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Engaged Member
Jun 23, 2017
I personally find the new approach of this point better, the fact that *only* bullying leads to the escape from wollust is now quite unlikely. There must be something more going on to provoke Katie for going full balistic towards William, especially because the cat was already out of the bag and the quality time between Willian and Leia was more or less an open secret within the family. Dylan has even lied for William in this matter.
Yea enough reworks for now.
But I have to say that WastedTalent got a point. MC and Leia seem very unlikeable in the reworked narrative for now, not to mention that MC in general seems like a stereotypical Chippendales pretty boy that is an asshole to boot. Could put people off from playing someone like that in the first place. Even if Ocean turns it around and supplies sufficient motivation it might already be too late at that point.
As I wrote in an earlier post, there has to be an "info/background story Bang" coming sooner or later. As reworked Willi and Leia are coming across, they were far from being saints, but could take one on the chin when needed. As Mortarion remarked correctly, Willi and Leia´s quality time together was more or less out of the bag. Dylan had even lied for them and in ch.2 we see Helen secretly spying on them to see what they do.
Do you believe the Twins would be so thrown by Kati spilling the details about it, that Willi fled Wollust and Leia contemplated it? Not really, I think. Whatever Kati did back then must have been big and devastating. Up to the beginning of the game the Twins and Kati never forgave each other for what she did. Whenever it is revealed what Kati did, I think it will also be something which will let reworked Kati loose a lot of current shine.


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
Willi and Leia´s quality time together was more or less out of the bag. Dylan had even lied for them and in ch.2 we see Helen secretly spying on them to see what they do.
Okay, seeing far too many people saying this now and I let it go because common sense should have kicked in sooner but nope, people still be saying it.


Dylan and Helen knowing is only the family. They literally don't matter. Katie telling them wouldn't have done anything.


The twins are quite well known outside of the family, in the community. Our dick of an MC even left a future cop naked on a kitchen counter after taking her virginity at a party.

Now, how good would it look on them if it came out that he'd left her like that because he wanted to get back to the one he was in love with, his own sister. It comes out that the twins play at incest, the game for the family.

Those twins would be social outcasts. Their family would be a laughing stock and they would have to leave their homes anyway.

Bringing shame to the doorstep.

Dylan and Helen knowing don't matter. That secret gets out it ruins the whole family.


Sep 20, 2022
Seems they weren't exactly liked. Well, he is tolerated but Leia is pretty much universally hated.

Could be anyone.
Was she always, though? They were partners in crime, as he said, so probably both were a bit Douche like. I'm reckoning she was mellow enough unless someone did something to William. A few people mention that she changed over the years, most likely into the Ice Queen we see her as. Monica calling her a bitch is expected after Leia spread the 'news'.
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Engaged Member
Jun 23, 2017
Dylan and Helen knowing is only the family. They literally don't matter. Katie telling them wouldn't have done anything.
That is exactly what I meant. Kati telling Dylan and Helen about the Twins cannot have been the reason for Willi´s flight. It must have been something bigger.

Now, how good would it look on them if it came out that he'd left her like that because he wanted to get back to the one he was in love with, his own sister. It comes out that the twins play at incest, the game for the family.
Those twins would be social outcasts. Their family would be a laughing stock and they would have to leave their homes anyway.
Bringing shame to the doorstep.
Dylan and Helen knowing don't matter. That secret gets out it ruins the whole family.
The thing is, Kati can´t have outed the Twins to the city´s population. It is clear by interaction with various people in Wollust after Willi´s return that they do not know. Esp. with Monica this would have been a topic had Willi and Leia´s secret been revealed. Some might speculate, but they do not know it.
If this part of old WIAB gets ported over, then Zoey was one of few outside the family who knew. But Zoey had no problems with "the games the Twins played", too much of a free-spirit and is one of the few friends Willi and Leia have in the city.

Blackmailed or threatend maybe? If so, question is, by who?
Well, we know that it was something Kati did, that is a fact. Willi and Leia never forgave her and when we rewind the first meeting with Kati after the return and a later discussion between the MC and Kati it is clear that she forced his flight. Were it somebody else, this would not have cut so deep and left this relation desert.
And I doubt it was blackmail or Kati just threatening to spill the beans outside the family. She would have suffered nearly as hard as the Twins, because the social backlash would not have stopped at her doorstep.
As for blackmail, the Twins were hard hitting and able to tank a lot of stuff back then, what blackmail by their "Bibi-Sis" would have been so threatening? As said, it must have been something really big or sinister to get this result.

Was she always, though? They were partners in crime, as he said, so probably both were a bit Douche like. I'm reckoning she was mellow enough unless someone did something to William.
I agree with you on this. It was only after Willi vanished that Leia started to become the ice queen of now, see the talk with Gina.
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Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
The thing is, Kati can´t have outed the Twins to the city´s population. It is clear by interaction with various people in Wollust after Willi´s return that they do not know.


That ... that's the point.

He left so she wouldn't out them.............
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Engaged Member
Jun 23, 2017
That ... that's the point.
He left so she wouldn't out them.............
As I wrote above, that does not seem to fit. Kati knowing and threatening to out the Twins to the public is a mostly empty threat. She and the rest of the family would suffer nearly as much social backlash as her older siblings. This threat might have been the dot on the I of what Kati did back then. But it cannot have been the only thing.
Willi fled by night and fog and by dialog it was because of what Kati did. Not just threatened, but did. And whatever it was it cut so deep that he left Wollust very shortly after it and it scarred Willi, which is quite clear by their first meeeting after return.

