I’d probably say closer to September-October 2022. The Dev seems to wrestle with himself when it comes to this game, and god help us if anything happens during development of Summer’s Gone that requires more attention.
You might consider lightening up.
If you've read the thread, according to Ocean, putting out this rework and the stress related impact on his life has caused him to look at his game development differently. Paraphrasing his comments, rather than his endless drive to approach perfection, he's recognized the benefits of "good enough". Now I suspect his definition of good enough will still be of impressive quality, but it does offer the potential for more frequent updates.
Given his recent history, with shingles and stress, I have no doubt that he is entirely serious about altering his approach. What I wonder is if, 3 months from now with shingles in the rearview mirror, he can maintain that view. We'll all have to wait and see.
While I'm sure there are a few exceptions, I think the vast majority of us want Ocean to release updates to both of his games much more frequently. In the meantime, how about we give the man a break? We have nothing to lose. Absolutely nothing.