at the same time going "Niiiice, Lesbians..."

Because hey, lets be hypocrites. I can't tell you the amount of times I've heard shit like that on stories and Visual Novel places and It really makes me feel like I am growing an aneurism of stupidity. If you're going to be homophobic, you could at least hate both, But noooo, obviously guys doing it is just gross, whilst chicks totally can't be gay, right?

It is right that the distinction in this vote is unnecessary, however in games within the Genre tags i think it is somewhat needed.
I will take a view which is not mine to make it easier for others.
Imagine a homosexual woman looking for games she finds a game tagged with homosexual content .. she thinks yay that is for me .. and then she gets only dude on dude .. that will not really be something to get her off. Same as a straight guy really wont be finding much joy in guy on guy stuff, however lady on lady basically doubles the stuff he likes to look at.

This has nothing to do with homophobia, it really is just what is enjoyable for someone, and i personally do not get off to two guys having fun. So while this vote could be adjusted, i believe at certain points the distinction is needed, especially in the porn industry.
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Jan 10, 2018
I never understood that myself, why people feel it necessary to break down homosexual into it's base components... Homosexual is both gay and lesbian, so why differentiate and/or split it up? Most likely he/she just didn't think about it when throwing the poll together...


Active Member
Sep 1, 2017
Same as a straight guy really wont be finding much joy in guy on guy stuff, however lady on lady basically doubles the stuff he likes to look at.
Don't forget the ladies. I guarantee you that around 75% of the Male/Male sexual content out there on the internet isn't even focused on gay dudes, their main intended audience is actually women, because that also doubles the stuff they like to look at.

This is really apparent in Japanese stuff. Some of it I've looked through and read and I went "It's like this stuff is written by women!"... Because everything was literally a gigantic walking stereotype of Ultra masculinity or super effeminate mannerisms... XD

This has nothing to do with homophobia, it really is just what is enjoyable for someone, and i personally do not get off to two guys having fun. So while this vote could be adjusted, i believe at certain points the distinction is needed, especially in the porn industry.
I agree. You certainly do need to advertise whether you are adding Female/Female or Male/Male content into a game, but for the purpose of a survey it isn't really necessary and only makes the scores more fragmentary. (Although that doesn't matter much here, given the scarcity of scores.)

That said, there are times when people use the above thing as bricks to throw at others. "Hah, keep the gay stuff out of here!" and et cetera is an attitude that I have seen on sites similar to this, whilst the game has Female-oriented homosexual content. You don't really see much of the reverse... which ironically is homophobic in a way. This is my point of contention, because those people really drive me up the wall. Motherfucker, Fem/Fem content is just as fucking gay as two dudes fucking, you hypocritical morons. :mad:
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Oct 1, 2017
Do you realize that for many people no matter how good a point you might make it is completely invalidated by this one sentence:
Motherfucker, Fem/Fem content is just as fucking gay as two dudes fucking, you hypocritical morons. :mad:
Whenever you resort to namecalling or insults you are hurting your own point.
Just a helpful hint for the future. :biggrin:
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Active Member
Sep 1, 2017
Do you realize that for many people no matter how good a point you might make it is completely invalidated by this one sentence:

Whenever you resort to namecalling or insults you are hurting your own point.
Just a helpful hint for the future. :biggrin:
I don't believe I have name-called anybody, though that might be up to semantics.

The only people who would feel that I have 'Invalidated' what I have said would likely already feel like I am 'Invalidated'. Y'know, because a part of me dig's guys.

Some would say that I am insulting someone, yet the most important thing is that the bee-sting of truth remains true, because what I have said is true, and my insult is birthed from truth, regardless of the manner of the words in which I arrive at the destination. Insults said from a lack-of-truth are words that hurt ones own point. I am not some mere Tumblerite or SJW, I don't pride myself on remarks without a basis.

In this case I certainly am insulting someone, but the truth of the matter is that anybody hiding on the coat-tails of a Lesbian-content game speaking homophobic retorts about male/male sex are infact, imbeciles. How can you hate one but not the other, do they not see the hypocrisy of their actions? (I do not speak of people who simply don't wish to see M/M content in a game, but of the Idiots who use the opportunity to spark tension by making Homophobic remarks.)