That Kati must have been doing other things too is even implied by Gina´s reply to Miru. While Gina thinks Kati´s version is a bit closer to the actual happenings than Willi´s, it also makes it clear that Willi (and Leia)´s version has merit too. Kati is not quite as innocent for all that happened as one can believe. In special since Gina does not know the hammerblow which led Willi to flee the city.

Cabin Fever

Engaged Member
Nov 23, 2018
Was she always, though? They were partners in crime, as he said, so probably both were a bit Douche like. I'm reckoning she was mellow enough unless someone did something to William. A few people mention that she changed over the years, most likely into the Ice Queen we see her as. Monica calling her a bitch is expected after Leia spread the 'news'.
I don't know how you reckon that she was mellow enough at the beginning. As it's stated outright in the reworked game already, the MC was a chick magnet even before he left, and just about any girl that got chummy with the MC would immediately be the target of Leia's wrath.


Sep 20, 2022
I don't know how you reckon that she was mellow enough at the beginning. As it's stated outright in the reworked game already, the MC was a chick magnet even before he left, and just about any girl that got chummy with the MC would immediately be the target of Leia's wrath.
Oh yeah, she's jealous for sure. But, as long as no one's after William, she'll probably be quite chilled. However, you try to target him, chat him up or even flirt with him, Leia will flip!

Cabin Fever

Engaged Member
Nov 23, 2018
Oh yeah, she's jealous for sure. But, as long as no one's after William, she'll probably be quite chilled. However, you try to target him, chat him up or even flirt with him, Leia will flip!
Did you again missed the part that the MC was a chick magnet? That means Leia was pretty much constantly on super bitchy jealous mode. And Leia isn't someone who'd just get even. She's someone who'd retaliate entirely out of proportion to ensure there's no coming back for her target.
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Engaged Member
Jun 23, 2017
I don't know how you reckon that she was mellow enough at the beginning. As it's stated outright in the reworked game already, the MC was a chick magnet even before he left, and just about any girl that got chummy with the MC would immediately be the target of Leia's wrath.
It depends on what type of chummy. As we can see Zoey, Gina, Dana or Kat are/were girlfriends of the Twins. In Dana´s case (if new WIAB retains part of the old here) she simply never told Willi Dana´s date request, which is definitely different from how she lost it during one theater play.
And Gina mentioned that Willi´s leaving of Wollust and her grief started to change Leia. For example, Gina and the Twins were quite close before the MC´s flight.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2020
It depends on what type of chummy. As we can see Zoey, Gina, Dana or Kat are/were girlfriends of the Twins. In Dana´s case (if new WIAB retains part of the old here) she simply never told Willi Dana´s date request, which is definitely different from how she lost it during one theater play.
And Gina mentioned that Willi´s leaving of Wollust and her grief started to change Leia. For example, Gina and the Twins were quite close before the MC´s flight.
To me, everything Gina says seems more like Stockholm Syndrome than that they have been "good" to her.


Engaged Member
Jun 23, 2017
To me, everything Gina says seems more like Stockholm Syndrome than that they have been "good" to her.
I see it differently. The Twins might have had few friends and friendly aquaintances with most other aquaintances only a strained relationship, but from what we can gather Willi and Leia were good friends to those few.
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Sep 20, 2022
Did you again missed the part that the MC was a chick magnet? That means Leia was pretty much constantly on super bitchy jealous mode. And Leia isn't someone who'd just get even. She's someone who'd retaliate entirely out of proportion to ensure there's no coming back for her target.
Maybe that's why they always ended up playing in the forest? Leia could at least relax then :D
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Engaged Member
Aug 19, 2019
Maybe that's why they always ended up playing in the forest? Leia could at least relax then :D
When I was a kid we didn't have computers everywhere, so most of the time we played outside it was done in the local woodland. I think my old highschool still has a lot of natural woods around its property, but most of the other locations have been cut down and redeveloped since then.

Carving our own trails through the woods, establishing routes for the bikes, that was a lot of fun. We even uncovered a 20 foot hole one year, which seemed very oddly placed. It was like a giant had scraped it out in the center of the woodland. if it had been coated with cement it would have been a great bike/skate ramp.

One of the great advantages to being in the woods was that nobody (e.g. authority figures, police, parents, whatever) could see you there. It gave a real sense of freedom. If you're also fooling around with your sister, probably even more reason to not want to be seen.
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Engaged Member
Jun 23, 2017
Maybe that's why they always ended up playing in the forest? Leia could at least relax then :D
I am really curious what Willi and Leia did there besides playing and what they cut into the treebark. That is definitely something important since not only is it a happy memory for Willi, he slept a night there.
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Engaged Member
Aug 19, 2019
I can relate. I did something similar back when I was a kid. We had a few ruins in our woodlands which were fun to adventure through, though the underground icehouse was creepy as anything
An underground icehouse? I admit that sounds both awesome and scary. Our biggest exploration happened in the late teenage years, when we found an abandoned mental hospital. It became a travel destination for folks in our age group. Hilarious seeing a group of 20-30 teenage kids freaking out over every little sound when they're exploring.

I agree with Turret, though - I want to know what was actually carved into the tree. I imagine it being something simple and stupid, like a W+L or whatever, but it would be interesting if it were something more, like actual dates or a message. I would be thrilled beyond imagining if I were able to find some evidence of my happier youthful times like that.
4.30 star(s) 186 Votes