So I do not think that I am hurting my own point, not when I am using my insult for emphasis. In this case, emphasizing their overblown stupidity. In this, I do not feel that I am hurting myself.

Besides, they should be happy I don't pull out the Middle english. There is so much versatility in calling someone a queynte. The Ancient and medieval people of the world were not shy to use their vocabulary of rude-words in a sophisticated manner to prove their mettle in debates, so why should I not do the same?

I'm not some Victorian, after-all, nor am I a huge proponent of Political Correctness, which is as much aid as it is foe to the people of the modern world. I'll entreat idiots with my 'deductive reasoning', without caring for my brownie-points in Political correctness or whatever, and set wrongs to rights in whichever manner that I can. It's at their own decision to listen to me or not. I'll not care if the fields are barren, for such is the fuck I give to their opinions.

This has all been uttered in defence not of the tone of my words or the insults of my tongue, but in Defence of my right to call an Idiot an Idiot, for an Insult is an Insult, no matter the words, and I would verily insult such people, because If I did not then they would insult me through my own inaction in the matter. The greatest insult is not to act.

My opinion therefor, is that I don't care about insulting my opponent, so long as two or three things remain. That you speak with truth, that you speak with a level of clarity and that, even though you may oppose your enemy in a debate and that you may insult him or her in any manner, that you do not use their Avatar or personal name in the dispute, because as you have said, that will destroy your point. Do to your enemy what you would have done to you. In this case, I would not insult a person's name, because I have respect, even to those who would disrespect me.

This I feel, is the right way to debate or insult somebody.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
Do you realize that for many people no matter how good a point you might make it is completely invalidated by this one sentence:

Whenever you resort to namecalling or insults you are hurting your own point.
Just a helpful hint for the future. :biggrin:
Point to the person being called a hypocritcal moron? Now, if the comment had been directed at an individual, sure, but don't try to say that this is what that is. Furthermore, that type of hypocrisy is moronic and should be pointed out. Anyone who does take that personally and refuses to listen to reason was looking for a reason not to listen and would not have listened anyways.
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Oct 1, 2017
First off i never for a second felt that he meant me with the insult, because i never once displayed homophobia, therefore i do not believe he would have a reason to insult me.

Further, whilst you may insult someone on the basis of truth people will still choose to listen less to someone offensive and therefore your chance of actually reaching them and maybe opening their mind to new possibilities diminishes greatly.
Therefore what i said is: You want to make someone see reason you might want to choose your words carefully, because the second someone knows you offended him he will pretty much decline any input you might have to offer on principle.
It is human nature to not take advise from our enemy, basic survuval instinct i guess.

Also in Austria we have a nice saying which somewhat fits my message:
Never argue with a dumb person, they will drag you down to their elvel and then beat you with experience ;D !

Further you mention the medieval times in which they used harsh language ... i wonder why those times are also called the dark ages? ;D !

Overall to sum up the last few posts: I basically agreed that the vote could maybe have been done differntly, but i also wanted to expand that there are situations where a bit more detail is a good thing.
Further i just tried to help you to better get your point across in the future.

Much Love
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Active Member
Sep 1, 2017
Further you mention the medieval times in which they used harsh language ... i wonder why those times are also called the dark ages? ;D !


So they developed Lowercase. Can you imagine writing in all capitals, that's just barbaric.

Truly, the Early Medieval period was a time of brightness in comparison.

Further, whilst you may insult someone on the basis of truth people will still choose to listen less to someone offensive and therefore your chance of actually reaching them and maybe opening their mind to new possibilities diminishes greatly.
Therefore what i said is: You want to make someone see reason you might want to choose your words carefully, because the second someone knows you offended him he will pretty much decline any input you might have to offer on principle.
It is human nature to not take advise from our enemy, basic survuval instinct i guess.

Also in Austria we have a nice saying which somewhat fits my message:
Never argue with a dumb person, they will drag you down to their elvel and then beat you with experience ;D !
No, I get what you are saying, but I much prefer to have rude words in my assertions. It's better for stress relief that way!

People won't listen to it as much, but Oh well.

There is also a wise saying that I have heard. Talking with Idiots is like playing a game of chess with a pigeon. They will knock over all the pieces, shit on the board and think they've won.